Although each magic can only cause a little damage to Chris, a lot of magic is superimposed on each other, and the damage is still not light. Chris felt a surge of blood, passing through the sacred magic power of the armor, and raging in his physical strength. Unsteady standing, with a puff, fell to the ground on one knee.

Relying on the long sword in the other hand to penetrate the ground, he barely managed to maintain his balance.

However, his long sword plunged into the ground to maintain balance, but it frightened the Light Judges around him.

Someone yelled: "What weirdo? After eating so many attacks from us, he is not dead yet."

"This guy can actually kneel on one knee, it's impossible."

"It's absolutely impossible, there is no such person."

"He doesn't make sense yet?"

"Fak! Could it be the effect of equipment?"

"It is impossible for the best Thorium equipment to withstand such a dense magic bombardment."

Someone yelled: "Go ahead and play another round."

The Judges of the Holy Light chanted the curse quickly, but those who used bows and arrows and javelins had already launched the second round of attacks.

However, bows and arrows and javelins can't even break defenses.

Chris knelt on one knee, and heard bows and arrows and javelins hit his armor, making clanging sounds, but none of them could penetrate through the armor. The feeling at this moment was truly reassuring.

However, he is also very clear that he can no longer let the opponent play the second round of magic. The equipment provided by Godafather has excellent physical defense, but the magical defense is not perfect. The sacred magic can penetrate through the armor, maybe It was because the word "evil" in Evil Steel was targeted by the Sacred Magic.

In all his busy schedule, he should actually throw a portal scroll to come out, but his long-standing combat instinct made him forget about the portal scroll for a while, and when he encounters danger, he should use the warrior’s intuition to deal with it. , Suddenly raised his head-charge!

Brushing the ground, he rushed from the middle of the teleportation magic circle to the edge of the magic circle. There was an archer who just shot an arrow. Chris rushed to him in an instant, then waved his shield and slapped his head. Up.


With a muffled sound, the archer's head rotated 180 degrees around his neck and looked at the teammate behind, but his body did not follow.

Chris was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect his "shield slam" to be so fierce. Now he finally understood why Golda could use a shield to slam the lava giant's chest into a big hole.

The Judges of Light roared: "This guy is a defensive warrior! Physical attacks are not good for him, magic, use magic quickly."

A light judge who had just completed the spell, raised his staff, and was about to cast magic on Chris.

Chris suddenly yelled and switched to a violent posture-intercept!

He brushed the ground and rushed across a long distance, and instantly arrived in front of the Judge of the Holy Light. With a single-handed sword "poof", he pierced into the guy's mouth. Before the guy's curse could be released, he was caught. A face was poked in through the mouth and out through the back of the head.

"Fak, this guy is so fast."

"Don't be afraid of him, the soldiers only have two fast moving methods: charge and intercept."

"No, there are heroic jumps!"

As soon as this person's voice fell, Chris had already jumped up high-jumping bravely!

He brushed the ground and jumped to the densest place of the Holy Light Judge, with all his strength, he slashed towards the ground with a strong sword—thunder strike!


With a loud noise, the ground was smashed into a big hole by his "thunder blow". This is a small-scale AOE skill. The power will spread from the position of the floor to the surroundings. In an instant, the ground vibrated, and thunder light was sent to the surroundings. Shining, the Judge of the Holy Light around him felt a terrifying force coming, screamed, and flew out in all directions.

The Light Judge in the distance quickly blasted him with magic, but Chris was not stupid. After the thunder strike was released, he immediately rolled to the ground and got into another pile of Light Judges.

The best way to defend against the enemy's long-range attacks is to mix with the enemy. You can't even fight your own people, right? If they really fight, those people can also become Chris's shield.

The Judges of the Light were indeed not easy to take action, and they were embarrassed for a while.

However, there was a chaos in the crowd. The Judges of Light, whom Chris had gotten close to, had a bunch of skills shot on Chris, but he couldn't even hurt one of his hairs. Instead, he was using both a shield and a one-handed sword. Puff and puff, put down several people in a row.

Chris is not a rookie warrior like Golda. He is a high-level defense fighter with rich combat experience, strong combat effectiveness and strong will. He has faced various difficulties and battles and led the team in countless monsters. Breaking out of the siege. Such a high-level soldier, coupled with the current high-level equipment, is really terrifying. People can stop killing people, and Buddhas can stop killing Buddhas. No one can stop them.

The Judges of the Light were beaten up and they didn't know what to do for a while.

"Fak, you can't handle it alone, are you ashamed?"

"Where is the mage? Take out the spider web technique!"

"Oh, yes, there is also sluggishness!"

After a brief period of chaos, the Judges of Light finally found a new direction. Although the enemy's combat power is strong, it can still be dealt with with control magic.

Several wizards raised their hands together: "Spider web technique! Slow technique!"

A bunch of magics were thrown around, these magics are control effects anyway, they have no killing effect, so it doesn't matter even if they are netted together.

This time Chris finally couldn't get up anymore, and a slow motion slapped him, causing his speed to slow down instantly, and then two webs caught him together, and his movements finally stopped and he was trapped in the web.

Chris couldn't help cursing: "Fak! Two punches are still hard to beat four hands."

The lead Judge of Light said loudly: "Take this opportunity to kill him."

However, before they could make a move, they saw that Chris in the net took out a scroll from the bag with great difficulty, and flicked it outward with the power of his fingers. The scroll instantly turned into purple magic light particles and dissipated. In the air.

Then, in the air in front of him, a purple door was slowly erected, the light flowing through the door, and nothing could be seen on the opposite side.

A holy light judge was about to get closer to study this door. Suddenly, another warrior with a shield and sword jumped out of the door, it was Golda.

When he passed through the portal, he was also cautious, for fear that something would attack him on the opposite side. As a result, he had just jumped out and happened to face the holy light judge who was approaching.

A face suddenly appeared very close in front of you, and most people would only have one reaction. Golda lifted the shield and hit the face with a shield slam.

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