The deputy Ts in the real world have no taunting skills. Therefore, the defense fighters' method to protect against attacking opponents is to rely on their own flesh and blood to block in front of the attackers, and forcibly receive all the attacks of the young dragon, in order to achieve the role of deputy T. Therefore, they can't pull the little wyvern to run around, only the little wyvern can pull them to run.

They must be wherever the young whelps are, otherwise, the young whelps will hurt the attackers in the back row. Now the circle of fire has come, and the problem has followed.

If the deputy Ts avoid the ring of fire, who will carry the young dragon?

Everyone wakes up, yes, there is this trick.

At this time, the black dragon raised his head and said loudly: "Feel the end!"

After brushing the ground, many red circles appeared on the exhibition.

The deputy Ts did not stop the little wyrmlings for the time being, but stared at their movements. A deputy T saw the little wyvern rushing towards an assassin. The assassin hurriedly jumped out of the ring of fire, and at the same time, the little wyvern Following him, he ran out of the ring of fire, and Deputy T hurriedly followed up: "Intercept!"

Brush, a red light flashed, Deputy T blocked the assassin and the young dragon, and at the same time, also escaped from the ring of fire. These people who can be selected by Robb as the deputy T are all the Adventurer’s Guild, or the top defense fighters in the Norma Kingdom and the Gran Kingdom. They are agile and quick to respond. All of them have escaped from the circle of fire, and they are even perfect. The earth took the attack of the little young dragons and protected all the attackers. Everyone couldn't help but cheer!

"Go on, come on!" However, not ten seconds after everyone was happy, the black dragon flicked its tail abruptly, and a lot of dragon eggs appeared.

"Fak, can this dragon lay eggs like this?"

"Godafather said, this is not a real dragon. The way it lays eggs is different from ordinary dragons."

"Yes, this dragon egg was simply summoned, not laid."

"So I said it a long time ago, this is a male dragon."

The soldiers who had just breathed a sigh of relief were now tense again. The second batch of dragon eggs hatched with a click, and a large group of young dragons rushed over again, and the assistants carried a dragon...

There was a bitter fight.

At this moment, Robb saw that the black dragon took another deep breath.

Robb quickly said loudly: "Prepare to rotate clockwise."

When everyone heard this, they froze. This Nima, with a large group of young wyrmlings, still rotates clockwise? Don't bring such cheating.

However, playing BOSS is so cheating, players have to face more than tens of thousands of situations, if this difficulty can not be overcome, how to achieve a happy victory.

Robb shouted loudly: "Drag the young dragon away! Everyone should not use chanting spells and guided spells, but use instant magic output. As for the young dragon, he was attacked by the young dragon while walking. If no one can protect you, it is impossible to stop spinning, and you will die on the road of spinning. Don't block the people behind."

This sound of death also died on the rotating road, and suddenly a sense of tragic and majestic permeated the scene.

Everyone understands that when the army of thousands of people is spinning, if you are watched by the young dragon, it is impossible for the deputy T to help you block, because no one can move freely in the spinning army, once they Running around carrying a shield, blocking the way of others, it is possible to form a blockage, and then you have to lie down for an instant. I don't know how many people are.

In that case, whoever is stared at by the young dragon will take the initiative to be a tragic cannon fodder!



"The little baby dragon is staring at me, goodbye everyone, even if I lie down, I will cheer you on."

After a mage said this, he walked out of the rotating army and rushed towards the black dragon. Because, within 50 yards of the nearest circle to the black dragon, there are only a small number of members of the 234 elite group. The number is relatively small, and there is no problem of blocking the way. Lie down there, and will not block the pace of the comrades’ rotation. Destroying the large rotating array behind, let everyone lose their lives.

In an instant, dozens of mages, archers, and priests who were followed by the young dragons broke out of the army, and died in an open place, and they would never become a blocking stone for their teammates.

The eyes of the living are moistened. Although the tragic and heroic degree of the death who knows that they will be resurrected is relatively light, it is still the hero's behavior, the spirit of sacrificing one's life for righteousness, and still inspiring everyone's fighting spirit.

Robb discovered another advantage in fighting the black dragon in the real world, that is, after an infinite number of participants, the team can withstand sacrifices.

In the game, if a team of forty people swipes the BOSS, and any player falls, it will cause a significant reduction in combat effectiveness. If a dozen players fall, it almost means that the regiment is about to reopen. But in the real world, such a loss is completely acceptable. It can even be said that such a loss is almost insignificant to the weakening of the combat effectiveness of the entire team.


"Now counterclockwise!"

"Stop! Medium firepower, clean up the baby dragon."

The black dragon's revolving breath finally came to an end, and the deputy Ts once again carried the young dragon, and the large troops in the outer circle could finally stop and regroup the offensive. In an instant, the arrow rained and the magic sky flew over.

Robb looked up and saw that the black dragon had 10 million blood left!

Add BUFF to the young whelps to make the young whelps stronger than before.

Robb roared: "All attackers, full firepower! Don't save mana, repeat it again, don't save mana, all firepower!"

With the words "all firepower", everyone didn't know how long they had been waiting for.

The magicians laughed: "Pyroblast!"

"Frozen Ball!"

"Tornado Storm!"

"Doomsday Lightning!"

The archers also desperately: "Multiple arrows!"


"Fatal shot!"

With red eyes, the berserker slashed a set of crazy combos on the dragon's stomach, and the assassin shuttled between the shadows and the gap, piercing the poisoned dagger on the young dragon's back.

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