After digging a piece of Okin, Robb flattened his mouth, unhappy.

Although the name of this gadget sounds awesome, it seems to be much stronger than gold, silver, copper, iron, crystal gemstones, etc., and it can be regarded as a rare ore, but it is actually only a 60-level mineral in "Black Blade". The equipment made is all of the 60 level.

The upper limit of the game level of "Black Blade" is 120.

Level 60 equipment is simply a cut in the middle and is useless.

He was about to throw this stone away, and suddenly changed his mind, hey, slow down! Fighting the black dragon is not my business alone. It is also necessary to arm the friends around me, especially Madeleine, who is so good to me, but I do very little to Madeleine.

Last time on the Path of Light, Madeleine was attacked by Da Luo Li. The Dark Sword Saint against the Light Sword Saint, the strength of the two women are actually the same, and the weapons in their hands are similar, but Madeleine lost a hand of armor. At that time, Big Lolita wore the dragon leather armor made by Robb, and suppressed Madeleine wearing ordinary black armor very uncomfortable.

It is difficult to guarantee that Madeleine will not encounter similar things in the future.

Simply use Okin to build an armor for Madeleine.

Robb flipped through the production list, and there was really a set of armor called "Okinan Defender", helmet, armor, and shield, a whole set. Forget it, a total of eighteen Arcanite ingots are needed. If you count four Arcanite ore into one Arcanite ingot, Robb needs to dig seventy-two Arcanite ore.

Seventy-two yuan, small Case, just dig it, but after Robb swung a few mining hoes, he found a very embarrassing problem. He didn't have a backpack in the game...

The game backpack can be loaded with unlimited things until the grid is full. It doesn’t care about the weight and volume of the items. It’s okay to even put dozens of elephants in a backpack, but he doesn’t have that kind of weird backpack. He only has Bags in reality, and have not yet come to dive with a bag.

This is embarrassing!

After digging four ore, he couldn't dig any more, so he held the four ore with both hands and floated back to the surface.

Just as her head emerged from the water, Madeleine shouted nervously: "Mr. Robert, you have been diving for a few minutes. How can you hold your breath for so long? I'm really worried about me. If I get up later, I will have to I jumped down to find you."

Robb smiled and said, "I am born with a relatively large lung capacity."

After all, this is a magical world, with all kinds of weird things. It is not very strange to be able to hold your breath for a few minutes, but no one doubts this sentence.

However, in the next scene, they couldn't understand. They saw Robb swim to the shore, brushing, and throwing up four big rocks, each of which was a cuboid the size of a football. The cut is square, and it looks like the four ore pieces are exactly the same size, and the standard is close.

He said to Madeleine: "Madeleine, I picked up these four stones at the bottom of the lake. They seem to be used to make good things. You can help me look at them, and I will go down and pick up a few more."

Madeleine: "Hey? What kind of stone is this?"

Robb also doesn't know if people in this world recognize "Okin" things, maybe they don't? So I didn’t say anything, and just said casually: “I don’t know what stone it is, but I think it has a strange luster and must be strange, so I picked it up and showed it to my teacher. He knows a lot. Guang, I should know what it is."

Hearing what he said, Madeleine paid attention to it, and gave a few words to the black knight next to him. The black knights walked over and moved the four stones back and placed them next to the pot of stew. Robb Dive down again.

Madeleine said: "Ah, Mr. Robert's diving action is really beautiful."

Black knights: "..."

Conte: I didn't hear, I didn't hear anything.

A few minutes later, Robb came up again, threw up four ore, and then dived again...

It went back and forth like this, over and over again, after a while, Robb caught up to seventy ore, and surrounded a huge pile of ore around the fire. This ore was the size of a football, seventy-two. It was really a huge pile, and it was built into a huge stone pier.

Soon, the ore was roasted by the fire nearby.

After the water vapor on the surface was evaporated, these ore began to emit a bright, cool blue luster.

At this moment, even people who didn't know Ojin felt that this ore was extraordinary. , Robb was putting on his clothes when he saw a magician belonging to the Black Earth Knights tapping the Arcanite Ore with his fingers, and said in a low voice: "This thing should be a treasure. Although I don't know much about it, I I have studied alchemy for a while, and have seen countless strange materials, but I don’t even know this thing."

A black knight next to him said: "When I was a child, my family was poor. My father was a ironsmith. I also learned a lot of knowledge about ore, but I have never seen this ore. It is not gold or iron. Look at its luster. It is a kind of strange metal with magical power, and it is definitely great to use it for equipment."

Both the alchemist and the miner expressed their opinions, and everyone knew that this must be a good thing, and was planning to study it more deeply.

Madeleine suddenly laughed and said: "Mr. Robert is amazing, and you can catch your baby when diving! This is all brought about by good character. People with good character have good luck. Good luck to this point. The character is also ridiculously good."

Everyone: "..."

As soon as this woman spoke, she shattered the atmosphere of academic discussion, causing everyone to lose interest in the discussion, and she was just thinking: You are the most outrageous one.

"In other words, what to do with these stones?" A black knight asked: "Although they feel they are good things, but we are marching now, there are actually such a large pile of stones, which is difficult to carry."

Robb said: "Just let me send them back to Westwind City. Anyway, we don't know what this is. Send them back to my teacher. If it's a good thing, let him deal with it."

After speaking, he took out a portal scroll from his pocket, flicked it to the side, brushed it, and opened a purple portal in mid-air, which of course led to the churchyard of Westwind City without any suspense.

The black knights couldn't help sighing: "The people coming out of Westwind City are really awesome, everyone can throw a hand to open a strategic portal. Hey, Conte, don't you carry this thing too?"

Conte said in a bit embarrassed manner: "I have too! My father...cough... My uncle was worried about my safety, so he asked Godafather for a portal scroll and asked me to take it on the expedition, saying that when I was in danger, let me Open the door for help."

The black knights are overjoyed: "If you ask for help, will Godafather come to help?"

Conte said: "Godafather scolded me with a smile, saying that he would only save my life and would not help me fight wars. Man man, you have to fight your own battles."

Black knights: "Cut! That would be boring."

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