After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 801: Why are you stunned?

Robb’s actions were as fast as an electric flash. In an instant, he stabbed a large spear shadow that could not be seen clearly at the giant elephant. His people seemed to have turned into many individuals in an instant, and suddenly appeared in The giant elephant stabs two spears on the left side, and suddenly appears on the right side of the giant elephant.

This is a very common picture in the game. The big move of agile professions. Many games have such animation effects. Anyway, the player will be transformed into a phantom, playing around the target, and you can’t see the figure. Nanta.

The same is the "violent tropical jungle". When a real eagle warrior is cast, it is limited by the speed of the human body. It is impossible to be so fast and beautiful. The eagle warrior's ultimatum was brought into play to the point where people couldn't stop watching.

At that moment, there seemed to be several Robbs attacking the giant elephant from all directions at the same time, and the picture effect was full!

After a few seconds, Robb's figures were all gathered together, swiping the ground, and forming a single person, and finally made a handsome closing action, thrusting the spear to the ground, with his back facing the target.

The colossus froze and did not move. After several seconds, it collapsed and fell to the ground with a splash of dust.

Everyone forgot to cheer, and they all froze.

It took a few more seconds before I heard Robb spit out in a weird tone: "What kind of ghost class, the action of the kill action must be in this dirt victory pose..."

He took the victory posture, and while complaining about the graphic designer, he turned around, and said to the Maya who were stunned next to him: "What is it? Clean up the battlefield!"

Maya: "Oh! Hey?"

The giant elephant fell and the elephant herd lost its leader. The ordinary long-haired elephants panicked, and many elephants began to run away. Although the Maya wanted to chase them, they suffered a lot of injuries when they fought against the giant elephants. They had been beaten long ago and now they have no energy to chase the elephants when they want to retreat.

What remained on the battlefield were the corpses of a giant elephant and five ordinary elephants, as well as a Maya who was injured.

The professions of the two patriarchs, "sorcerers", have both offensive magic and recovery magic. They belong to that kind of supernatural legal profession. The two began to cast spells to treat the soldiers' injuries.

As a result, the wounded eagle soldiers began to stand up one after another.

The first action after these fighters stood up was to pay attention to Robb, because Robb’s set of "raging tropical jungle" that was gorgeous to the point just now almost perfectly performed the profession of the eagle warrior to this world. There can be no better Eagle Warrior than him.

For these Mayans, whose cultural forms are relatively primitive, it is a natural instinct to worship the strong.

Countless eagle warriors knelt down to the huge mountain corpse of the giant elephant, roaring in unintelligible prayers in their mouths, mixed with Godafather, Godafather, Godafather with substandard pronunciation...

Even if Robb didn't understand Maya, he knew that they were admiring Godafather for being great. After defeating such a powerful giant elephant, his heart of worship was so expressive that he couldn't express it at all, so he had to keep humming.

The two patriarchs walked side by side in front of Robb and gave him a solemn gift: "Great white eagle warrior! Your strength has opened our eyes."

"Well, it's easy to talk." Robb replied casually, being worshipped too much, and now he is immune to being worshipped, and he has no feeling.

The two patriarchs thanked him, then turned their heads and glanced at each other, their brows pricked up again: "You, blame you, you are the one who attracted the colossus. If Godafather were not here, we would be dead. NS."

The two pointed at each other's noses and cursed at the same time.

Polar patriarch: "You sneaked into our territory to hunt the mammoths, so that's why the elephant king would get revenge."

Patriarch Gada: "It's you who sneaked through my territory and traded elephant hides with Godafather. If you don't follow the rules first, we will sneak into your territory."

Polar patriarch: "Godafather is not yours. What's the problem with our dealing with him? It's you who want to monopolize the deal with them."

Patriarch Gada: "Godafather was just south of our tribe when he came to Maya. It wasn't that I deliberately moved the village and got stuck among you. You need him to trade, make a detour, why secretly get from the middle of my turf? Drill?"

"Go around!" The polar patriarch angered: "The east is the sea, and the west is the big cliff. How can I go around? If I don't wear it from your house, I fly?"

Chief Gada: "That's my shit!"

The two people quarreled fiercely, arguing and arguing, the two were about to fight again, and the chief Gada said: "There is a kind of screaming, come, summon the eagle warriors, come to fight again, the losing tribe Merge into each other."

The polar patriarch said: "Whoever is afraid of, come and come."

The two began to roll their sleeves, ready to go.

The translator kept telling Robb about the content of their quarrel. Robb couldn’t laugh or cry. When the two were almost quarreling and ready to fight, Robb stretched out his hand and put one hand on one’s shoulder. , Smiled and said: "Stop arguing, listen to me."

As soon as he put his hands up, the two patriarchs felt as if they had a huge boulder on their shoulders. They couldn't move the whole person. Naturally, they couldn't quarrel anymore. They had to turn their heads and look at Robb together: "You tell me, You speak! Before you speak, take your hands away, oops, the old bones are going to be scattered."

Robb said, "Is there any indispensable contradiction between your two races?"

"Yes!" The polar patriarch pointed to the nose of patriarch Gada: "This guy robbed my wife when he was young."

Chief Gada also pointed to the nose of the Polar Chief and said, "This guy robbed my wife when he was young, but I didn't steal him."

Robb: "What the hell?"

The two were arguing, the translator was sweating and followed the translator. After a long time, Robb finally understood that when they were young they had a fight for a girl. Primitive tribes, primitive plots, women like strong ones. Man, these two people have a fight, and the girl sees one of them wins, so she gets along with him.

I didn't expect the two to fight again two days later. The former loser has now won. The girl saw, oh, the wrong person was chosen last time, it doesn't matter, I will correct it immediately and get back to the winner.

Then the two of them had nothing to do with each other. The girl would be good with this one at a time, and with that one at the same time, taking the two patriarchs to sleep in turn...

In fact, the woman was right. The rules of the tribe were like this. The culture of the primitive society did not require a woman to follow the four virtues. It was also in line with tribal customs to sleep with the strong, and there was nothing wrong with it. No one could vomit her.

However, these two patriarchs carried them forever like this.

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