After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 887: Wow! I'm stepping on a big monster

"Charge!" Golda rushed to Diablo fearlessly.

However, the behemoth just kicked it casually, and Golda flew back. The Titan steel armor on his body failed to dissolve the opponent's attack power, and Golda slammed into it. On the wall behind, a big dent was hit in the wall.

"Be careful!" Chris yelled.

Diablo hit the ground with a punch, and a huge circle of fire filled the surroundings. Two hunters and two assassins jumped up to avoid the circle of fire on the ground at the same time, but the two mages were not good at jumping. Chris grabbed it. The fire mage slammed her upward, and the fire mage flew high.

On the other side, the priest also grabbed Xuelu and threw her into the sky.

But Chris and the priest had no time to jump up and avoid the ring of fire again, so they had to put up their shields at the same time and block in front of them.


The two were hit by the ring of fire at the same time and flew out. Like Golda, they hit the wall and then slipped slowly. Fortunately, neither of them died. They just got hurt. They gritted their teeth and got up again.

"My Fuck, this thing is so strong." Golda called out, "It's not easy to deal with."

"We humans are still too few."

"Find its weakness."

Everyone talked in embarrassment.

The Diablo laughed loudly: "A group of small humans, do you realize your weakness now? Hahahaha! Want to use such a small team to defeat me? Do you really think you are the first to find Demon King City? The team? No! Many adventurers have found here, but in the end, they have no chance to go back and make things public here, because they are all dead in my hands."

He slapped his palm on the ground again, and everyone thought they were going to release another big circle of fire.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, many bones suddenly protruded from the feet of the crowd, and they surrounded them in an instant. These bones stretched up, and then joined together to become a cage made of bones, one for each person. The small bone prison locked the nine people in each of the nine bone prisons.

"It's a bone prison!"

"Quickly break this and rush out."

Chris slammed a shield on the bone prison, but he failed to break the bone prison. This was not an ordinary bone, but a bone formed by Diablo using his magic power, not like ordinary bones. crisp.

Chris cried out that it was bad.

On the other side, two archers can shoot arrows in the bone prison. They can shoot a few arrows, but they are all shot by Diablo. The fire mage is chanting the incantation of Pyroblast, but Xuelu's magic can be instantaneous. , She reached out and pointed at Diablo: "Fire wall technique!"

A wall of fire rose from the feet of Diablo, but with a slight jump, it jumped over from the wall of fire, and laughed: "It is ridiculous that such a weak Flame Mage dare to attack me. Although your magic does not know why it has inexplicable power, it is only powerful, and the way it is used is so primitive and simple, I want to avoid them with no effort."

Xuelu: "..."

Diablo slowly forced the nine people in the bone prison, "Hey hey, which one should I eat first? This female assassin who stabbed people with a dagger in pain looks the most delicious." It's dark, it must be of poor quality..."

Sofa: "Fart! You look down on the people of the desert, I will make you pay."

She squeezed the dagger in both hands, and the bone in front of her suddenly shattered.

Diablo was slightly shocked, and Sofa had already broken out, with both daggers in both hands, and at the same time, he stabbed Diablo's chest in front of him.

It turns out that she has always been able to break through, because her two daggers are very special. In order to make the assassin more convenient to deal with the mage, Robb enchanted her two daggers with a prefix called "Devil". The handle dagger is specially designed to destroy magic enchantment and defensive magic.

In a sense, the bone prison also belongs to the magic enchantment, and it happens to be restrained by Solfa's dagger.

However, Solfa deliberately didn't break it, and when Diablo came to him, he violently attacked him, showing his assassin's character.

The two knives stabbed Diablo at the same time, and they were not shallow enough to penetrate the flesh. Only a little bit before they stabbed the heart. Diablo couldn't help but be shocked. It kicked Sofa out with a loud roar. , Drew out the two daggers, black blood gushing out, but it knew "demon healing", threw two healing techniques to himself, and stopped the injury.

Then roared: "Assassin, you successfully angered me, I want to tear you to pieces."

His angry roar shook the entire Demon King City as if trembling.

Everyone screamed that it was not good, and saw Diablo step by step, step by step, like a devil’s minions, pushing towards Solfa, and Solfa was temporarily unable to get up because of a serious injury to the foot just now. , Even if you get up, there is no dagger to use.

Everyone is anxious...

Xuelu stretched out her hand and took out her mobile phone, ready to call Robb for help.

At this moment, there was a "boom" from the ceiling above Diablo's head. A big hole broke in the ceiling, and a person fell from the sky, just standing on top of Diablo's head.

The person who fell was Robb. He didn't care where he was standing. Instead, he raised his head and looked at the hole on the top of his head. He said angrily, "What kind of ground is this? I just stomped my foot. That's it, why did you stamp out a big hole? The floor near the Devil's City is so crisp, this castle eats jujube pills."

When he said this, the heads of many little demons and little ghosts came out of the hole above, and they looked down together.

It turned out that Robb was still dealing with the siege of a group of demons on it just now. When he was happy, he stomped his foot casually. He didn't know that a big hole was stomped on the ground, and he fell down, and then just fell to Diablo. On top of his head, he was still standing on top of someone’s head and said coldly: "Who built this castle? Let him come to our Westwind City construction team. The reinforced concrete in Westwind City is so strong, as long as I don’t stamp it seriously. , I don’t even stomped through the ground."

After speaking, he glanced at the situation in the room and said in a strange way: "Huh? Why are you putting yourself in a bone prison?"

Chris sweats profusely: "I also want to ask what you are doing. Be careful, step on a big guy."

"Nani?" Robb looked down and said, "Wow, I'm stepping on a monster."

Diablo didn't get angry but laughed: "Are you just noticing me now? If you dare to stand on top of my head and say cold words, you will pay for your arrogance."

As soon as it finished saying this sentence, Robb lifted his foot and stomped down forcefully.


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