After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 828: Don't go to the mountains in the northwest

The westbound journey came to the ninth day!

Robb and his party have been surrounded by rain. Heavy rain, light rain, moderate rain pulling a white line, anyway, all kinds of rain, if it were not for magic, such a rain forest would never be able to stay in it for nine days. . He felt deeply the pain of human beings when they developed the rain forest.

At noon that day, a group of people came to a small Maya tribe, hidden in the depths of the jungle, unremarkable, uncontested, but now, it has been reduced to ruins.

All thatched huts in the village were burned down. They weren't burned by ordinary fires. Because it was raining all the time, it would be difficult for ordinary fires to burn anything. The village was completely destroyed by fire magic. The light particles remaining with fire magic have not completely dissipated.

There are corpses everywhere on the ground. There are men, women, old people, and children. There are at least two hundred people. In the eyes of the Norma, the Maya have no human rights, and they are even worse than livestock, so they killed Maya. People will not be merciful at all when they come. No matter the old people or children, they will get a butcher knife without any psychological pressure.

When the scout eagle soldier led Robb and his group to this village, the expression on his face was full of anger, his eyes were burning with anger, Robb sighed lightly, stretched out his hand, and countless daytime angels descended from the sky. , Throwing bird feathers, Throwing bird feathers...

After a while, the Mayans who fell to the ground sat up.

Rebirth after death, these people are obviously a little confused, and they don't know the situation. When they saw Robb and his group, they looked for weapons in horror.

Robb’s beautiful translator, Bai Lu, hurriedly said, "Don’t panic! We are not in the same group as those who have harmed you."

She explained with several eagle fighters that it took a long time to calm down the Maya in this village.

However, it took a while before I asked them clearly what happened.

Bailu turned his head and said to Robb: "Yesterday before sunset, the Norma came here and found this Mayan village. The eagle fighters in the village clashed with the Norma to protect the village. They killed them all. Men, women and children, none of them remained."

Robb shook his head: "It's cruel!"

Bai Lu froze for a while. When Robb continued to speak, she didn't expect Robb to stop. She couldn't help wondering: "That's it? Don't you ask how many people there are in Norma?"

"Ask what does this do?" Robb smiled: "How many people are not all the same."

White Deer: "..."

She hasn’t seen Robb’s combat effectiveness. It’s not surprising to have such a question. Since Robb didn’t ask, she had to take the initiative to say: "The Norma expedition has more than 500 people. A strong team, but our team only has dozens of people. If we fight head-on, we have no chance of winning. These Maya villagers persuaded us to run quickly. They also want to leave here, and they don’t dare to stay here anymore. The sanctuary of the tribe."

"Oh!" Robb smiled: "You tell them to walk east for nine days to join the Gada tribe."

Bai Lu nodded and conveyed Robb's words, but he was still a little bit suspicious about Robb's not nervousness at all.

At this time, an old wizard from the village came over and spoke to Robb.

Bai Lu said: "He said that the Norma people went to the mountains in the northwest. He said that we are good people, so he advised us not to follow the Norma people to the northwest, especially not to enter the mountains, which is very dangerous. There is only one dead end when people get in."

Robber was happy: "You continue to translate, I'll have a good chat with him."

(Below the default translation girl is in translation status)

Robb turned to the old wizard: "What is the danger in the northwest?"

The old wizard just shook his head: "I don’t know. Our clan has passed down the old traditions. Don’t go to the mountains in the northwest. As for what’s in the mountains, the previous patriarch didn’t tell me. He just asked me to restrain the villagers and never go in. We have been abiding by this rule for generations."

"Oh?" Robber said, "Maybe your ancestors made a mistake?"

The old wizard whispered: "The ancestors will certainly not be mistaken. Our eagle warriors occasionally hunt next to the mountain range, and can hear the deep and thick strange roar from inside, and occasionally they can see the mountain. The **** shadow, there are huge monsters in it, very huge kind, this must not be wrong. Yesterday the bad guys slaughtered the village and forced me to tell if there were any strange stones nearby, so I lied to them and said, There were good stones in that mountain range, and then they killed me... They are all bad guys and they will definitely die in the mountains. But you are good people and saved the lives of all the people in our village. I must remind you not to go There."

Robb smiled and said, "Thank you old man. Your information is very useful to me. You can quickly lead the villagers away. There will definitely be Norma passing by here."

The old wizard saluted and thanked him, and then took his people away.

Bailu translated the dialogue throughout the whole process, and also understood what the old wizard said. She climbed up the treetops, looked northwest, and then fell to the ground. She said to Robb: "There is indeed a mountain range in the northwest. The magnificent kind that occupies the ground. Active and wide, you can't see the head at a glance. The old wizard said that there are giant monsters in it, and we can only pass by this mountain..."

Robb smiled and said, "Okay, it's decided! Go into the mountain."

Bai Lu almost fell to the ground: "Hey? Godafather! Didn't you hear the advice of the old wizard just now?"

"I heard it. I also thank him for providing important information." Robb said with a smile: "According to the common sense of expedition, the more dangerous the place, the rarer ores there will be."

White Deer: "..."

Robb clapped his hands and said to everyone: "Go, let's go, ready to enter the mountain, but the scout should not disperse, everyone will act with me."

In this rain forest, his sight was blocked by the jungle, and Robb's reconnaissance skills were useless. He could only rely on the eagle warriors to continuously reconnaissance and send intelligence back. Therefore, when they came out this time, the Eagle Warriors had been far away from the team, and they swayed in the jungle around the team to help the team detect them, but they were about to enter a dangerous mountain range. Robb couldn't let them go out to detect them, just in case. If he was ambushed by some monster in the jungle and swallowed it in one bite, Robb didn't even know that the resurrection technique would be useless.

Therefore, he had to take all the scouts back, so that the team would move forward in the dark.

But Robb didn't care, just touch the dark, unless he touched the black dragon's lair, there was nothing to be afraid of.

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