After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1209 The most suitable bait

"The spells used by these two leaders are very similar to the Xuanlu evil ghost, so..." He is a well-known heavenly master, and he has his own set of judgment methods. "I reasonably inferred at the time that the Bixia people had invited the Howling Forest to take action."

It turns out that Xuanlu Ghost King has lost more than one clone recently. No wonder he needs to be replaced urgently. He Lingchuan immediately said: "So in the past half month, Xuanlu Ghost King has sent little ghosts to eat people around Rolling Stone Valley. Is it because the Bixia people failed to attack Jishi Village?"

"It's very possible." Fu Liushan stroked his chin, "Pixia went to Jishi Village to kidnap people, but you were thwarted by you, so it was difficult to organize an attack for a while. But Xuanlu has a big appetite, so maybe he has to do it himself and attack a few more villages and towns. ”

He concluded: "If it doesn't recover for one day, it will continue to eat people. If you save Jishi Village, it will go to other villages and towns to kill people."

"This ghost king has teamed up with the Bixia people and caused us a lot of trouble. Master Fu can't stay on the battlefield and find the clone of Xuanlu Ghost King for us." Situ Yu also said, "It is eating at will behind the front line. It has caused great panic and disrupted civilian life to this day, and it really cannot be tolerated.”

When the human power is restored, it will inevitably conflict with the surrounding big monsters and evil spirits. This seems to have become the law of the Golden Plains. In the past, when the Julu Kingdom was prosperous, they got rid of the White Bear King. Similarly, the Yao Kingdom also sent troops to encircle and suppress the three-tailed monster.

But Situ Yu said "Don't tolerate it", but the knot on his brow did not break.

Fu Liushan said the rest for him: "Xuanlu Ghost King, how can it be so easy to deal with?"

This place has been in chaos for hundreds of years, and the Ghost King Xuanlu has also existed for hundreds of years. All the forces have risen and fallen, but in the end, only King Xuanlu is sitting firmly in the howling forest.

If this damn thing is easy to kill, who else will it be their turn to do it?

Dong Rui snorted: "The power of this ghost king is very useful in the Golden Flash Plains. Why don't you use its clone to fight?"

King Laofeng and the Bixia people both obtained Xuanlu's clone, which greatly increased the combat power of their elite troops.

Even though the number of these elite puppets is limited, they are of great use at critical moments.

Not afraid of death, not afraid of tiredness, not afraid of rebellion.

"Xuanlu's clone is not lent out for free. The borrower must offer a large amount of sacrifices, that is, living souls." Fu Liushan replied, "My family has observed such precedents for generations. Once the borrower gets used to using Xuanlu's clone, , Xuan Lu’s appetite will grow bigger and bigger, and he will demand more and more souls, otherwise he will take back his clones.”

"In the past, the borrowers would give priority to sacrificing prisoners of war and enemy civilians, but the Ghost King Xuanlu asked for too much. The most exaggerated figure I heard was that Xuanlu once asked to sacrifice 500 people at a time! After the prisoners and civilians were sacrificed, After offending the people, the Lord can only sacrifice the living people of his own country, and then he will use various excuses to arrest and arrest indiscriminately, and the more he arrests and sacrifices, the more he will sacrifice, which can easily trigger a civil uprising. "

He Lingchuan thought of Nangong Yan, the chief steward of the Yu Guards under Jun Jun, and Xuan Lu planted an evil spirit clone in him to control the Golden Yu Guards.

Those are all executioners who are abandoned by gods and hated by ghosts. The common people are afraid and hate them to the core.

How many living people did they kill in total to support Xuan Lu? I'm afraid no one knows the exact number.

Even if He Lingchuan didn't take action, he didn't think Nangong Yan and King Lao Fan would end well in the end.

Situ He was categorical: "Inviting ghosts to your body is like raising a poisonous poison. It is powerful in the short term, but in the long term it undermines the fundamentals! We can't do anything about it."

Situ Yu glanced at his son: "Mr. He, we finally won a big victory this morning. I will keep up my efforts."

He didn't say it clearly, but in He Lingchuan's opinion, he was interested in Jucheng.

The Bixia people in Baijian Town were beaten away, and Jucheng became an isolated city for the time being. Situ Yu probably wanted to take back Jucheng in one go before his backup arrived.

Once recaptured, the morale of Situ's army will be greatly boosted, and they will have more capital to lobby for cooperation in the surrounding areas.

Situ He immediately asked for orders: "There are still two families left. I will be on the road early tomorrow morning."

His face was still pale from excessive blood loss, but he was full of energy and did not flinch at all because he was almost killed.

The time is tight and pain is no excuse.

Situ Yu felt a little sad when he saw the bruises on his face and the wounds on his hands, but he was also very relieved.

He Lingchuan already knew that Situ He had been acting as a lobbyist to persuade surrounding forces to join the Situ family in fighting against Bixia.

He is Situ Yu's only son and has a suitable status.

Previously, the Vishayans got information about his route and kidnapped him halfway.

Even so, Situ He was not scared out of his wits. Instead, he became more determined and determined to complete the task at hand.

"As for the Xuanlu evil spirit." Situ Yu asked again, "Is there anything Master Fu can do?"

He only has this few troops at hand. If he wants to deal with the Bixia people, it will be difficult to deal with the Xuanlu evil spirit at the same time.

Besides, if the evil spirits in the Howling Forest were so easy to deal with, would it be his turn to have to deal with them now?


However, Xuanlu's evil spirit teamed up with Bixia, which indeed caused a lot of trouble for the Situ family's key battle.

He really wanted to get rid of this ghost.

"Xuanlu Evil Spirit has killed several clones one after another, and was not replenished in time, so its strength has declined." Fu Liushan was also thinking, "It is actually a good opportunity to deal with it at this time."

Dong Rui interjected: "How many clones does Xuan Lu have?"

"Not sure."

"What if we lure it out of the Howling Forest?"

"It is very cunning and usually does not come out." Fu Liushan mused, "I heard that the entire forest is its eyes and ears. No matter who enters, it will know. With this kind of landowner's convenience, it is difficult for others to be in the Howling Forest. Deal with it."

Dong Rui didn't believe it: "It never came out?"

"How do I know? Do you still need to report to me when it comes out of the Howling Forest?" Fu Liushan rolled his eyes, "My father was able to make an agreement with it in the past just because he held a powerful demon soul in his hand. Xuan Lu coveted it. But. It also refused to go out of the forest to collect the soul in person, so it agreed not to go to Jishi Village to eat people in exchange for the demon soul. "

"Really such a homebody?" He Lingchuan glanced at Dong Rui, "You used to hide in the Wange Swamp and never see anyone else all day long. Under what circumstances would you leave the swamp and enter the town?"

Dong Rui used to be a homebody, and he didn't see anyone for several months after starting experiments.

"Go and resupply." He thought for a while, "After staying in the swamp for a long time, birds start to appear in my mouth, and sometimes I want to go to the town to have a big meal and taste some pot gas."

"The same goes for Xuan Lu." How different can the temperament of a dead house be? "If it hadn't been short of food, it probably wouldn't have left the Howling Forest."

Fu Liushan echoed: "It happened to have lost a few clones and is in urgent need of major replacements."

Dong Rui said excitedly: "That makes sense! Then let's get some live people as bait to catch it out?"

"Uh..." Sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth?

Situ Yu frowned: "This is inappropriate."

If he did this, what would be the difference between him and the Vishayans?

He Lingchuan discussed the matter: "That thing has a huge appetite. I'm afraid more than a hundred living people won't be enough."

The Vishayans offered sacrifices to hundreds of people at a time.

Fu Liushan looked He Lingchuan up and down: "We have to find something that he is really interested in."

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