After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 119 The Third Team

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to quickly come up with a countermeasure tonight.

This dad is really unwilling to give up.

The Yuan Kingdom is in chaos, and there are many petty officials in remote areas who have no ambition at all. They eat and wait for death every day. As the saying goes, they hide in small buildings and become unified, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.

This was also his wish in the past. He Lingchuan sighed secretly, why did he keep getting farther and farther away?

He Chunhua put down his pen, and someone quickly stepped forward and took away what he had just written. The next thing needs to be done by the light and agile scouts.

He Chunhua couldn't help but patted his eldest son on the shoulder again, and praised: "Chuan'er, it was your words that woke up the person in my dream today, very good!"

He Lingchuan laughed a few times and said a few more casual words, saying that I was satisfied to be able to help my father.

Alas, isn't this an urgent situation and a catastrophe is imminent, so there is no way to hide our clumsiness?

"Look, even if Shui Ling has a sign, I guess it should be at this time." He Chunhua added, "Work together to overcome it, everything will be better, and your so-called disaster situation will be over! "

He Lingchuan's smile continued: "I think so."

Is it really that simple? What do you mean by the phrase "a dove occupies a magpie's nest"? Does it mean that gangsters occupy mountain villages and pretend to be villagers?

He Chunhua turned around and went to discuss with his subordinates. Time was precious now and he had to race against time.

He Yue also came over and said to his brother: "Well done."

He Lingchuan asked him: "By the way, what was the commotion by the lake before?"

"It's nothing." He Yue breathed out, "I caused the melee at the lake tonight. As a result, we missed a good opportunity and had to go back and make amends."

"So it's you!" He Lingchuan was surprised. His father was always calm and always made decisions before taking action. How could he attack Lu Yao rashly?

"I was too anxious!" He Yue felt guilty.

"You look like a brat." He Yue was so mature, He Lingchuan always forgot that he was only fourteen years old.

Fourteen years old is simply synonymous with being a frivolous and impetuous middle schooler. He only does this occasionally, but he is already very good.


The west side of Xianling Mountain.

Wu Shaoyi followed the guide with a straight face, occasionally turning back, and behind him was a long dragon of torches.

Originally, they had set up camp at the foot of the mountain, preparing to recuperate and climb up the mountain tomorrow. Who would have thought that Lu Yao's man actually sent a guide to lead the way overnight, saying that he would treat them to a fish feast. The original words were, "Eat all the live fish fresh and grill them." Stew it and it will be stale tomorrow morning."

The key guide almost shouted this sentence, and forty or fifty people in front of and behind the tent heard it. Wu Shaoyi gathered 1,100 remaining soldiers. The uprising failed, and everyone was already depressed. Wu Shaoyi had to restrain them from looting along the way, and everyone in the army was dissatisfied. Everyone on the right and left advised General Wu to leave it alone. What does it matter if he indulges his military spirit once or twice?

For safety reasons, Wu Shaoyi refused to agree. This time Lu Yao's guide shouted the words "full fish feast", and the soldiers' eyes turned green. You must know that in the past ten days, they could not even eat rice, and the leaders could still make a living by eating pot helmets. The soldiers on the first floor could only dig weeds and gnaw mushrooms. At least seven or eight people died from eating poisonous mushrooms.

Seeing the way they swallowed their saliva, Wu Shaoyi knew it was best not to say "no" this time.

So, they went up the mountain overnight.

And the guide also told Wu Shaoyi that Pei Xinyong's team was also going up the mountain.

Naturally, Wu Shaoyi couldn't believe it easily, but Pei Xinyong's army was on the other side of the mountain. He sent spies to inquire, and the answer he got was affirmative -

Long before the Holy Master's uprising, Wu Shaoyi and Pei Xinyong had a close friendship and had saved each other's life. They had a good friendship. Since Pei Xinyong also wants to go up the mountain, this stable triangle pattern has not been broken.

After much deliberation, Wu Shaoyi also waved her hand and entered the village overnight!

Thinking of the good wine and fish on the mountain, the whole army moved forward much faster. Wu Shaoyi's counselor was not at ease and asked the guide again: "Lu Yao asked us to go up the mountain all night just to eat. Is there no other reason?"

The guide smiled and said: "Look what you said, Xianling Village is a village as big as a fingernail, and it is in the mountains. What other reason could there be? Is it possible that there are still cave ruins there?"

Wu Shaoyi thought about it and realized that this was also the case, so he stopped talking and concentrated on walking.

In the dark mountain forest, the cries of night owls and wild wolves can be heard one after another.

The further Wu Shaoyi walked, the more she felt guilty. There are no stars or moon tonight, and there are no fingers in the mountains and forests, so we can only rely on torches for illumination.

A murderous night with a dark moon and high winds depicts the present moment, right?

If there is an ambush in such a forest, it would be extremely difficult to deal with.

At this moment, a group of night birds were frightened by the fluttering behind them, and among them there was a crow shouting at the top of his lungs, which made people's scalp tighten.

Everyone turned their heads subconsciously, but unexpectedly, an arrow was shot from the dark woods ahead, and with a "snatch" sound, it was nailed to the birch tree trunk two feet away from Wu Shaoyi!

The soldiers rushed forward, surrounded Wu Shaoyi, and shouted: "Enemy attack!"

The army drew its weapons and stood ready.

Wu Shaoyi waved her hand and said: "Take down the arrow."

Under the light of the torch, he could see a red silk tied to the tail of the arrow.

Flying arrows pass the message.

Who would squat in the forest in the middle of the night? Who knew that Wu Shaoyi's army was heading up the mountain here?

For a while, the forest remained quiet, with no other enemies or hidden arrows flying out. Wu Shaoyi sent his men into the forest to explore, but soon came back empty-handed.

Wu was not surprised by this result, and just asked his soldiers to spread out the red silk and use torches to illuminate it for him.

He wouldn't know it without looking at it. There were only three lines on the red silk, and each word made his heart tremble:

Lu Yao had surrendered, and he led his officers and soldiers to ambush Xianling Village, and another 700 people were ambush at Shaozi Rock.

It was late at night and Wu Shaoyi felt that every breath he took into his lungs was cold.

Lu Yao surrendered to Wang Ting?

The counselor came over and saw these three lines of small characters. They looked at each other in shock, and both saw the shock in the other's eyes.

Wu Shaoyi asked him in a low voice: "Is it possible? He has a bad reputation, and the Tingjun clearly hates him to the core."

The counselor quickly calmed down and knew that the boss needed his professional judgment at critical moments. He thought for a while and said cautiously: "If he turns against us, Wang Ting will be happy to see it happen, and maybe he will be given an official title and property. You also know that Lu Yaoyuan has no intention of becoming a bandit again, and the two parties may hit it off immediately."

"I've always heard that he wants to lead the army again."

"Then we need to recharge our batteries first." The counselor analyzed. "It is better to serve as a pawn of the royal court than to be in mourning... It is better to live all over the world and avoid the government."

He almost said "lost dog", but then he thought something was wrong, General Wu was in the same situation now.

Of course Wu Shaoyi understood, but looked unhappy. So the counselor hurriedly said: "It's not difficult to prove it."

He pointed to the small words on the red silk: "Send someone to Shaozi Rock first, and then you can demonstrate."

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