In the chaos, Elsie grabbed Madara: "Can you be sure that this big scorpion was not raised by the other party?"

Madara said: "The people of our desert kingdom can't raise such a big scorpion. This is really a monster, not an ordinary insect."

Elsie said: "However, this big bug does not attack the opponent's people, it only shoots at our people."

When Madara heard this, he was slightly surprised: "Huh? Yes, if it is a monster, it should be a non-discriminatory beating against all humans. This scorpion only looks for us. Could it be that the other party raised it? Scorpions? What did they eat to grow up?"

Elsie: "Fak, it turned out to be for nothing."

When the two of them were talking about this, they suddenly saw Sand King brushing the ground and then coming out of the ground, hitting dozens of westerly fighters. However, this time it did not dive into the ground immediately, but moved its long scorpion tail. It shook, and there was a magical light on the tip of his tail, glowing green.

After seeing this scene, Elsie was finally sure: "That's not an ordinary scorpion, it's a monster. It's going to use magic. Ordinary scorpions can't use magic. Everyone flashes, it must be a big move."

After yelling at these words, he quickly raised his scepter and chanted defensive magic.

The sand king flicked the tip of his tail, obviously he was preparing some big magic.

Almost at the same time, Elsie's magic and Sand King's magic were prepared at the same time, and then, almost instantly, they were released at the same time.

It stands to reason that the spells cast at the same time take effect at the same time, but Elsie uses defensive magic, which is added to everyone in the moment, while the sand king uses attack magic, from releasing to hitting the enemy, and For a time, Elsie's defensive magic can be regarded as just a moment before the sand king's magic.

Elsie’s "Magic Defense Resistance Group BUFF Technique" just shot the soldiers and saw King Sand’s body. Suddenly a fierce seismic wave rushed out. With a bang, it was within a radius of several tens of meters. At the same time, there was a violent earthquake, and the shock wave continued to spread to the surroundings.

The soldiers close to it were shocked to fly in an instant, and as the shock wave spread outward, the soldiers were continuously overturned. With it as the center, they overturned in all directions. Eight hundred westerly fighters, almost All fell in an instant.

Elsie, Matura, and Conte were all taken aback. The troops of the Kari family and the three rebel forces were equally scared. Their morale came from the west wind fighters, thinking about the west wind. The people in the city supported themselves, so they were not afraid of anything, but now they saw that the West Wind Warriors fell in an instant, and they were so scared that they almost cried.

Morale was gone, the army collapsed immediately, and everyone was running backwards.

Those west wind warriors who fell to the ground are fortunate to have the BUFF magic given by Elsie, and the armor also has some magic resistance effect, but they are not dead, but the seismic waves are wave after wave, the earth keeps shaking, they simply Can't stand up, can only lie on the ground, can't stand up.

King Sand took the opportunity to wave a large tongs, squeezed up a soldier, and cut it hard... Damn, it still couldn't move. It had to throw the soldier out forcefully, and the soldier rolled and rolled tens of meters away. Although he was not dead, he fell dizzy.

Elsie couldn't help sweating!

Conte yelled from the side: "Head Elsie, please call Godafather, we can't hold it anymore."

"For a fart call, Godafather is busy preparing to deal with the black dragon. How can I take care of such small things." Elsie said: "The era of Godafather when you run into a little thing has passed, Godafather. After spending so many resources and so much effort to help us grow, we are now going to say, can't even a scorpion solve it?"

"Then what do you say?" Conte exclaimed.

Elsie snorted: "Withdraw!"

Conte fell to the ground with a puff: "Mom's mental retardation, is your trick to withdraw?"

Elsie said: "After retreating, we will slowly consider what to do. Now it is not a matter of life or death. What happened to the advancement and retreat during the war? Isn't it possible for me from Westwind City to retreat once? Anything that can't be beaten is called Godafather, will only become a bunch of idiots."

After talking, Elsie gave a loud order: "Withdraw first, withdraw first!"

Several westerly fighters took out a few mines, buried them under the ground, and then greeted their companions and ran away.

The soldiers clambered and sprinted out of the seismic waves of King Sand. Many people were injured by the magical power of the seismic waves, but as long as they didn't die, the problem would not be big. On the other side, the army of the Kari family and the army of the three rebel leaders also withdrew back together. The other side wanted to catch up, but after looking at the difference in the number of people, they still didn't catch up.

The Sand King also wanted to dig the ground to chase it, but as soon as he got into the ground and dug a little bit of the ground, he hit a landmine. With a bang, the ground was muffled. The sand rushed to Lao Gao, and the Sand King ate under the ground. There was a sullen, depressed, and angrily digging forward again, but a few meters forward, and hit a second landmine, with a boom, another sand pillar was stirred up.

This time the King of Sand was blown up, and finally stopped chasing.

The West Wind Warrior, led by Elsie, withdrew to the south.

Robb hugged Sofa and drilled in a complex crypt.

This is the nest of magic ants. The size of magic ants is the size of humans, so their crypts are also very spacious. Humans walk in it easily and do not appear to be very narrow.

However, Sofa was unwilling to walk on the ground.

She called it "I hate insects." Robb certainly wouldn't expose her to steal two scorpions. She pretended not to see it and let her continue to be "scared". Women are not afraid, how can they justify Let the man always hold it in his arms?

The two dug around in the hole, and after turning a few times, Robb said, "The place shown on the map has arrived."

Sofa hurriedly looked forward. With the unique night vision ability of the assassin, she saw an ant egg house with many huge white ant eggs. Beside these eggs, there was a huge queen ant. The queen ant was lying on a large black rock, looking at the uninvited couple Robb and Sofa with fierce eyes.

Sofa pointed to the **** rock: "What mine?"

Robb glanced intently, shook his head and sighed: "It's not a great thing, it's just a black iron. It can only be said to be average. It seems that this trip has gone for nothing."

Sofa couldn't laugh or cry: "It's not just a run in vain, but also a waste of effort. You see, the queen seems to be going to attack. I think even you, it takes a lot of effort to clean up this thing."

"Wow!" Just as Robb made a weird cry of Yin and Yang, he saw a thick and bright magic laser shot from the queen's eyes...

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