After the Full Level of the Profession

Chapter 932: What's the problem with me applauding him?

Most of the sailors on the ship didn’t understand Da Tang, so the rabbit knight’s strong rhetoric did not cause any movement among the sailors. The two captains who understood a few words didn’t quite understand. The words that are difficult, such as the mang rivers and lakes, and the heavens and earth, are too difficult, and the two captains sounded stunned.

Therefore, in general, no one applauded.

On the contrary, the eighteenth gangs on the dock, after hearing these words, were a little dazed, and then laughed loudly: "This man wants to die."

"Pretend to be a hero!"

"What the **** is wrong?"

"act recklessly."

The little boss of the eighteenth divination, the rabbit who wore a knight costume and looked a little bit of status said: "Where do you come from? Forcibly be a foreign devil? Report your name and let the uncle listen to it. "

The rabbit knight said with a proud face: "Huh! People from the rivers and lakes, punch Nanshan-Luo's legs."

Everyone: "..."

The little boss of the eighteenth divination was also shocked.

To be honest, I have never heard of this name. No, it should be said that this kind of bad street name, my ears can't hear it, so just like I have never heard of it, there are people who take this name without Qianer. Eight hundred, all of them are small characters who sell dog skin plasters and live up to the level of performing arts in the arena, or in other words, they are not even able to get in.

This Nima also punched Nanshan, giving you a rock, even if you can break it, even if you win.

The little head of the eighteenth divination shook his head and sighed. Then he picked a small stone from the ground and threw it at Luo's leg hair. The stone dashed through the air, shot from the dock to the bow of the ship, and flew far away. As long as the people with the ability to listen to the wind discriminate a little, it is easy to dodge such hidden weapons. However, Luo's legs did not even have time to dodge, and fell against the stone with a puff.

The little boss sighed: "Sure enough, it's a scumbag who is doing business in the world. Little ones, don't care about the second goods. Kill them on the boat and kill all the Western devils who don't give us eighteen divinations. By the way, the blonde Don’t kill the young man, keep alive, someone will slowly clean him up."

As soon as he finished speaking, the young men were ready to attack the ship, the sailors on the ship also began to prepare for the battle, and the two little nuns also took out the firecrackers.

At this moment, he saw Luo who fell on the ground with his legs climbing up from the ground with difficulty, holding the place hit by the stone with his left hand, and holding the ship's side with his right hand, and said with difficulty: "Don't underestimate me, I... although …It’s not harmful, but I still have to clean up you guys like Xiaoxiao…to eliminate evil for the people…to help justice, it’s our warriors…the responsibility…don’t…underestimate the chivalry spirit…"

Everyone: "..."

After a short silence, there was a burst of more arrogant laughter on the dock, all kinds of giggling, untouchable sounds, one after another.

They were laughing happily. Suddenly, they heard a clap of applause. The applause was so loud that it could even be called ear-splitting. They actually suppressed everyone's ridicule, and the sound shook the entire pier. , I don’t know how much clapping is needed to get such a loud sound, and everyone can't help but look over in the direction where the applause sounds.

Then they found out that Robb was the one applauding.

Robb is applauding, the kind that is serious.

Seeing everyone’s eyes turned, Robb stopped his movements and said seriously: "What are you doing when you stare at me? Applause for him, shouldn’t it? Jianghu needs some such knights to make people. I feel that this river and lake can still be saved. If the rivers and lakes are all greedy for life and fear of death, they only use profit to care about, and only use the strength of the enemy to judge whether they should be shot, then you should have a good laugh."

The eighteenth boss sneered: "The Tang dialect is fluent, but the truth is not clear. He doesn't even understand the strong eating of the weak, and what he says is naive and chivalrous."

Robb smiled: "What's wrong with being naive?"

The little boss said: "Innocence will die!"

Robb spread his hands: "It turns out that this is the reason you died. You are facing an extremely powerful enemy, and you naively think that you are the strong one."

The little boss turned his head to look at the Luo's leg hair that was hit by a small stone by himself, and he couldn't even stand on his feet. He sneered and said, "Just rely on him?"

"No!" Robb pointed to his nose: "I'm talking about me!"

The little boss sneered: "Only you?"

As soon as his voice fell, Robb flew over from the bow of the ship. This flight was a long distance, across the long sky, and fell from the bow of the ship to the pier, just in front of the little boss, and then a violent thud. On his head, he flew backwards, brushed the ground, returned to the bow of the boat, and sat down as if he hadn't moved.

Everyone was shocked, and then turned to look at the little boss, only to see that a huge bag appeared on his rabbit head.

So Jun's light work, so quick shots, no one can make any reaction between Robb's back and forth, and some people even failed to see Robb's shots clearly. This person is a top-notch master, and it can already be determined.

Robb said: "I said you will die, now you are dead."

The little boss felt his head dizzy, and the pain on his head was extremely painful. He held his head in horror and said, "What did you do to me?"

Robb said: "I took this shot on the top of your head. The kung fu I used was called Jianglong Eighteen Knock. Just now this knock has shattered your seven meridians and eight channels, and all vitality will be cut off. If you immediately return At home, in Yizhuxiang’s time, write his last words and arrange the funeral. It’s still too late. If it’s late, the family won’t even be able to see them for the last time."

The little boss was terrified and screamed "Oh my mother" and turned and ran.

The other guys sweated profusely and shouted, "Hall Master, Hall Master, what should I do here?"

But wherever the hall master was willing to stay, he disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Hello everyone: "..."

Robb smiled and waved at them and said, "Don't panic, the hall master is kneeling and there is still the incense lord, who is the incense lord? Come out and direct the command."

Everyone was stunned, and then, a big man jumped out with a brush, and said loudly: "Yes, don’t panic. Although Hall Master Li is no longer there, I, Master Zhang Xiang, is still there. Next, I will lead everyone to kill this. Group of foreign ghosts..."

Before he could finish his sentence, there was a flower on the bow of the boat, and Robb instantly appeared in front of Master Zhang Xiang. He raised his hand and "touched" his forehead with another violent shudder, and then brushed the ground. After a while, I returned to the bow, sat down with Erlang's legs tilted up, and said with a grin, "You also hit my Jianglong Shiba."

The Xiangzhu Zhang was stunned, and with a weird cry of "Wow", he ran away without a trace in an instant.

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