After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1205 Seize the opportunity

The Jucheng County Magistrate was so worried that his hands and feet were running cold. He had only been in office for a few months, and his official hat was about to fall off?

It's a trivial matter to lose your hat, but I'm afraid your head will also fall off.

He secretly glanced at the captain of the Bixia people. This man's surname was Shi. He was blaming his men for their ineffective search with a straight face.

In fact, in the opinion of the county magistrate, the death row inmates may have escaped from Jucheng.

But no one dared to say these words.

A shadow flashed outside, and a person ran in.

The magistrate took a closer look and saw that he was a centurion.

This was the soldier leader under Captain Shi. He rushed in to meet his two superiors but did not salute or bow his head. He just said expressionlessly: "I know who kidnapped Situ He."

His eyes suddenly became dull and red light appeared in his eyes. Captain Shi was startled and asked tentatively: "Tianzun?"

This centurion is another ghost slave placed in Jucheng by the evil spirit Xuanlu. In this state, he must be possessed by a ghost. But Lieutenant Shi didn't care who the prisoner was, he only wanted to know the whereabouts of the condemned prisoners: "Where are they?"

"Most of them have left the city."

Captain Shi's heart felt heavy, as if a big stone was pressing down on him. Situ He escaped from Jucheng, which was a serious dereliction of duty on his part.

But Xuanlu Evil Spirit didn’t care what he was thinking:

"Allocate two thousand people, I want to use them."

"Ah?" Captain Shi had to ask clearly, "What do you want two thousand men for?"

Two thousand men and horses are not two thousand silver, so just throw it out casually.

"I'll let you get an advantage this time." Xuan Lu said grimly, "I will personally take action."

Captain Shi's surprise came at a very unexpected time: "You, old man, want to lead the troops there in person? But do you want to seize Yaopo?"

He heard that this evil spirit had a big appetite and demanded a high price. It was not easy for him to ask him to work.

Now the ghost king says that he wants to go out in person?

"No, I'm going to conquer the Valley of the Rocks."

"Go away..." Commander Shi thought he heard wrongly, "Then, isn't that a stronghold of the enemy?"

"Of course." Xuan Lu glanced at him, his eyes cold, "How long are you going to talk nonsense to me?"

Realizing that he was talking to the Ghost King, Lieutenant Shi felt a chill in his heart and calmed down: "The general can't make up his mind. I want to make a decision."

The centurion's face was expressionless, but Captain Shi could hear the disdain in his voice: "In my former army, a loser like you couldn't survive more than two days."

Captain Shi choked. He also knew the surrounding terrain. There were only mines and a small village in Rolling Stone Valley. Although it was easy to defend and difficult to attack, it was surrounded by stone mountains, making it impossible to grow crops or station troops.

What's the use of rushing to conquer it now? Although the mines are good, can they feed the people and horses?

Not to mention that Jucheng suffered a heavy setback tonight and all the prisoners on death row were kidnapped.

According to the plan, they were supposed to resist the Situ family's siege. Now that the important bargaining chip was gone, would Situ come to attack the city?

Captain Shi has a lot of troubles on his hands, and Xuanlu Ghost King wants to borrow two thousand people. This is really, really...

House seemingly endless rain.

But he knew the importance of Xuanlu Ghost King, so he could only continue to be respectful: "Tianzun, I also need a reason to report to the superior. Why do you want to attack Rolling Stone Valley?"

Xuanlu Ghost King glanced at him: "Do you know Luo Shengjia?"

Captain Shi was stunned and nodded.

This is an ancient legend in the central and western parts of the Golden Plains. He is a general, how could he not have heard of it?

"Luo Shengjia has been born, maybe in the Rolling Stone Valley." Xuanlu Ghost King said coldly, "The war in Bixia is tense, and I have been unable to attack Situ for a long time. Don't you want to use the power of Xie Jia?"

Captain Shi never expected this reason. He hesitated for a moment and then said: "I will go to Feiqin immediately to send a message."

Not daring to say anything, and just about to turn around and go out, Xuanlu Ghost King said again: "My true self is coming soon. You'd better prepare your troops before the day after tomorrow."

He didn't say "or else," but everyone knew the consequences.

Yaopo camp is brightly lit.

Situ Yu stood outside the main tent, often looking into the sky.

The night sky was clean and there was nothing.

Fu Liushan agreed with him that once he succeeded in rescuing Situ He, he would set off fireworks as a sign of success.

Not so fast, he kept comforting himself. Counting the time, Master Fu's team had just slipped in and was about to launch a rescue.

His fists subconsciously unclenched and clenched.

If it fails...

Once the rescue failed, he would take Jucheng by force with lightning speed! As for Yaopo, I hope that the remaining forces can hold on until he returns with his troops.

Father and son are connected, and he will never sit back and watch his son being killed.

Situ Yu took a deep breath to relieve the anxiety that filled his heart.

At this moment, he actually heard the most familiar voice coming from behind:


It was Situ He's voice. Was he hallucinating?

"Father, I'm back!"

Situ Yu turned around suddenly and saw his son running over surrounded by several guards, covered in blood.

"Ahe?" Situ Yu was overjoyed, and seeing the blood on his son's body frightened him.

However, the guard behind him immediately stepped forward and raised a lamp to shine on Situ He's face.

If someone is pretending to be someone, they will be revealed after taking a photo like this.

Real, guaranteed replacement if fake.

Situ Yu then stepped forward and held his son's shoulders, looking up and down.

"This..." When he saw the injury on Aiko's hand, his face suddenly darkened, "Who did this?!"

"Come here, come here, where is the medical officer?" The father and son were connected, and he felt heartbroken.

"Ghost King." Being a death row prisoner is not a vacation. Situ He has had a hard time these two days. He was tortured and served by Xuanlu Ghost King again. He is shaky, but his mind is very clear. He can speak clearly in a few words, "Xuanlu Ghost King wants to Force me to persuade my father to surrender."

The military doctor heard the sound and rushed over. When he saw Situ He's injury, he asked him to come in for treatment.

As soon as Situ He lay down on the narrow bed, his father asked him:

"By the way, where is the whole team, Master Fu? Why are you the only one coming back?"

"Huh?" Situ He was stunned and subconsciously looked around, "Master Fu is here too?"

He also recognized Fu Liushan.

Situ Yu was even more surprised than him: "Master Fu didn't rescue you?"

Then how did this son appear out of thin air!

"No, no, it's an old friend of mine!" Seeing that the topic was about to get sidetracked, Situ He immediately brought it back to the subject, "Father, now that I'm out of trouble, what are you going to do next?"

This is the urgent need now.

Situ Yu's face turned serious.

Situ He said resolutely: "I escaped too fast, and the Bixia people haven't reacted yet. They are probably still looking for me all over the city at this moment. This is a great opportunity, father must not waste it!"

From the moment his eyes darkened to the time he returned to Yaopo, it was less than two-quarters of an hour!

He still hasn't figured out how He Xiao sent him back.

He could understand the idea of ​​escaping from Jucheng; but the distance from Jucheng to Yaopo was several miles, and the mountain road was difficult and winding in the middle of the night, and horses that ran too fast could easily sprain their feet or fall off the cliff.

So, how could He Xiao safely send him back to Yaopo within two-quarters of an hour?

He didn't feel any bumps the whole time!

This is so weird.

The only reason is that He Xiao is proficient in escape techniques.

Situ Yu was asking him: "How long did it take you to escape?"

Situ He quickly shook his head to get rid of distracting thoughts: "It's only been two-quarters of an hour since I was rescued."

"Two quarters of an hour!" Situ Yu's expression changed and he was also surprised. But as the commander-in-chief of the army, he was the first to realize that the opportunity had come.

Just like his son said, he escaped too quickly and the Vishayans didn't even react. Now is a great opportunity!

"Okay, excellent." He sat next to Situ He's bed, "I originally planned to attack Jucheng before dawn if the rescue failed. Jucheng probably also expected this and was ready to defend the city. "

Situ He immediately asked: "Where is the front line of the Bixia people?"

There is another team of the Pixia people stationed in Baijian Town. They are the horns of each other with Jucheng and keep a close eye on Situ's army.

Situ's army suffered two defeats and switched from offense to defense, also because one against two was unable to stop them.

No matter where he attacks, another one will take advantage of it.

"The spies reported that the Pixia camp in Baijian Town was also lit up all night, and the horses were not unsaddled. They seemed to be equally prepared. They wanted to wait for me to send troops to attack Jucheng, and then they would attack Yaopo. I originally thought that here Separate a thousand men to guard the camp.”

The Bixia people used a conspiracy. Situ Yu had no choice but to jump in even though he knew it was a trap. Who made him reluctant to let go of his son?

But that was the original!

Situ He suddenly got out of trouble, and the situation suddenly reversed.

Situ Yu's weakness is gone, but the people of Vixia haven't reacted yet!

Situ He immediately said: "But Jucheng has been prepared in advance and has sufficient troops and food. If we go to attack by force, we may not be able to take it down in a short time."

Jucheng was originally a bait to lure the Situ family into action.

Then the Bixia army in Baijian Town will still attack Yaopo and try to defeat the Situ family's front line.

Situ Yu nodded: "Yes, Ahe, what do you think?"

Situ He didn't sleep for several days and was tortured again. He lost too much blood. The military doctors finally treated his injuries to stop the bleeding. As soon as he lay down, his limbs felt like heavy lead and he wanted to pass out.

But at the critical moment, he must keep his spirits up: "Jucheng is ready for defense. Is there any in Baijian Town? Their attention is on Jucheng ahead, and they will not pay attention to the danger behind."

A word to wake up the dreamer!

Situ Yu punched his palm: "Wonderful, Baijian Town must not have thought that instead of attacking Jucheng, we would sneak attack on them!"

"Okay, that's a good idea! The Vixia people want to steal the kiln slope? I will treat them in their own way!" He stood up, walked for seven or eight steps and said, "But we still have to spread it. These suspicious formations made the Bixia people think that we were sending troops to Jucheng."

There had just been trouble in Jucheng, and it was not yet certain that Situ He had escaped from the city. Of course, Baijian Town did not receive the news so quickly.

Soldiers are expensive and quick.

Situ Yu patted his son's shoulder lightly: "You need to recover from your injuries first, and I'll go make arrangements."

Now that his son is back, he no longer has to worry about fighting and can just let it go!

Situ He exhaled: "This battle will definitely be a victory!"

The soothing effect of the medicine was also taking effect, and before Situ Yu could step out of the door, he couldn't hold on anymore and fell asleep.


The next day was a nice day, with a bright sun and no clouds.

At the end of the morning, a group of people walked into Jishi Village and asked to visit "He Xiao".

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