After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 818: We live well here

The Iron Horse Knights fled, and the West Wind Warriors did not chase them much. Instead, the Eagle Warriors chased them far away, constantly shooting arrows and harassing the Iron Horse Knights, making the Iron Horse Knights scorched.

However, they ran away, and suddenly discovered that the West Wind Warriors were not chasing them, only a group of natives were still chasing themselves, so the Knights of the Iron Horse turned around and took a countercharge, and drove the Eagle Warriors into the jungle again.

The eagle fighters had to give up the pursuit and returned to the small town of the mine.

The mining town has returned to peace, and the next problem is the acceptance of a large group of refugees.

The number of soldiers brought by the exiled knights is about 20 or 30, not many. This group of people is easy to settle. A few miner’s dormitories can be used to entertain them, and the more than 200 Mayan refugees they brought can be better settled. However, these refugees have only experienced slave life for a few years, and they have very low requirements for living conditions. They have a place to sleep without rain, and have a bite of food to eat. If they don’t beat them, they will feel very satisfied. .

Elsie took a few of his men to prepare food and accommodation for these people.

The exiled knight and his soldiers were more conscious, knowing that their identity was very sensitive, and they simply took the initiative to follow Elsie's back, placing themselves where Elsie could see, avoiding being wary and suspicion.

They followed Elsie for a few steps, and immediately found that the town planning of the mining town was really good, the streets were wide, the houses were neat, and all the houses were neatly built in rows.

The Norma Kingdom had only developed a colony at this time for four or five years. Most of the houses in their colony were made of wood, and occasionally some were made of stone. They were all relatively rudimentary, but the houses in this small mining farm The house is almost entirely built of bricks, and the exterior walls are painted with lime and cement. It looks neat and beautiful.

"Your living environment here is so good?" The knight couldn't help but asked in surprise: "How did so many bricks and cement come across the ocean? How many transport ships were dispatched?"

Elsie couldn't help being happy: "There's no use of a ship, we have a strategic-level portal, and I opened the door and delivered it directly."

The knight was taken aback: "Strategic-level portals are often only used by the upper side when they are fighting. How can you use them at will?"

Elsie chuckled and didn't explain.

Although the knight had heard some things about Westwind City, he didn't hear much, and Elsie's laugh was really unfathomable.

He followed Elsie to a row of miner’s dormitories. Elsie asked the dormitory administrator: "How many houses are still vacant here?"

The manager replied: "The last row of dormitories over there is now all empty."

It turned out that considering the future expansion of the mining farm town, many dormitories were repaired, and they couldn't be used all at all, and many of them were empty.

Elsie led the knights and his party to the row of empty dormitories, and said with a smile: "This row of dormitories, you can arrange to live in, Mr. Knight has a room for one person, and the other soldiers have a room for four. Settle down temporarily, and then You can eat, wear and live, and then slowly readjust."

The knight glanced at this row of dormitories, which were all built of brick and cement, and thought to himself: Is this still a temporary residence for me? This is better than the house I lived in the original colony. Listen to what Elsie said, will you arrange a better place for me in the future?

He felt surprised in his heart, and the soldiers under him, seeing this kind of "high-end" dormitory, were completely embarrassed. This Nima, the houses they used to live in the colony were all cabins, but he didn't expect to live in exile now. Instead, the grade has become higher.

When they were in a daze, a group of Maya people walked by. These Maya people were all from the Gada tribe. They were the Maya tribe that Robb came into contact with when he came to this new world. So, these people are in The working time in the mining town is also a bit long.

Working here for a long time means being rich.

They all wore cotton clothes like the Granites. If their skin color were not brown, the knight could not even believe that they were Maya.

I saw that each of these Mayans was holding a metal lunch box in his hand. The lunch box was filled with food, including potatoes, bread, greens, and even a few slices of bacon. It seemed that the food was really good.

The knight was dumbfounded for a moment, and the soldiers under him showed embarrassment. It turned out that when they were in the previous colony, they did not eat as good as these Mayans.

They couldn't help turning their heads to look at Elsie, with a questioning look on their faces.

Elsie smiled and said: "These are the workers in our mine. Their job is to dig the ore deep in the mine, and then carry the ore onto a small mine cart, because the work under the mine requires a lot of physical strength and risk. , Not seeing the sun is harmful to health, so they are especially given high wages and high benefits to ensure that they eat well."


His men: "..."

Elsic said, "Huh? What's the matter with you? A look that we are so good to the Mayans? It's strange! Didn't you help them escape from the colony because of your sympathy for the Mayans? See you? When the Maya live well with us, you should be filled with comfort."

The knight squeezed out a very reluctant smile: "That is, I am very pleased."

But the soldiers under him all spit out: "They live a better life than us. We need their sympathy now, ah ah ah ah, give me bacon ah ah ah ah!"

While Elsie was dealing with the poor group of exiled Norma...

At the entrance of the town, more than two hundred Mayan refugees who have just entered the town are looking at this new city with anxiety.

They have been tortured by white people for several years, and now they are wary of other white people except the exiled knight, watching the Westwind fighters with a vigilant eye, for fear that they will treat themselves like the Norma.

At this time, an eagle warrior of the Gada tribe walked up to them: "Which tribe are you from?"

An old man emerged from the refugees and whispered: "We are from the Yayata tribe in the south."

"Oh, I know the Yayata tribe." The eagle warrior said: "Your tribe doesn't seem to be too big. There seem to be more than 500 people in total."

"Before there were more than five hundred people." The old man sighed, "Now there are only two hundred people. The others are all dead, all killed by the Norma, or exhausted to death in the colony."

The eagle warrior was taken aback.

"You are here... live..." the old man asked cautiously: "How is your life?"

The eagle warrior patted him on the shoulder: "Don't be afraid, we live very well here, and you will know soon. Look, the guy named Godafather is coming over. He just needs to speak to make sure you breathe a sigh of relief. "

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