After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 121 The chess pieces left by the old emperor

At this time, the wine has also warmed up, and two more slices of shredded ginger are added, and the aroma is strong.

He Chunhua's cook cut about five kilograms of meat from the fish body, smeared it with various condiments, and grilled it over the fire. Soon, the aroma of fat and pepper was forced out by the flames.

Lu Yao smiled and said: "I also asked Mr. He if there is any special way to eat it. It turns out that it is also grilled."

"You guys don't take advantage of anything, so you have to mix it with the sauce." The chef brushed the fish with the sauce while turning it over and grilling it, and he had to brush it every ten times. When the fish is cooked, it turns into a beautiful red sauce color.

The fish was brought to the two bosses. When Lu Yao tasted it, he found it was grilled and tasted twice. A piece of fish as big as his fist was divided into two halves. The skin of half of the fish was charred and crispy, melting in the mouth. The thick fat under the skin penetrated into the meat, taking away the astringent taste of the large fish; while the other half of the fish was like Applying an unknown miso sauce, it has a salty aroma with a bit of fruity sweetness, and even a bit of sourness, which is very relieving.

"Okay, okay." Lu Yao took a mouthful of fish and drank a sip of wine, and gave a thumbs up, "It is worthy of being the home of bells and cauldrons!"

"It's an exaggeration." He Chunhua also took a piece of fish into his mouth, "When my family was at its most prosperous, we were not included in the Nine Qing Dynasty, and we couldn't even talk about the bells and cauldrons!"

"The Holy Master once took stock of Dayuan's officialdom and mentioned Lord He's name." Lu Yao chuckled, "He said you are a talent."

He Chunhua raised his eyebrows. The "Holy Master" the other party refers to is, of course, Hong Xiangqian, the leader of the rebels. It is said that this man has great magical powers and can even revive the dead, and even uses all kinds of magical powers on the battlefield——

This last point is highly unusual. As we all know, the royal army can call upon Yuanli during battle, thus forming a powerful suppressive effect on magical powers. Throughout the ages, countless supernatural beings have been surrounded and suppressed to death by government troops.

But Hong Xiangqian was able to use his magical powers on the battlefield, and the effectiveness was not diminished. This is because he has established his own political power and can control and deploy his energy.

This is probably the reason why Yuan Wangting is eager to kill the rebels: if this scourge is not eliminated, the second political power within Yuan will grow stronger.

Hong Xiangqian was dead, but Lu Yao, a man who was not afraid of heaven and earth, and who dared to disturb the Palace of Hell, still maintained respect for him in his speech. Just looking at this, He Chunhua knew that Hong Xiangqian was not simple, and he was definitely not just He was a thief and a liar declared by the royal court, but as an official of the royal court, he did not want to show admiration for him.

"I heard that the He family suffered a catastrophe, and you were the only one who survived, but you were demoted to Qiansong County by the old Hunjun. Were you only in your early ten years at that time? Well, you went to Qiansong County only to be a postman. Ordinary people will probably end their lives. You can seize the opportunity of foreign invasion and take advantage of the desert behind... What is that desert? "

"Coiling Dragon."

"Oh, yes, the wind and sand in the Panlong Desert made it impassable for several months. At that time, the city was still ruled by the Anton people. You gathered a crowd and killed the Anton people's envoy in the street. You probably scared the people in the city. Right? Why not kill you?"

"The Anton people have occupied Blackwater City for many years, but the Yuan Kingdom has never snatched it. The Anton people think that our country is weak and only support a few compradors to manage Blackwater City." He Chunhua said lightly, "Kill these compradors together, and then Use the Wild Sand Season to deal with the remaining Anton people in the city. By the end of the Wild Sand Season, Blackwater City has been successfully recovered."

Lu Yao slapped the table and laughed: "Okay, I'm happy. Did the governor of Jinzhou reward you heavily?"

"No." He Chunhua took a bite of the fish, "I was arrested and imprisoned. I received thirty lashes as soon as I entered the cell. I was charged with assassinating friendly people and provoking border wars. Fortunately, the jailer sympathized with me, beat me lightly, and sent me to prison. Shao Yao came. The next day, half the people in the city came to petition, and the officials were afraid of causing trouble, so they let me go."

"I told the governor of Jinzhou that the Anton people would not take the opportunity to retaliate, but he didn't believe it. But Blackwater City was also peaceful for two years, and it was not until the third year that Anton came back. The governor of Jinzhou was unable to deal with it, and someone advised him, Whoever caused the trouble was the one who solved it, so I was pushed out.”

Lu Yao nodded: "You fought off the Anton people."

"Three times. They didn't invade again after that." He Chunhua said, "The governor of Jinzhou takes the credit for himself, but my deeds have spread to the capital, and the king also knows about it, and he promoted me in an exceptional way."

Lu Yaoqi said: "How did you know that after killing the special envoy, the Anton people would swallow their anger?"

"In my last year as a postmaster, I heard a businessman on Hongya Road say that King Anton died and there was endless turmoil in the country."

"That's it? Insufficient credentials?"

He Chunhua sighed slightly: "The eldest son of King Anton died in infancy, and the second son and the fourth son have been fighting for power. The second son is fierce, and the fourth son is cunning. No one can kill the other in a short period of time, so the country is in constant turmoil. In this case, their I'm afraid the battle will be delayed, and we won't be able to take care of unimportant places like Hongya Road and Heishui City for the time being."

Lu Yao stroked his chin and said, "How did you win the battle later?"

"The Anton royal family had a chaotic war, and the four sons won in the end. However, the country had been weak for many years, and now it was even more decadent. It was just a shame to send people to capture Blackwater City. After three attacks, they couldn't take it back, so they stopped fighting." He Chunhua smiled slightly and said, "Now, the Andong Kingdom has a very close relationship with us."

"No wonder the Holy Master said that if there were people like you stationed in the interior of Yuan Kingdom, the rebel army's march north would not be so smooth."

He Chunhua was slightly moved.

This is a very high praise, and at the same time it also underestimates Dayuan's Manchu civil and military skills.

"Your family has suffered an unjust injustice, and you have made many achievements and demonstrated your talents in the border areas. Why has the royal court never re-employed you?"

He Chunhua smiled bitterly. This question is difficult to answer.

"The Holy Master mentioned it at that time. This is a chess piece left by the old emperor to his successor. It is a useful chess piece." Lu Yao said with a smile, "On the one hand, I will keep you in Qiansong County and continue to polish your spirit. On the other hand, I will keep you in Qiansong County. On the other hand, I will leave you to the next emperor, so that you can be grateful to the king who promoted you and do your best for him. After all, it was his father who killed your family, and he is the one who made you stand up. It's a pity that the current emperor is a man. The idiot has failed to live up to the gift the old man gave him before he died."

"Well, does what the Holy Master said make sense?"

He Chunhua lowered his eyes and said nothing, and then said after a while: "General Lu is aggrieved for me, and He is grateful."

"Why would you sacrifice your life for such an emperor?" Lu Yao chuckled, "Even Dong Haoming, who has worked for his family for many years, has rebelled against me. Are you still trying to make up for it?"

"There has never been a chance to correct the chaos." He Chunhua asked without waiting for Lu Yao's rebuttal. "Da Sima failed in his attempt to rebel in the capital, and now retreats to Wuzhou. The city there is well-fortified and has sufficient food, and the people only know about Donglai Mansion and don't know about Emperor Yuan. It can be seen that Da Sima has been prepared. If it were General Lu, how would you attack? "

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