After half a day, Robb and his party finally caught up with the Norma.

However, the Norma did not find Robb and others, because in places with good vision, Rob could use reconnaissance skills to monitor them from a distance, while in places with bad vision, Robb and his group contained eagle warriors. , Can follow the Norma in the jungle unconsciously.

The ruthless colonial policy of the Norma towards the Mayans determined that no eagle fighters would help them. In this rain forest, without the help of eagle fighters or Amazon fighters, they would be blind, or they would be aware of it. Don’t be too simple to follow them.

Sure enough, this group of Norma people is well prepared. In the 500-strong army, there are not only the main force that is good at combat, but also many mages, priests, and experts who are good at surveying mineral resources, searching for rare herbs, crops, and so on. Wherever they pass, they will search like a carpet, drawing a map while marking all kinds of resources on the map.

Robb used reconnaissance skills to peek at the map they drew from a distance, and found that the map was quite well-made. The mountains, rivers, and woods were clearly drawn, and even the woods were marked by what kind of trees. Not long ago The iron ore found is also marked on it. The most interesting thing is that they also found a coal mine, which is also marked on the map.

Robb's dark music, Miss Queen is because there is no coal on the New World, so she dare not let the steel battleship go to the coast of the New World. Now a coal mine has been discovered, and there is iron ore not far away. As long as the coal and iron are combined, they can dig together. , Then you can easily establish a supply station on the New World side.

Of course, this is a coal mine discovered by the Norma Kingdom. Robb still intends to be polite and not rob it unless they have to come to trouble him.

Everyone secretly followed Norma’s troops for two days. At noon that day, the storm was still there. The Norma people in front suddenly made a huge cheer. More than five hundred people cheered together. The sound was in the quiet jungle. It's really a bit ear-piercing, even the sound of wind and rain can't cover their laughter.

Robb knew that they must have found something good, so he quickly used scouting skills to look forward.

It happens that the place where the Norma people are is a relatively bare stone mountain. There are almost no trees on the mountain, so Robb’s sight will not be blocked by the village forest. He can clearly see the environment where the Norma people are. The mountain is bare. Yes, not only does it not grow trees, it does not even have turf.

There is only one strange stone that looks gray and gray, and the Norma people are jumping around on a large gray stone, looking very excited.

Although Robb was far apart, the sight distance provided by the reconnaissance technique allowed him to see clearly, and he recognized it at a glance. This off-white stone is a very remarkable ore, Titan steel.

Strictly speaking, Titan steel is similar to Saronite, both of which are around level 80, but its rarity is much higher than Saronite, and the finished products are also stronger than those made by Saronite. .

Moreover, from the cheers of the Norma people, it can be seen that this ore does not make people feel uncomfortable like Saronite, it is an ore that ordinary people can mine and use.

The practicality of this thing is much stronger than that of Saronite. No wonder the Norma jump on the mine like a festival.

Elsie stood beside Robb: "The Norma people have found a good thing, we can go out and show our faces."

Robb smiled and said: "Let them attack us? Then drive them away to grab the mine?"

Elsie chuckled twice. Although he didn't admit it, it was obvious that he thought so.

Robb shook and said with a smile: "If they can mine, this mine is theirs. We can just look for it nearby. Generally speaking, the veins are parallel, in one area..."

Robb didn't finish his sentence, but suddenly, great changes took place in front of him.

It turned out that at the same time Robb was talking, a Norma raised a small mine hoe, and digged it down at the Titan steel on the ground. The **** went down without digging. Titan's stainless steel ore is too hard before it is refined, and his small steel mine **** can't dig at all. Instead, he bounced and hit his forehead, so he hugged his head and squatted down.

A Norma Berserker from the north laughed, picked up the mine **** that fell on the ground, and yelled: "The land is broken!"

Then he brushed the ground and jumped high in the air, then fell down sharply, and slammed a **** on the ground.

This **** has a little effect. The gray-white Titan steel ore was broken down into a small piece, as big as a fist. The Norma took the stone in his hand and shouted excitedly, but it was a pity. It's too far apart to hear.

Robb knew that the Norma actually didn’t know how good this mine was. For them, they only knew that it was a new and rare ore. They felt the powerful magic power on this ore, but they In fact, I don't know how good this kind of mine is, and I still need to take it back and study it.

However, just when the Norma people were holding a fist-sized piece of ore, they suddenly felt that something was wrong. The cliff next to it seemed to have suddenly become a little higher... and, there seemed to be something on top of the head to help. They blocked a little rain, which made the rain they felt lessened.

The Norma people looked up curiously and found that one left and one right, two huge heads protruding from the top of the cliffs on both sides, like human heads, two eyes and one mouth, two nostrils and two ears, a standard human 'S head, but this head is so huge...

The Norma looked up at them, and the two huge heads looked down at the Norma, and both sides froze like this.

Robb and his party, who watched this scene from a distance, couldn't help but stunned. Then, the Mayan people who were with him took a few steps away in fright, and the people in Westwind City curiously said, "What's that?"


"Isn't this a mountain giant?"

"Nonsense, when have you ever seen a mountain giant grow a head?"

"It's not a lava giant, or an arcane giant..."

"This is... Titan Giant!"

"I Fak, really a Titan."

Robb shrugged his shoulders: "No wonder there are Titan steel in this place. It turns out that there are Titan giants."

Robb and his group are chatting in the spirit of watching the show, but the feeling of the Norma is not so good. After they raised their heads and looked at the Titans for a full five seconds, they did not know who was the first to yell. It stood up: "Titan! Fak! Everyone is ready to fight."

"Should we run away?"

"Only two Titans, afraid of a fart, we have 500 people!"

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