After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 837: Sofa's new equipment

Elsie smiled and said: "If you take our train to Jinguan City, you only need to walk eighty miles south to reach the colony controlled by the Knights of the Iron Horse. One hundred and seventy miles of the jungle, I believe you will not like the jungle, because I don’t like it either."

Norma: "..."

Although Elsie made sense, the Norma did not dare to take the train to Robb’s site. One was because they were afraid of Robb, and the other was because they were afraid of the Maya in the city, because the Norma were cruel. The colonial policy, their relationship with the Mayans has deteriorated very badly. Now if the Norma are alone in the wild, they are easily besieged and killed by the Mayans. As a result, many Norma will deliberately take off their bodies when they leave the town. His family crest, as soon as he met the Maya, he called himself Gran, and he was embarrassed by the thief.

As the sun sets, Robb is in the church yard of Westwind City, putting a set of Titan steel equipment that has just been made on himself.

The attribute value is not bad!

Although there is still a considerable distance compared to the top-level equipment, this set of equipment is considered to have quite powerful attributes. Compared with the streaking state of the year, it is many times stronger.

But Robb knew that this was not enough.

He turned his head and smiled at Sofa behind him: "What? How about the new equipment?"

Sofa's left and right hands each carried a dagger made of Titan steel. The scientific name of this thing in the game "Black Blade" is called "Titan Steel Bayonet". It is a level 80 purple weapon and is quite powerful.

She shook her hands, shook her hands a few times, her hands were so fast that she couldn't see clearly with the naked eye. She leaped up with a brush, spinning half a circle in mid-air. At that moment, she didn't know how many knives were swung. When she landed, the dagger had already been placed in her robe, her hands were empty, as if she had just been completely empty. As if he had never had a weapon.

Sofa looked surprised: "These daggers are so comfortable to use. I don't know why. When I hold them, I feel that I move faster. Is it my illusion?"

Robb smiled and said: "It's not an illusion, but they will add a lot of agility to you, so you can feel that you are moving faster."

Sofa was delighted: "This is really a good thing."

Robb took out a set of leather armor and put it in Sofa's hand: "This is a leather armor made of polar fur. You can try it on."

Sofa nodded and got into the church. After a while, her head stuck out from the church door, but her body didn't follow. Her face was full of embarrassment: "Godafather, this leather armor... ...I...I can't wear it."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

"Too...too such a thing..." Sofa said awkwardly, "I can't come out."

"If you don't come out, I'll come in." Robb raised his foot and walked into the church. There was a panic on Sofa's face, and she seemed to want to run, but this expression was only a momentary matter, and she returned to normal. , Bit her lower lip, didn't move, waiting for Robb to walk in front of her.

Robb took a closer look and couldn't help but feel happy. It turned out that the effect of wearing this leather armor on the body is just like the Arcanite defender he gave Madeleine last time. The kind of figure doesn't seem to have a few pieces of skin, and it can't cover much.

Sofa's beautiful legs like black pearls and arms like black jade were all exposed.

Robb smiled and said, "That's okay. As for you, don't you dare to go out of the church?"

Sofa pitifully said: "We women in the desert country can't show their arms and legs. This is called a shame body. You don't need me to remind you repeatedly, right?"

Robb whispered: "Cut, I haven't seen it yet."

Sofa pretended not to hear what he said, and asked, "What did you say?"

"No, I didn't say anything."

Sofa licked his small mouth and thought: If you show you a shame, you have to sell it cheaply, so I won't show it to you next time.

Robb's emotional intelligence is not so low that he still knows a little about Sofa, so he doesn't continue to complain, and smiled: "Try to find a way to cover it."

Sofa pitifully said: "I can't cover it. I tried it. I put a thin layer of clothing under the leather armor. I tried to cover these areas, but it didn't work. It's really weird. I obviously wore base clothes. , I put leather armor on the outside, but as soon as I put on the leather armor, the bottoming clothes are invisible, and my legs and arms are exposed again."

Hearing what she said, Robb laughed aloud: "Hahaha! The equipment I made is like this. No amount of clothing inside will affect the viewing angle effect of the outermost layer of equipment. As long as the equipment is put on, the appearance is immediately As the equipment changes, it's useless to play the base anyway, hahahaha!"

Sofa didn't say angrily: "Hey, you are still smiling, in this case you think of a way! You really like me being looked at by arms and legs?"

"I don't mind this level!"

"But I mind!" Sofa almost jumped up: "This will make me feel tarnished by other men."

Robb said: "Okay, don't worry, I'll find a way to deal with it."

In the game, the only way to solve the problem of the appearance of the equipment is to put on a layer of "decorative equipment" on the outside of the equipment. There are many types of such "decorative equipment", such as the T-shirt and jeans worn by Robb. One of them can cover the player's equipment effects and fix the player's appearance. However, this equipment has no attributes, only appearance effects.

Robb stretched out his hand, grabbed a set of clothes from the warehouse, and stuffed it into Sofa's hand: "You try this, just put it directly on the outside of your leather armor."

Sofa moved on to his body, and the shape immediately changed with a "puff" sound. She became a red-skinned female goblin with long eyelashes. It turned out that Robb gave her the goblin costume that he wore once before.

Robb smiled and said, "Is this all right? Don't worry about being looked at by people's arms and legs."

Sofa is crazy!

The female goblin looks crazy and looks good!

Robb quickly helped her take off the goblin costume, allowing her to regain her beautiful look with long legs.

Sofa angrily said: "When choosing clothes for a woman, don't make a spoof!"

Robb smiled and said, "Huh? I thought the assassin didn't mind what his clothes were like."

Sofa kept his mouth flat: "I don't mind the look of my clothes only when I'm on a mission."

"Okay, well, I'll think about a way." Robb stopped spoofing this time, took a few pieces of black cloth, and rubbed it in a set of "Assassin costume".

Sofa took it over and put a cover on her body. It immediately turned into a erratic-looking shadow wrapped in a black robe. She was overjoyed: "Wow, this is so beautiful."

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