After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 869: Brothers are so good

There are about a dozen succubus in this group, each of them is well-dressed, with only a few pieces of cloth or leather covering the most important position. A few succubuses don’t even wear clothes at all. All important parts are at a glance. No more, and because of this, almost all of their bodies are exposed to everyone.

Although this creature is a monster, its size and facial features are very similar to humans, except that it has a pair of horns on its head, a pair of small black wings on its back, and a long tail behind its back. The other parts are the same as humans. . The most annoying thing is that the body of this creature is generally stronger than that of human females.

Not only the chest is much more stalwart, the willow waist is thinner, and the hips are bigger. Anyway, it can catch up with the figure of a human female after plastic surgery without plastic surgery, which is simply perfect.

It is difficult for men to resist the temptation of the succubus. I don't know how many human males are eaten by the succubus.

Xuelu and Solfa were hiding behind a big rock with Robb. When he saw this group of succubus, Solfa almost didn't even think about it, and immediately stretched out his hands and covered Robb's eyes. Although she knew Robb was strong, she was still afraid that he would be charmed by the succubus.

Because no matter how strong a man is, it is possible to die under the peony flower! This has to be prevented.

Robb thief wanted to complain, but at this time, the succubus might hear his words, so he had to forcibly hold back his desire to complain.

However, after Sofa had just covered his eyes for less than two seconds, Xuelu suddenly stretched out her hand and pulled Sofa's hand away so that Robb could look at things again. She also pointed at those few with a thief smile on her face. A succubus who doesn't have any strands on his body means time-sharing: "Look, look, there are wonderful things to watch."

At this time, the Xuelu Thief would feel cute. Robb gave Xuelu a look of "you are great" and quickly looked at the figure of the succubus.

Sofa thief was upset and stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, but Xuelu clasped Sofa's hand. The two began to twist their wrists. After a blink of an eye, Xuelu was subdued, and Sofa pressed her to the ground. , Cut his hands behind his back, stepped on it, and then reached out to cover Robb's eyes.

But at this time, it seemed that there was no need to cover his eyes. Robb had already gazed at the succubuses happily, and he had already seen everything that should and shouldn't be seen.

Solfa: "..."

Well, the succubus hasn't cast a charm spell now, this guy should have been missed, and Sofa can only comfort himself in this way.

The succubuses passed by, and Robb and Chris both hid well. They didn't mean to make a move. They watched them walk and didn't move. However, this group of succubus had just walked past the place where everyone was hiding. The last succubus in the team suddenly stopped and said to the front: "You go first, I forgot something, I have to go back and get it."

The succubus in front giggled weirdly and walked away.

The succubus who said he wanted to take something turned around and walked back to the stone where everyone was hiding.

Robb and his party didn't respond, but Chris, who was hidden behind the stone on the other side, suddenly jumped out, waved his shield, and patted the succubus on the back of the head with a "touch".

The succubus snorted bitterly, and fell to the ground, unconscious of the devil.

Robb: "Wow!"

Chris glared at Robb who was yin and yang, and then glanced in the direction where the group of succubus had left, and found that the succubus in front had not looked back. It seemed that they didn't know that one of their companions had been brought down by themselves. Chris breathed a sigh of relief and dragged the succubus behind the stone.

Robb: "Brother Chris, I didn't expect you to be so good."

Chris: "???"

Sofa hurriedly covered Robb's mouth: "No, he didn't say anything."

It’s a pity that Sofa only paid attention to covering Robb’s mouth, but forgot Xuelu. She got up from the ground and said with a smile: "Chris, you are a famous adventurer in the guild. I like to catch a succubus to play with it.

Chris: "..."

He had a MMP sentence that he didn't know when it should be said inappropriately, and finally forced it back: "I'm not going to use succubus to play fun, I'm not so perverted, what I like is the opposite **** of human beings."

Robb said, "Some people also like human beings of the opposite sex, but this does not prevent them from playing with things like pudding, pizza, or even carp mouths. , Even if it’s really perverted, it’s okay. What’s wrong with a man’s pervert?"

Chris felt dizzy. What and what is this all about? No, talking to this guy is going crazy, going crazy.

Although Xuelu and Robb were both joking and talking nonsense about him, Chris didn't like to be rude to women and had to pretend that Xuelu was not talking nonsense and could not hear or hear. He stared at Robb and said: "Priest, we are going on a great adventure, looking for the Devil City that no one has ever found. On this kind of heroic journey, I hope you can be serious and serious. Don't say so. A reliable thing."

Robb spread his hands: "Yes, yes, you are right."

After finishing speaking, Chris suddenly reduced his volume and leaned into Robb’s ears and said, “As for the usage of pudding, pizza, carp mouth, etc., when there is no lady present, I will slowly ask you for advice.”

Robb: "Hey? I didn't expect you with thick eyebrows and big eyes... Well... Forget it, men don't spit out men's grooves in this regard."

At this time everyone gathered around and looked at the succubus sleeping on the ground unconscious.

Chris said: "Succubus is a monster with IQ and understands language, so it can be used to extract a confession. I arrested her and asked if there is really a Demon King City in this seam, but you also Knowing that the succubus poses a great threat to men. Even adventurers of our level have no confidence in resisting her charms. The men present temporarily hid behind the stones and asked the women to ask her. ."

After he said this, he dragged Golda, Kik, and the demon hunters and assassins in his team to go behind the stone, but the priest in their team stayed and did not avoid it. The priest confidently said: "I don't have to leave, I am very confident of mental resistance, and the charm of the succubus is not effective for me."

"Hey, by coincidence, I am also very confident of mental resistance." Robb said: "About, I don't need to leave either."

When he said this, Chris and the others cast distrustful glances at Robb, thinking: You guy is a weak pastor at first sight, there is no formal one, and you have been with Xuelu along the way. , Sofa, I and mine, are very beautiful women, they are the easiest type to be charmed, okay.

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