After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1211 Banquet Guests

"Luring the enemy?" Situ Yu has been fighting for many years and understands it immediately, "Mr. He, is he confident?"

He Lingchuan smiled: "I have an idea."

Anyway, it was not far away, so He Lingchuan simply hired all the cooks and helpers from the best restaurant in Yaopo and went directly to Jishi Village to cook!

Boss He has reserved the restaurant tonight and asks for home cooking.

All the meat and vegetable supplies that will be used are pulled from the kiln slope, enough to fill seventeen carts.

People from Yaopo came out to watch the fun and pointed, saying that the local tycoons were rich and powerful.

It was quite a sight to see so many large cars lining up on the mountain road, and they were escorted by the Situ family's guards the whole way, which gave them a lot of space.

Returning to Jishi Village, the guards turned around and returned, while the restaurant cooks borrowed the rural earthen stoves and began to cook a feast.

This night, the fragrance filled the village.

He Lingchuan had a close relationship with the Situ family, so Situ Yu assigned 400 people to guard Rolling Stone Valley and stationed them outside Jishi Village.

This army had just set up camp in the evening, and before their buttocks were even hot, the consolation delicacies sent by He Lingchuan arrived.

Not only is it made by the chef himself, but it's still steaming hot right out of the kitchen.

I almost drank, but the team can't drink while on duty.

The soldiers ate with their mouths full of oil and kept praising the boss of the Shanxi Chamber of Commerce for his real skills.

In addition, He Lingchuan also invited every miner in Rolling Stone Valley and every villager in Jishi Village to the grain drying field for a reward banquet——

Only the grain drying field can accommodate dozens of tables.

Mr. He’s family invited the whole village to a feast!

For those who didn't want to participate, He Lingchuan sent someone to deliver two meat and two vegetables, a pot of wine, and some fruits to their home.

The meat dishes are either braised chicken legs or braised pork, the oil is clear and red, and some are even smoked fish and rabbit meat in sauce, making people salivate as soon as the lid is lifted.

The banquet on the Shai Guchang is certainly the most sumptuous, with eight dishes on each table, all delicious, delicious and filling.

At the same time, each table is provided with a jar of wine.

Before the banquet, firecrackers started to set off, crackling for more than two quarters of an hour, and smoke filled the air everywhere.

This small mountain village has not been so lively for a long, long time.

He Lingchuan toasted table by table, especially Yangshan's employees stationed in Rolling Stone Valley.

Everyone traveled across the ocean to the Shining Gold Plains and risked their lives to expand territory for the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce. In addition to favorable salary, He Lingchuan could not treat others poorly in other aspects.

The boss treated us to a treat, and the toast was made openly. Everyone let go and ate and drank to their heart's content.

The main theme is to make everyone happy.

He Lingchuan sat at the main table, accompanied by Jiang Lishui and others. They drank and drank with each other. Flattery words were indispensable during the dinner, and laughter echoed over Jishi Village.

The miners and villagers were eating in and out, not taking it seriously.

What does business with these foreign businessmen have to do with them? If you don’t understand what you’re hearing, eating more good food is the right thing to do.

After drinking for three rounds, Jiang Lishui also expressed his worries: "My boss, you have offended Bixia and that Xuanlu ghost king, but you must be careful and safe, and don't let the thieves and ghosts take advantage of you."

He Lingchuan smiled and said: "I didn't fight with the Bixia people, so how can I be considered offended? We are just businessmen. What's the matter, do the Bixia people care who I do business with?"

Jiang Lishui suddenly said: "Yes, you are right."

"Let's talk about the Ghost King." He Lingchuan raised his glass and took a sip, "I will set off early tomorrow morning and go back to Julu Port to catch a boat. No matter how powerful this Xuanlu Ghost King is, can he cross the ocean to chase me?"

"No, that's definitely not possible." Jiang Lishui also drank too much and was no longer as reserved as before. He slapped his thigh with an ooh, "My boss is going back west tomorrow? So tonight we should be the one to give you a farewell! Come, I wish you all your wishes will come true and may you have good fortune!"

He Lingchuan patted Jiang Lishui on the shoulder again:

"You don't have to worry. After I leave, Xuanlu Ghost King will not do thankless things without a goal. The Rolling Stone Valley is also guarded by the Situ Guards. It is expected that it will not be invaded by sneaks and bandits again. You can just mine with peace of mind. ”

Jiang Lishui patted his chest: "If you say that, my subordinates will feel at ease."

As soon as He Lingchuan put down his wine glass, he hurriedly filled it up to seven points.

"You have done a good job here. You are courageous, visionary, and able to seize opportunities." He Lingchuan shook his cup, "Work in the Golden Plains for another two years. I have other plans for you."

During the expansion period, Yangshan Islands really needed such talents. Jiang Lishui gave himself a chance to perform, and of course he should be rewarded.

Jiang Lishui was overjoyed and immediately toasted: "Thank you, boss!"

His efforts were finally noticed by the big boss!

Promotion is just around the corner.

It's not in vain that he risked his life to come to this god-forsaken place to fight against the wind and waves.

Several members of the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce felt envious when they heard this, and they also raised their glasses in toast.

Being able to have dinner with the big boss, or even keeping a good eye on the big boss, will be of great benefit to future promotions.

If someone needs to be hired for some errand, the big boss will think about who seems good and just pick a general, wouldn't it be enough for him in the future?

So this toast was vigorous and the sound spread far and wide.

The miners and villagers on the grain drying ground all immersed themselves in eating and drinking, only competing with the delicious food on the table. Someone was sitting at the next table, listening to everything Yangshan Chamber of Commerce said, and occasionally looking up at He Lingchuan and others.

It wasn't until the first watch that the reward banquet invited by He Dong's family came to an end. The miners and villagers all burped and went back to their houses to rest. The cooks in the restaurant cleaned up the leftovers on the grain drying ground and drove back to the kiln slope overnight.

This is also Boss He's request.

Although it was very troublesome, he gave too much, so the kitchen workers could only return to the city happily with their money and fatigue.

Which rich person doesn’t have some bad habits?

After the large group of people left, Jishi Village finally returned to its former tranquility.

The bright moon, which had been shy for half the night, also emerged from the clouds, spreading its radiance to the world.

After returning to the village chief's house to rest, Dong Rui asked He Lingchuan in a low voice:

"With such a big battle, are you sure it will come tonight?"

"Let's take a look." He Lingchuan lay down with his clothes on, "Give it a chance. Let's see if it's useful."

When He Lingchuan held a banquet for guests in Jishi Village, the atmosphere in the Jucheng official office was gloomy, which was in sharp contrast.

Baijian Town was captured, and the Bixia people lost an important fulcrum here. From now on, people and horses can only enter and exit through Jucheng, which will greatly affect reconnaissance, lookout, and guarding.

The Situ family could find out how many troops Bixia sent.

Captain Shi's head almost dropped to the ground. The superior summoned him and scolded him, calling him "weak and incompetent" and unworthy of his position, just because the ghost king came in person and needed local officials to deal with him, otherwise he would have been dismissed and investigated.

Captain Shi did not dare to say "no". Situ He was rescued under his nose, which led to the fall of Baijian Town. There is indeed a causal connection between these two things, which is indisputable.

Now, he needs a chance to make amends.

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