After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1213 Night Attack on Mian Village

He asked modestly: "What are you going to do?"

"Send birds for reconnaissance." The Ghost King had already thought about it, "Destroy the reinforcements first, and Jishi Village is in my pocket!"

Not long after, the army was organized, with a total of two thousand people.

There are not only the Bixia people here, but also the Gaopu people who originally surrendered.

Captain Shi ordered all Gaopu people to go out and sign a contract with the Ghost King, allowing Xuanlu Ghost King to use their skins to fight "when necessary".

Of course the people in Gaopu are not willing. Who likes to leave life and death completely in the hands of others? But in full view of everyone in the square, with sharp knives and spears pointed in front of him, Captain Shi said that he would be executed on the spot if he refused, so the Gaopu people had no choice but to compromise.

There were still a few developing lamps in the square that were not extinguished, and the Bixia army saw phantoms reflected in the blue light one after another. They were all green-faced and fanged evil spirits, looking at people with greedy and malicious eyes.

Although they are incorporeal, anyone who gets close to them will feel gloomy and their hands and feet will be cold.

Therefore, the living people and the ghost army naturally stood in piles separately and did not want to get close.

There are also grotesque corpse puppets among the ghost army, which are tangible. Anyone who dares to look at them twice will turn their heads and smile at you. They definitely look like creatures that only appear in nightmares.

If Fu Liushan were here, he would be able to see that there is actually one, or even two or three evil spirits hidden in the bodies of these corpse puppets. They controlled the corpse puppets' actions, just like He Lingchuan controlled the golden-armored bronze generals.

The moon is at its zenith and the night is quiet.

It has to be said that Captain Shi's integration speed was not slow. It only took two thousand Bixia people two hours to get ready and head towards Rolling Stone Valley under the cover of night.

The Bixia people's bird demons reported back and forth, and this army of mixed humans and ghosts was able to avoid the Situ family's patrol and quietly approached Mian Village.

Mian Village is surrounded by mountains on many sides, in the shape of "冂", and its terrain is low. There is a long and winding descent from the main road to Mian Village.

Therefore, this is indeed the best choice for Situ Zangjun. Blocked by woods, the figures and lights in the village are not easily detectable by the outside world.

The bird demon has already made two reconnaissance rounds and has not reported any signs of living people, but Xuanlu Ghost King is very sure:

"There's someone in the village!"

Shi Duwei asked curiously: "How do you know?"

"The corpse puppets I released can feel the existence of the barrier. It is to cover up their popularity. It is too clumsy. It is probably the hand of some inferior heavenly master." Xuanlu Ghost King said calmly, "They have already entered the village. . Although there were no lights in the village, the doors of every house were closed. Two zombies got in through the windows and lost contact with me. "

That means being knocked off.

Captain Shi had seen the scouts he sent out. They were all puppets of weasels, weasels, gliders and other small animals. Except for their red eyes and dry fur, they were as flexible as living creatures.

There is no doubt that Xuanlu Ghost King can borrow their sight to see the entire Mian Village clearly.

"There are only dozens of houses here, including warehouses. It would be great if they could hide a thousand people." What Shi Duwei was thinking was that the other party had clearly lured the Ghost King here, but only sent a few people. Isn't that justified?

"There is a large cave behind Mian Village, and the entrance is opened on the mountain wall." Xuanlu Ghost King's eyes flashed red, "In the past, the living people who lived here specially widened the cave for temporary refuge. There are three large and small caves connected together, which can accommodate at least a thousand people. Your last attack on Mian Village was so fast that they didn't even have time to hide in the back mountain cave. "

It added: "These people know that the local area is too close to Rolling Stone Valley, and the army must not be exposed, otherwise there is a risk of being discovered. So if there are troops stationed in Mian Village, there are probably people in these caves."

"I see." As expected of the Ghost King, he even knows this kind of secret. Yes, the Ghost King seemed to have been born in this area during his lifetime. Captain Shi smiled and said, "When they entered the cave, they asked for a roadblock. We divided our troops into two groups and went all the way to the back of the village to block the dark hole first; Fight all the way into the village and catch them off guard."

Xuanlu Ghost King nodded: "In the first round, fire attack is appropriate."

Now the two sides divided their forces. Captain Shi went around the back mountain to surround the cave, while Xuanlu Ghost King prepared to attack Mian Village.

Under the guidance of the ghost king's clone, Captain Shi soon discovered that the forest behind the village was extremely dense. The distance between the trees was so small that people could hardly squeeze in. Even if they entered, they would be scratched. However, there was a small path leading directly to the back. In the mountains, although the grass on the ground is already higher than the ankles, the trees do not grow so quickly.

Walking along this road, you will soon encounter a thick mountain wall. The solid rock of the mountain is dark at night, rendering layers of shadows.

From here on, the Vishayans need to be careful.

If there are people in the cave, there must be a formation or guards outside.

Captain Shi gestured to the bird demon, and the two night owls flapped their wings and flew over, circling the stone wall to inspect it carefully.

As soon as they got closer, something seemed to move and shrink in the shadow on the stone wall.

After the two night owls circled around, they changed their angle and continued to approach.

But this time, they found nothing unusual. There was nothing in the crevice.

Maybe it's just a nocturnal critter.

The Ghost King clone pointed forward, indicating that the cave entrance was in front, and at the same time released several corpse puppet spies.

As soon as these little things hit the ground, they slithered into the shadow of the trees.

After only a dozen breaths, the ghost king's clone opened his eyes and said: "There were many figures inside, and they got rid of my corpse."

Captain Shi immediately waved to the rear: "Go forward!"

We have reached the entrance of the cave, there is no need to wiggle around anymore.

The Bixia people strode forward, and sure enough, there was a cave entrance hidden behind the woods. It was shrunk by artificially rammed earth, and could only accommodate four or five people abreast. Probably people in the past wanted to make this place easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In front of the cave, there are three layers of hard stakes lined up inside and outside, with the spikes pointing outwards. Whoever attacks must pass this level first.

The tip of the pile was very new, as if it had just been chipped.

There were thirty or forty guards behind the pile. When they saw the Bixia people rushing out, they immediately shouted and raised their crossbows to shoot.

The strange thing is that their equipment is not like the Situ family's army, and Captain Shi has never seen that style.

But he didn't have time to think about it. He was coming, and of course he had to seize the entrance of the cave with lightning speed.


The Bixia army received the order and rushed forward under the rain of arrows.

However, the clone of Xuanlu Ghost King stopped and looked sideways in front of him: "That's not right!"

Captain Shi was about to rush out, but then he turned around and said, "What?"

"These are not living people!"

"...?" In addition to Xuanlu Ghost King, can the other party also control ghosts? "What now?"

Have they fallen into each other's trap? Want to withdraw?

Xuanlu Ghost King's clone made a decisive decision: "Don't retreat, continue to attack. Send some people to check on the way here."

Captain Shi immediately pointed out four or five people and asked them to exit the forest to investigate the situation.

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