After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 730: I have something to say

The queen said: "Don't pay attention to this guy. It seems that he can't say anything decent. Let's continue the discussion."

She pointed to the capital of the saints on the map and continued with the topic just now: "The Mondela army now has magic items like ours. Of course, Mondela does not have as many magic items as us, but behind him With the support of the Desert Kingdom and the Norma Kingdom, like the Thunder God’s Roar and Poisonous Mist used in the attack this time, they are all magic items beyond our expectations, so we must also beware. Maybe the support of the Desert Kingdom Next, it is possible that the number of his magic items is not less than ours."

The generals nodded.

The queen continued: "During a siege, the opponent’s magic items are condescending, but we can only attack from the flat ground. The difficulty is very high. You may have to push forward with the opponent’s magic items. , I think, quickly transport the thorium ore that Robert has just discovered, and let all the artisans with the army rush to make it. It will take a few days to make several shield carts. ."

Everyone felt good when they heard it, and several generals stood up: "The strength of Thorium is indeed enough to resist the opponent's magic. It is a very good plan to make a shield roof in the front."

"We can also use Thorium to reinforce the siege ram and tower to avoid being overwhelmed by their magic."

The generals expressed their opinions, and the discussion was in full swing.

At this moment, Robb raised his hand: "I want to speak."

The queen glanced at him and didn't bother to pay attention to him. You guy was crazy just now, now you are running out to speak? What kind of **** can be said? Ghostly you.

Barry next to him also quietly pulled Robb, and whispered: "Low-key, just annoyed your majesty, you have to hide now, don't jump out to scold, otherwise, even if the Grand Duke desperately protects You, Your Majesty will also take care of you."

Robb whispered: "It's okay. Her Majesty is a reasonable person. As long as my speech is really useful, she won't be angry with me."

Barry thinks about it carefully, and that's right. Her Majesty is not a faint prince, but a rare prince. It doesn't matter if a little thing provokes the queen. As long as Robb, the staff member, can come up with a really useful strategy, Her Majesty will immediately change him. of.

Barry believed in Robb's ability, and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay."

He also raised his hand: "Your Majesty, we have something to say from the Knights of the Storm."

In the name of the Knights of the Storm, Miss Queen didn't want to care about Robb, but she had to turn her head: "Well, the Knights of the Storm, what do you think?"

Barry stabbed Robb quietly.

Robb stood in front: "Ah, my opinion is this...I think it is not good to use those thorium as shield carts. We might as well use them to make a more effective magic item."

Hearing his opening remarks, the queen became interested. She knew very well that Katyusha, landmines and other things were made by Robb. This young man has a talent for magic items. He now says that he can use Thorium as a new monster. Props, maybe you can really make great things.

The queen said: "Well, what do you want to do?"

Robb said, "Use Thorium to make bombs... Well, you don’t know what bombs are. In short, they are things like landmines. When they hit it, they will explode with a bang! Let’s use another one. A magic item called a mortar, threw the thorium bomb into Mundela’s lair, and promised to blow him up to call mother."

Everyone: "..."

The queen didn't speak, but her face was very wonderful. How to describe that face, it was like a person who had been poor for a lifetime. One day, walking on the street, she finally picked up a stack of money, but someone next to her came out to mention it. Suggestion: "Let's burn the money."

The expression that Miss Queen put on now is the expression that she should have after hearing the two words "burned".

The queen was calm, and a few necromancers next to him smashed the ground and jumped to her feet: "Robert, what are you talking about? Why do you have to use Thorium to make bombs?"

"We finally got some thorium mine! How can we waste it like this."

"Although Thorium was discovered, you can't mess around like this."

A group of people called Lianlian...

The strange expression on the queen's face lasted for a while, but in the end she recovered her calmness. After all, she was a Mingjun, not a faint one, and would not veto the opinions of courtiers without understanding the whole story.

She tried to suppress her heart that wanted to lift the table, and asked in a deep voice: "What is the reason for using thorium as a bomb? If it needs to explode like a mine, we use a mixture of iron and ruby. The props and materials are already competent enough."

Robb said: "The reason is the hardness! The material mixed with iron and ruby ​​is too brittle. A small explosion will destroy it. The mortar cannot throw it far away, and it cannot be thrown from a super long distance. Go into the enemy’s city. But Thorium does not have this problem. It is hard enough and should be able to withstand the impact of the cannon without being destroyed. It can successfully fly into the enemy’s city and then use it. The rune of multiple conditional judgments stimulates it, and then explodes from the inside, using magical power to blow up the thorium shell in one fell swoop. Once it is blown up, it will become countless shrapnel flying around, and the lethality is very high. It's impressive."

Speaking of this, Robb smiled and said: "You might as well imagine that the small dagger made by Thorium shoots at the enemy all over the sky, and the picture is beautiful."

The ministers covered their faces: "The sky is full of thorium daggers. The lethality is indeed amazing, but the speed of burning money is also amazing."

Who doesn't know Her Majesty Queen Sigram's poverty-stricken and money-burning strategy, she can't afford it.

However, the ministers really underestimated Miss Queen.

Miss Queen is poor, she only poor herself, the private property of the poor king's family, but never the country, the army, or the people. If it were not for her to use her private property to develop the country, how could she be poor?

She never hesitated to invest in advanced technology and magic tools, because she had learned something from that ghost man a long time ago: science and technology are the primary productive forces, and only those who master technology can control the world.

She frowned and pondered for a while. After dozens of seconds, she raised her head and said in a very serious tone: "I need to see the sample. If it is as effective as you said, I can agree to use it. Thorium came to develop a large number of bombs. Even if all the Thorium was spent, I would not hesitate."

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