This group of dwarves are male and female, working together, and the female dwarves carry a heavy hammer. As the leader of the dwarves said, dwarves, men and women, are good ironsmiths.

Robb's eyes automatically filter the female dwarves. It hurts his eyes too much. He waved his hand at the dwarves: "How are you, how are you doing recently?"

"Very good!" A dwarf craftsman said happily: "Thanks to the care of the master craftsman, we live very happily here. There are delicious foods and drinks here. Life is much more comfortable than where we were before. Wife and The child is also very satisfied. The orders come one by one, and our work is also very fulfilling."

Robb smiled and said, "That's good."

"It's just too many orders." The dwarf leader said: "You have ordered a lot of steam tanks with us. Miss Marian and Propo have ordered several trains. These are big guys, but we have only two thousand people. , We need a long time to build a car. Last time you told us not to dig iron by ourselves, just buy iron and use it. I didn’t understand it at the time. Now I understand. If we even have to dig iron by ourselves, Then it’s even more difficult to keep up with so many orders."

Robb smiled badly and said: "Then you should contact your fellow clan. You are not the only dwarf tribe on the Demon Continent, are you? What about the other dwarf tribes? You write to coax them. Has the scale of production been expanded?"

"This is a good way." The dwarf leader said: "The life here is so good. If you ask a few dwarf tribes to enjoy a good life together, they will definitely not refuse."

While chatting with him, Robb walked through the dwarven village and came to another passageway in the crypt. This is the passage leading to the army of monsters. It was also sealed by a large iron gate, and there was a team of dwarf warriors. Guarding by the door, when they saw Robb, they saluted together: "Master Craftsman!"

Robb said: "You are here to guard, I will go out to see what the monsters are doing."

The dwarf soldier opened the big iron gate and Robb stepped into the dark tunnel. The dwarf leader wanted to follow him. Robb turned his head and smiled: "It's okay. I'll go by myself."

The dwarf leader thought about it carefully.

Robb put the goblin costume on him, and instantly turned into that ugly goblin, and then hopped like a goblin, walking along the crypt toward the valley where the demon king's army gathered. go ahead.

As soon as he walked in, Robb saw four thousand yards ahead, a small group of kobold scouts were advancing cautiously.

The last time the Demon King was hung and beaten by Robb had been several months ago. In the past few months, there has been nothing wrong. The Demon King doubted the heart, and Robb also took the opportunity to be lazy. It started to wave, but it seemed to have concerns, and instead of sending a large army directly, it sent a scout team first.

Robb saw that these kobold scouts were supposed to be assassins by profession. They held two small daggers against the wall and moved forward quietly like a shadow, appearing very cautious. Because the waves of scout teams before them were all cleaned up by the dwarves, and none of them could go back alive, they moved very carefully.

Seeing them cautiously, for fear of being discovered, Robb thought it was very interesting, so let's tease them.

He walked forward. The kobold scouts were also slowly moving forward. After a while, the distance between the two sides was almost as far as the kobold's line of sight. Robb deliberately stomped his feet on the ground, simulating a dwarf walking. That heavy voice.

The sound spread far in the dark underground world in an instant. The group of kobolds clearly heard the sound. The whole body tightened, and the leader made a gesture. Then, the whole group of kobolds sneaked together. Brush the ground and disappear without a trace.

Of course, it's just that they think they are nowhere, but Robb can see them clearly as long as they get close to a certain distance.

"There are footsteps ahead." A kobold said in a very low voice: "It may be the footsteps of the dwarves, they are heavy."

"Just like a person."

"Then we can kill it easily."

"Huh? Now that the footsteps have stopped, the dwarf hasn't moved? What is he doing when he stops?"

"Let's take a few steps forward and see what he is doing."

The kobold scouts kept sneaking, short, moving forward gently step by step. They know that dwarves are very powerful, and even if there is only one, they can have a good time with a team of kobolds, so they must approach carefully and never be found, so that they can kill him unexpectedly.

As we walked, suddenly, a voice rang in the ears of the kobolds: "Wow!"

It was a very loud shout, and it suddenly sounded very close to the ears of the kobold scouts. The kobolds looked ahead with all their attention, carefully preparing to attack the dwarf. This is the most nervous breakdown. When I did, I would not think of a sudden yell in my ear, and my whole body tightened in fright.

Several kobold scouts jumped up at the same time, but it was a dark cave with a low ceiling. Just as a few kobolds jumped up, their heads hit the top of the cave and made a few muffled noises.

This hit was a bit heavy, and the seeds of the head were really unbearable. One scout fainted on the spot, and the others who bumped their heads were squatting on the ground holding their heads, and the remaining few seemed to be determined. The strength is better, or the reflex nerves are slower, but he didn't jump up, just turned his head in horror, trying to find out what was screaming in his ear.

However, looking left, looking right, looking forward, looking behind, nothing was seen.

"what happened?"

"do not know!"

"Is it the enemy? Why didn't you see it?"

Robb saw that they were so cute and stupid that he didn't even bother to care about them. He estimated that these dumb kobolds wouldn't make any tricks, and the dwarf leader would clean them up in a moment.

He didn't bother to care about them anymore, stepped on and walked forward, leaving these kobolds far behind him. After a while, I came to the valley where the Demon King was beaten up last time, standing halfway up the mountain and looking down, huh? The situation in Guli this time is a bit different from last time.

The last time they came, the monsters were in a hustle and bustle, huddled together in a mess, but this time, they seemed to be regular. The monsters were divided into pieces, and they looked very regular and honest.

Robb went down the mountain and passed by a few behemoths. The last time he did this, a behemoth tried to eat him, but this time, all the behemoths were obedient, without any strange actions.

"Oh, have you trained?" Robb understood it all at once.

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