After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 890: There is something wrong with this room

"As a result, Godafather also used brute force to crack it?" Chris and his party sweated profusely.

"Anyway, it can be cracked, the method is not important."

The secret door was smashed to pieces by Robb's fist and scattered all over the floor.

A new room appeared behind the door, but... as soon as this room appeared in front of everyone, everyone couldn't help being surprised. Even Robb was stunned for a moment, because what he saw in front of him was too unexpected.

Because everyone has been walking around in the Demon King City, they have always seen black and dark red. Anyway, they are all kinds of uncomfortable colors, accompanied by a gloomy, disgusting, and foul-smelling atmosphere.

However, this room is not like that.

There was a golden wallpaper in the room, which made the whole room look golden. There was no furniture in the room, there was only one bed and one table, and the bed and table were also painted with gold and gleaming.

This style is really cheating!

Golda couldn't help stiffening: "Are we really still in Devil City?"

The priest whispered: "If I didn't walk into this room from the devil's room, I would think I was in some palace."

"Why is there such a room in Demon King City?"

Chris has very rich adventure experience. He has seen all kinds of peculiar cultures and beliefs, and has an understanding of the communication methods of some races and forces. He whispered: "Here used to live in a non-demon race. And that person likes this kind of shiny things. Out of respect and friendliness to that person, the devil deliberately created a room like this for him to live in."

When everyone heard this, they immediately thought of the purpose of their trip: "People of the Bright Holy See!"

The pastor next to him whispered: "Yes, people in the Holy See of Light like this kind of glittering things the most. Golden light is the color of sacred magic. Hey, I actually like it too."

When he said this, Robb couldn't help asking him: "Are you the pastor of the Holy See of Light?"

"I used to be a priest!" The priest smiled: "However, when they asked me to slaughter a pagan village, I left the Holy See of Light, joined the Adventurers' Guild, and met Chris and the others. As far as I know. In the adventurer squad in the Adventurer’s Guild, there are many priests like me."

"Actually, I still love the God of Light very much. I don't want to leave the Holy See, but I can only leave." At this point, the expression on his face is still smiling, which shows that this matter has been a bit long. When I asked him to talk about it, he didn’t feel sad or angry anymore. It’s just a bit of regret deep down in my heart: "I heard that there is a new Illuminati Holy See in Westwind City. I plan to join, but I am worried that the Holy See will also Same as the old Illuminati."

He smiled and concluded: "I don't want to slaughter anyone! So, I can only be an adventurer now."

Robb also smiled: "I assure you that the New Illumination Church is different from the old Illumination Church. It will never let you massacre anyone. If it does so, I will disband the New Illumination Church."

"It feels safe to get Godafather's guarantee." The priest smiled: "Then when Chris and the others get tired from the adventure, the day the team disbands, I'll go to Westwind City."

"Don't say this, let's search this room carefully." Chris smiled next to him: "I feel there is something hidden here, otherwise, the devil will not take pains to hide here, there must be collusion with the devil. Evidence from the Holy See of Light."

Golda said: "This room itself is evidence, but such evidence is not sufficient."

Everyone searched in the room. Actually, there are not many places to find. Just a bed and a table. There is nothing on the table. The drawers are empty. The bed doesn’t even have bedding. It’s just a shelf. Not much.

The demon hunter said: "I use skills to find it."

He used the skill of "finding traps" to sweep around the room, and suddenly "Huh" said: "Xuelu, you let me a little bit, it seems like you are stepping on a magic circle under your feet."

Xuelu was taken aback, and quickly jumped aside.

Everyone looked at the place Xuelu was standing just now. She was standing in the middle of the room just now, and there was nothing to see there, but since the Demon Hunter said that, there must be something there.

Robb also opened the Eye of True Sight and looked intently towards the ground. Sure enough, there was a magic circle painted on the ground. It was drawn with a transparent magic essence potion, so it could not be seen by the naked eye, but once he used the skill, magic The array is clearly displayed.

Its scale is really not small, at least four square meters in size, a big circle, there are countless small circles inside, painted with very complicated runes.

Several warriors and priests who didn't have the eyes of true vision and hunted for traps could only be anxious beside them, and could not see anything.

Robb, Keike, the Demon Hunter, and the two wizards squatted down together to study the runes on the ground.

"Can you see what magic circle this is?" Chris asked next to him.

The two hunters shook their heads first: "Although we can see, we don't understand."

However, Robb, sister Huo Mage, and Xue Lu understood some runes.

Xuelu whispered: "Here, there is a teleportation rune. Look, Godafather, these characters are the same as the rune on the portal scroll you sent us."

Sister Huo Mage said: "There is a positioning rune here. If you connect to the teleport rune, it means teleporting people to a designated place."

Robb, after a long time learning the magic system, is now quite familiar with runes. He looked at all the large and small circles and runes in the entire magic circle, and said: "This is a very powerful one. The positioning and teleportation of magic circle, ordinary teleportation magic, the transmission distance is limited. But this magic circle draws a lot of circles, when it is activated, a mage stands in each circle, injecting magic power into the magic circle, many magicians The magical power of gather together, you can increase the distance of the teleportation, and then launch the teleportation rune to teleport the person standing in the middle to a distant place... There is a coordinate here, which is the destination of the teleportation. However, I read the coordinates I don't know where it is."

There is no concept of coordinates in the heads of those present, so no one can see it.

Robb said: "If you want to know where this teleportation array is sending people, the only way is to start it and try it."

Chris said: "However, this magic circle seems to require many wizards to inject magic power into it before it can be activated." As soon as this sentence was said, Chris laughed awkwardly: "Oh, I forgot Godafather. People can match countless magicians."

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