After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 773: You can't even understand literature

The two elders threw to the ground with a "puff", and bowed forward in frustration: "You are great! We are willing to bow down."

Elder West Wind laughed triumphantly: "Hahaha, do you know that you're going down the wind? Hahaha!"

After the two elders had confessed their defeat, they quickly picked up the book and read it. After reading a few pages, a strange color appeared on their faces. They closed the book and said to Robb: "Mr. Lord of Westwind City..."

"I am not a lord, just a civilian." Robb said: "Or, you can call me Archdruid."

"Oh, okay, Archdruid, we have a question." The two elders said: "We just read the book "The Forest Covered with Black Pine", and it feels...cough... its level fact, that's it. Such a book can actually sell five hundred copies. Are our knowledge of literature, cough, is our understanding of the world really a bit outdated?"

Robb laughed: "Perhaps it really is, I'll show you another book."

He swiped and flung out a novel, "Eight Centimeters Per Second". This is a novel written by a noble lady in Westwind City. She talked about her beloved man. She went to the Magic School of Bright Road to practice fire magic. She herself Put the man on the train and watched him leave. The road was blocked by heavy snow, and the train drove very slowly, with a speed of only eight centimeters per second.

The man poked his head out of the train window and promised her that he would be successful in his studies and that he would come back to marry her when he became a "court magician".

The man worked desperately on the Bright Road, trying to become a "court magician", however, the man's magic talent was really not good, and he failed again and again, and was rejected by the court magic group again and again.

But he was not discouraged. In order to become a court magician, he even stepped forward to fight the Dark Vatican!

Now the girl is still waiting for him! Waiting for a certain day, the train will bring the beloved man back and get married with her.

The two elders turned a few pages, and they were moved unconsciously. This book is beautifully written, and the key is the young love flavor of the heroine in the book, and the hero's attitude towards love. Let them look so hard to stop, of course, the two didn't know who the protagonist's prototype was. If they knew it, they would surely vomit blood and die.

The two couldn’t help making a case together and exclaiming: “This is great writing, this is real literature... But... what is a train? By the way, what is the cake mentioned in the book? There is also a waterwheel... oh , Here is also written that the hero and heroine eat pudding, what is pudding?"

Robb laughed and said: "Look, the outside world is changing with each passing day, but you are living in seclusion in the mountains, and you have enough of the world to start not enough. You can't even understand the words in the literature. I'm sure, it will be dozens more. In 2012, when you picked up a book written by someone else, you can no longer understand what is written in it. By then, will you become illiterate?"

When these words were spoken, the two elven elders suddenly sweated profusely.

This is really no joke!

As the outside world changes like this, they are likely to pick up the books and can't understand anything, so what?

The elves can have their heads broken, blood can flow, only literature cannot be thrown away.

Robb took out several books from his bag and threw them in front of them: "Look at these books, and you can talk about your feelings."

The two elf elders picked up the book, flipped through them, and then shook their heads at the same time: "What kind of garbage is this, how can this kind of garbage publish books?"

Robb smiled and said: "Yes, you read it right. These books are all **** books, and they are sold very few. There is even one that only sells less than a hundred copies, but...this kind of book is also sold now. Out, crazy trial and error. Why? Because the printing industry has just begun to rise, people have a strong desire to read, but there is not enough high-quality content to provide them. Therefore, businessmen print all kinds of garbage and try If you sell it to the people, you will make a lot of money if you sell it, and you will lose a little if you can't sell it... So there are these junk books."

The two elders were thoughtful: "You mean that there are very few people who can write books now, and people need content creators."

"Yes!" Robb smiled and said, "Are you envious of Elder Xifeng for publishing a book?"

This question was completely for nothing, and the two elders pointed their heads like chickens pecking rice.

Robb said: "If you want to publish a book, just come! I can provide you with the opportunity to publish a book, and you can also write a book and spread your literature. Isn't this beautiful?"

At this moment, the two elves were no doubt confused!

"Go to Westwind City! Publish a book! We also want to spread literature."

"That is, the book we wrote must sell better than the book written by Elder Westwind."

The elder Xifeng was furious: "Fart, you can't exceed my achievements. I am not only a literary artist, but also a film artist. I have fully blossomed in the field of art. You two will only squat in the forest. That's a idiot, enough to learn from me."

The expressions of the two elders froze immediately: "What is film art?"

"So you are stupid and want to surpass me. It's too early."

"Who is afraid of Who? We learn things very fast, as long as we enter Westwind City, we will do what you know, and we will do what you don't."

"Come on, get up, I'm writing a new book, and you guys should write it too. Let's compare whose new book sells better."

The two elves from Baiyang Forest and White Birch Forest moved out of the forest and entered Westwind City.

At the same time, there are many secluded, kind and upright races in the famous mountains and rivers, deep mountains and old forests in the Kingdom of Gran, who are currently experiencing the same problem.

The monsters that kept pouring into the deep mountains squeezed the place where these kind and upright races lived. They were forced to run out of their old homes where they had lived in seclusion for thousands of years. Then, they were warmly welcomed by mankind.

The Kingdom of Gran, which is developing rapidly, has shown great welcome to the elves and dwarves who are good at magic and craftsmanship. The elves invite them to make magic props and alchemy, and the dwarves invite them to be craftsmen and skilled people. , In this thriving country, is needed!

Before long, the spirit of the wind who lived in the cave of the wind moved east to the original stone canyon.

The dwarf tribe living in Tianhua Canyon also came to Westwind City.

In the eastern part of the Gran Kingdom, the elves who lived in the forest of elves ran out and entered the White Lion City.

Many elves and dwarves, who had never known their existence before, have sprung up in various regions. Their arrival has greatly accelerated the rapid development of the Gran Kingdom and formed a beautiful positive cycle.

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