After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 804: Reinforcement of Norma

Elsie and his party went back to the mine first. Although they really want to stay with Robb to mine, especially Elsie, who likes to brush his face, must live and die by Robb’s face to be familiar with each other, but this time it’s really a bit uncomfortable. The mountain spreads. With a powerful evil spirit, it's okay to only stay on it for a while, if you stay on it for a long time, you really can't hold it.

Robb waited for them to go back, then picked up the small mining **** again and continued digging.

He suddenly discovered that mining in the real world is quite convenient.

In the game, the ore is gone as soon as it is dug. I don’t know how long it will take to wait until the next time it is refreshed. But in the real world, if a vein is found, there will not be only one ore in it, but there will be a lot of ore. You can hang up a machine here, you don't need to run around like in the game.

Robb simply lay on the side of the mine, used mining skills ×N times, and then went to sleep, no matter what!

At the same time, to the east of the thorium mine in the Norma Kingdom, the sea.

Three three-masted galleons approached the shore aggressively. There is a small port in the Norma Kingdom on the shore, but after the last time Miss Queen helped the Mayans to drive away the Norma, the port was no longer managed.

The Queen’s people have not had time to arrive, and the Mayans have no interest in the seaport, so the port has been abandoned for a while, and now the Norma people have returned aggressively.

Soldiers jumped down on the three large ships, each with two hundred people on board. After a while, a full 600 people piled up in the port, the first general, wearing heavy iron armor, carrying a huge shield, and long. The sword looks majestic.

He said loudly to the soldiers: "Listen well, everyone! A mythril mine that our Norma Kingdom found in the New World was taken over by the **** Glen Dog. All we have to do now is to take that mine back. , Moreover, Glen Dog has dug another mithril mine not far away, and we are going to grab that mine together. Control all the mithril mines and let Glen Dog play with iron."

"Norma Forever!"

"Norma Forever!"

The soldiers coaxed together, and the group was angry.

It turned out that a few days ago, the Norma, whom Robb and Miss Queen had driven away, immediately contacted the rest of the nearby colonies after escaping.

When the Gran Kingdom was busy with the Civil War, the Norma Kingdom had been operating in the New World for a long time, and several colonies were opened. In the north and south coastlines, they managed and managed several colonies, and there were many large sailing ships passing by. Between these colonies.

Therefore, they mobilized three large sailing ships at a very fast speed, carrying a troop of six hundred men, to retaliate.

The soldiers rested at the port for a while, and then rushed to the mine as quickly as possible.

However, when they rushed to the mine, they discovered that there was not even a single figure in the mine, and even the mithril ore that had been dug up could not find a piece of mine. There were only a few abandoned mines and a pile of messy. Footprints.

It turns out that it is impossible for such a large-scale troop to enter the jungle to hide from the Maya. The Maya eagle warriors have long used the "swift footwork" that is faster than galloping horses to inform the workers in the mine and the Queen's sister to stay. The several persons in charge here evacuated as quickly as possible, and even removed all the ore that had been dug up.

The leading knight said: "Shameful Glen Dog, he ran away when he heard the news that we were coming."

A pastor of the Holy See of Light came over and whispered: "General, what shall we do now? Guard this mine, and wait for the follow-up troops?"

The knight shook his head: "According to the guard, there is a shit. It is meaningless to stay in such a broken place. We must take advantage of the fact that the follow-up troops of Glen Dog have not arrived to achieve greater results."

The priest nodded.

The two of them opened a map with a simple map of the neighborhood, which is much simpler than the one drawn by Sofa. However, the map marked the location of the mine site in Westwind City, as well as the Gada tribe, Polar tribes, and the location of several small tribes around.

The priest said: "General, where shall we fight first?"

The knight looked carefully on the map for a long time, and said: "Glan Dog’s mithril mine should not be easy to play. After they abandon the mine that they snatched from us, they will definitely shrink all their main forces. In that mine, the strength is definitely not weak. If we attack there, the casualties will definitely be high. It's not as good as..."

He pointed his finger at the village of the Gada tribe: "This village is the Mayan natives who joined the Gran Dog to attack us last time. When the dogs were in the mine, no native eagle warriors could help them."

The priest felt reasonable. According to intelligence, this small Mayan village had only 300 eagle fighters in its heyday. After a few battles, the number of fighters should be reduced to only 200. This time Norma came to six. A hundred fighters are more than enough to deal with two hundred eagle fighters.

Without hesitation, the two led the troops and marched into the depths of the jungle.

However, they didn't get far before they heard a muffled grunt. The last soldier walking in the army suddenly fell softly and foamed out of his mouth, which was obviously poisoned.

The knight smiled and said, "These Mayans will only play this kind of yin, priest, quickly detoxify."

The priest nodded, with a detoxification technique and another healing technique, pulling up the soldier who had just fallen to the ground.

But at the same time, there was a sudden chaos of arrows in the jungle. The soldiers of the Norma Kingdom were shocked. They hurriedly put up their shields. After a sound of tuk tuk, most of the arrows were blocked, but there were still some. Several people fell to the ground with arrows.

Someone shouted: "Eagle Warrior!"

"The number is still quite large."

"I'm afraid there are no fewer than five hundred people."

"How is this possible? There should be only two hundred eagle warriors in the Gada tribe."

"There are other tribes. Look, those **** eagle warriors have different headdresses. They are from another tribe."

"The ones wearing wolf clothes are from the polar tribes."

"Damn, these natives actually formed an alliance."

The warriors secretly cried out that the eagle warrior's individual combat effectiveness is not weak, especially in the jungle. Many of their combat skills can be used with the help of trees, which is even more terrifying.

When there are more people and fewer people, these Norma fighters are not afraid of the Eagle fighters, but when the number of people is equal, or when the number is down, they will be very obedient. Not only can they not be beaten, but even escape is a problem. Because of the swift pace of the eagle warrior, the speed can chase the horse.

"General, what should I do?"

"Fak, these natives!"

The general angrily said: "Withdraw, withdraw to the port."

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