After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 758: I am an adventurer

"It's really like learning." Robb clapped next to him: "I said Miss Queen, you are not easy to learn other things, but you have learned my yin and yang weirdness by 10%."

The queen said: "Do you also know that your yin and yang are weird?"

Robb: "I always knew."

There is nothing to say with this guy who knows he has shortcomings and is still alive and well. The queen stopped talking, but quietly watched the Norma Kingdom's army retreat.

Sigram's troops chased them symbolically, then retreated, and watched the troops of the Norma Kingdom go away.

They are indeed tired now, and many people in this unit were improvised after the Queen’s speech. Now that the enemy has been driven away, the problems that everyone has to face are still piled up.

By the way, there is still a troop in the city, fighting stubbornly!

This unit belongs to the Archbishop of the Chapel of Light, the Knights of the Temple.

The number is not large, because the Knights of the Temple to which the Bright Chapel belongs has also experienced several divisions. Bishop Elsie led three hundred of them and joined Westwind Town. Four years ago, the Queen lost a lot when she captured the Road of Light.

Therefore, this knights of the temple was not dazzling in this battle, and was even ignored.

After Mondela’s defeat, the Knights of the Temple wanted to escape, but hundreds of people, all from the Holy See of Light, wanted to escape the city so easily. They were trapped in the city by Sigran’s troops. , Has not been able to kill it.

I had hoped that they might be able to clear the siege after the army of the Norma Kingdom came over. However, the army of the Norma Kingdom has now retreated, and there is no chance to take them out.

The knights of the temple had no choice but to fight against the trapped beasts.

Number One walked to the Queen and whispered: "Your Majesty, are you going to kill all the Knights of the Temple?"

The queen glanced at Robb next to him, and then sighed: "I can't kill it. If I order it, the ghost man standing next to him will betray and help the enemy in the next instant."

Number one froze.

Robb said: "Hey, am I so fickle?"

The queen said: "You are not fickle, you have not changed, you can't see meaningless killing."

Robb spread his hands: "Well, you're right. These people from the Knights of the Temple, especially the grass-roots soldiers, did not make a big mistake. They just believed in their gods religiously, and then they were used by lusty bad guys under the guise of It’s just a matter of tricking them to stand aside in the name of God. Killing them all is too frantic. It doesn’t conform to the main theme of the times. It’s better to arrest them all. Let’s go to reform through labor. If you look at them annoying, my Westwind Prison can accept them."

The queen said: "It's nice to say, I just want to add some population to my city."

"That's wrong. My Westwind City no longer needs to use this method to grow its population." Robb said seriously: "I really think that killing does not solve the problem, the real way to solve the problem. Is to change their thinking."

The queen approved this statement, waved her hand, and walked into the city with an amplified magic prop. Standing in front of Mondela’s palace, she said loudly to the stubborn Knights of the Temple: "The people inside are listening. , You have been surrounded... Your reinforcements have also been repelled, and now you have only a dead end in resisting, I advise you to lay down your weapons and surrender immediately... We will not do anything to you, we will only find the culprit In the trial, the rest can be dealt with lightly."

When I said this, the Knights of the Temple were also a surprise. They thought they would be dead if they fell into the hands of Sigran, but they did not expect such a turning point. The reputation of the Queen of Sigran is surprisingly good. She spoke very strongly, saying that if she didn't kill them, then she would definitely not kill them.

The weapons in the soldiers' hands fell to the ground, and the fighting spirit was disintegrated.

However, the archbishop quietly stepped back and withdrew from the crowd. He knew that other people could surrender, but he could not surrender. The small video of the secret discussion with the devil had already been circulated in Siege. Saying to find the culprit and put it on trial, isn’t that just trying to judge him?

Ordinary soldiers may be fine, but he must be a dead end, so he must take advantage of the situation now.

The archbishop got into the drainage ditch of the palace and climbed a long distance. He didn't know that his current escape route was the same route as the Mondela escape route not long ago.

Finally slipped out of the palace, got into the sewage ditch of the city, crawling around in mud, finally got into the slum area, and then slipped from the slum area to the east gate. Because of the white lion knights entering the city, the east gate After it was opened, there was no one to control here. Many ordinary people rushed out of this city gate to avoid fighting. Now the city gate is also in chaos, and no one cares if a fat man covered in mud goes out from the crowd.

The archbishop walked quickly, fled quickly, escaped from the city, and ran up the hillside.

Suddenly, he found a few people sitting under the tree in front of them, their heads drooping, and their chests covered with blood. One of them, although his entire face lost his blood, could still be recognized. It was Mondela.

After he escaped from the city, he was killed here?

The archbishop was shocked, and ran away.

However, as soon as he turned his head, he bumped into a sturdy body. This man was wearing a steel armor, like an iron tower. The archbishop hit him, and he was dizzy and he held his head and stepped back. When he fixed his eyes, It was announced that this was a soldier, who did not seem to be very determined, and had no military temperament.

The archbishop immediately understood: "Adventurous?"

The man smiled and said, "Yes, I am an adventurer, named Golda! Look, the archer over there is named Keike, and there is also a mage here named Xuelu."

He pointed his finger and stood a little further away, posing with him two teammates in the front and back triangle battle formation.

The archbishop whispered in his heart, but there was a smile on his face: "It turns out to be an adventurer. That's great. I have money. I will give you a lot of money. I entrust you to **** me to the Kingdom of Norma, and I will give it to you. Two hundred gold coins, no, three hundred!"

Golda smiled and said: "Sorry, we never accept commissions from bad guys, especially those commissioned by people who want to harm us with conspiracy, that will never accept them."

He chuckled and said, "Moreover, we also placed a commission for ourselves, that is, none of the people who harmed us with the devil can run away."

The archbishop was taken aback. He now knew who Mondela killed him. It was obvious that it was these three people in front of him. He quickly raised his scepter, but before he had time to cast any magic, Kik shot his throat with an arrow, and then Xuelu's fireball flew over and hit him in the face, Golda's hand Raising the sword and falling, a sword chopped off his head.

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