After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 899: Don't be angry, because you will be more angry soon

"Wow! Negotiations are here." Robbile said, "And he is the king of heroes."

He waved his hand at the hero king and smiled: "Nihao!"

The hero Wang snorted heavily.

Robb said: "Don't be angry! You will soon know that I kidnapped the Pope is not something to be angry about, and there are even more angry things waiting for you. You must stand firm and be mentally prepared. Be prepared for quick-acting heart-relief pills, lest you get mad."

"Bold!" The knights next to him were furious together: "How did you talk to your Majesty? A rude person!"

The hero king turned to the guard next to him and asked in a low voice, "What is a quick-acting heart-relief pill?"

"The subordinates don't know either!"

"Sounds like some kind of medicine."

Robb didn’t bother to care about them. Anyway, the Pope was in his hands, and the other party didn’t dare to act rashly. Even if they dared to act rashly, they couldn’t beat Robb. He turned to Golda and said, "Hang up the crystal panel, um, hang it higher. I think... just hang on this Valkyrie Sword."

The sword of the Valkyrie has been inserted in the open space of the King's Capital for thousands of years. No matter how turbulent the political situation is, no matter how cruel and sick the bad guys make trouble, they have never dared to desecrate this sword, and no one even dared to touch it.

But now, Robb actually wants to hang a TV on it, and everyone can't help sweating.

Chris couldn't help but whispered: "This is not good, this sword is the spiritual symbol of the Norma Kingdom. If you mess with it, the people of the Norma Kingdom will be angry."

Robb spread his hands: "Anyway, they will be even more angry after watching the video. It's okay for them to get angry with this stingy first, and when something more angry happens later, they won't be unprepared."

Chris: "You have a good point, but I was speechless."

Golda lifted the crystal panel high, gesturing where to hang on the Valkyrie Sword, and when he drew the position, Robb turned around for a spider web technique, and the crystal panel was glued to the Valkyrie Sword.

This move really aroused public anger.

Thousands of Norma people who were onlookers let out an angry roar: "A fanatic! How dare you treat the sword of the Valkyrie like this."

"kill him!"

"Chop him!"

"My magic will tear you to pieces!"

Of course, these people roared back to roar, but none of them moved forward, because the Pope was still in Robb's hands, and they could only deal with Robb with angry eyes.

The majestic face of the King of Heroes was also full of anger. The flame seemed to be rushing out of his eyes. He didn't know where he took out a two-handed giant sword, inserted it on the ground in front of him, and then both hands. Holding on to the hilt of the sword, he looked at Robb with a "you are dead" gaze.

"I just ignore you." Robb made a grimace at the King of Heroes, then turned to take the camera from the assassin and connect it to the crystal panel. These are all magic items produced by Westwind City, and they are all reserved for docking. The standard interface rune is easy to connect successfully.

After he was connected, Robb didn't rush to play it. Instead, he turned his head and said loudly to everyone in front of him: "Hello everyone..."

He used the bard's skill "Sound of Nature", the voice was loud and moving, and it shook half of the capital of kings, and all those small voices were suppressed by him. In an instant, more than 100,000 Norma kings and people watched the people, and they all calmed down, listening to what the arrogant was going to say.

Robb smiled and said: "I know that you are very unhappy when you look at me now and think that I am a badass. However, I am not. I am quite surprised that I will appear in this place. As you can see, we are here. Ten people, two teams of adventurers, we smashed through obstacles, shed blood and sweat, and finally managed to enter the Demon King City..."

Having said this, he paused deliberately, and the crowd onlookers heard them rushing into the Demon King City, and they suddenly screamed "Wow". The surprise was beyond words.

Robb continued: "We found a teleportation magic circle in the depths of the Demon King City, next to the Demon King’s hall, and then we activated the magic circle, and in an instant, we arrived at the Holy See of Light. Then we defeated the Pope. , Bring him here."

As soon as this was said, the astonishment of the onlookers turned into dumbfounded, and after another five seconds, dumbfounded turned into anger, and some people roared: "Nonsense!"


"You fart."

"Don't slander the Holy See."

The Norma Kingdom is worthy of being the stronghold of the Holy See of Light for several generations. The people here support the Holy See of Light with all their heart and believe in the God of Light. Its piety is not comparable to those of the people of the Kingdom of Gran that sway between light and darkness at any time. None of them would believe Robb's nonsense.

Robb shook his head and said: "The truth is always unbelievable, I won't talk nonsense, let's just show you something." He turned around and clicked the "Play" button on the camera.

As soon as this thing was released, some knowledgeable nobles in the crowd immediately recognized: "That's a camera produced by Westwind City!"

Someone next to him asked: "What is a camera?"

"The magic items that can retain images are not surprising, but Westwind City has added more functions to it." The nobleman said: "My grandfather once sealed a piece of image in a gem before his death. My parents, the gem is still well preserved, and we often take it out to pay homage to Grandpa's remains. It is a video camera, but its function is simple."

"Oh I got it."

"This madman suddenly brought a camera out to put it on. What is it going to do?"

"Are we looking at something shameless?"

Just as everyone was talking about it, the screen turned on, and the first thing that appeared was a strange basement. On the ground of the basement, there was also a huge magic circle drawn.

There are many people of insight in the crowd, especially the King of Heroes and the mages of the Knights. They can almost recognize it at a glance. This is a directional teleportation magic circle.

Then, the assassin who recorded the video began to explain: "This is a magic circle. I don't think you can guess where this magic circle leads. I'll take you to see immediately..."

The camera began to shake, passed through the purple portal, and passed through it again, and then the camera appeared in another room. This time, there was only a transparent and invisible teleportation array on the ground, but the assassin was very intimate. Squatting down, pointed out this transparent teleportation array.

"Next, let you see what place is here." The assassin held the camera and walked out of the room with the teleportation array painted. After passing a door, the painting style suddenly became horrible. In the dungeon style, on the floor of the room, there is still the body of the demon king lying.

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