After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1215 You come and I go

No matter before or now, these tactics are readily available to him.

However, at this moment, the shouts of killing suddenly shook the sky from behind Mian Village, and an army appeared out of nowhere in the woods!

Not to mention the Bixia people, even Xuanlu Ghost King was surprised.

Because, the clone sent to Captain Shi's team suddenly lost contact with it!

Previously, Lieutenant Shi had obviously led people to block the entrance to the cave. Where did these more than a thousand enemies come from?

After all, Xuanlu Ghost King is also a master at playing with illusions. After a little thought, he understood:


The opponent's trap was not set at the entrance of the cave, but in the forest of mixed trees!

The jungle seemed empty. Captain Shi and his clone were not worried about the other party's manipulation, so they led the team over.

I'm afraid that's where they fell into the trap set by the enemy!

The opponent must have a space magic weapon, which forms a small world inside, and then disguises the opening as a forest, waiting for them to fall into the trap.

If its clone wants to get out of trouble, it must find a way out and a loophole, and it can't hope for the moment.

There were also 700 Bixia people who fell with Captain Shi.

Xuanlu Ghost King's face was gloomy.

Captain Shi and his clones were in trouble, so there were enemies hidden in the real stone cave. Now a swarm of swarms came out, which immediately changed the comparison between the number of enemies and ourselves.

The opponent's number is close to 2,780, but our own only has 1,300, plus dozens of corpse puppets!

Of course, the Ghost King still has a chance to win. It has many evil soldiers, and the zombie puppets are far more powerful than humans. The death squad composed of Gaopu puppets are like sharp knives, and can still cut the enemy into pieces. These three hundred dead soldiers alone were at least worth a thousand enemy troops.

So it is not afraid.

But the trouble is that this battle is just a warm-up. Its real target is Jishi Village and Luo Shengjia!

There must be a fierce battle waiting for it there. The battlefield is like a chess piece. It would be unworthy to throw all the chess pieces out now.

No, that's not right!

It suddenly reacted. If even the battle in Mian Village was beyond its expectation, it meant that the opponent had predicted that it would sneak attack here earlier. Then was Luo Shengjia still in Jishi Village?

Xuanlu Ghost King cursed and ordered his troops to retreat!

What's the point of hitting hard when you know it's a trap?

Withdraw, leave it all to me!

Just as the Bixia people were about to change direction, a general rushed out of the woods and marched his army straight towards Xuanlu Ghost King, shouting: "Where are Xuanlu going? Do you want to leave your companions and leave first?"

These words were heartbreaking. Xuanlu Ghost King frowned and turned to look.

Astonishingly, Situ Yu personally took charge.

This was also beyond the expectations of Xuanlu Ghost King. For the boy named He, Situ Yu actually went out in person?

On the opposite side, Situ Yu saw the face of Xuanlu Ghost King clearly, and he was also furious: "You shameless ghost, do you have no face?"

That face was all too familiar to him. It was Qi Tianbo, the general of the Gaopu Kingdom whose whereabouts were unknown after being captured!

Qi Tianbo and Situ Yu are fellow disciples and have a very good personal relationship. He fell into the hands of the Vixia people before the country was overthrown, and Situ Yu has been looking for his whereabouts.

Unexpectedly, he turned into the skin of Xuanlu Ghost King!

Xuanlu Ghost King has so many skins, but he chose Qi Tianbo for tonight's attack. Isn't it obvious that he is here to disgust people?

Xuanlu Ghost King turned his head and smiled at Situ Yu with Qi Tianbo's face. The smile was both familiar and strange:

"You claim to be loyal and courageous, but you are not very steadfast. Qi Tianbo's soul was taken out by me, and he cried bitterly and begged for death within two days."

Situ Yu was so angry that his face turned blue, but he did not waste any time in issuing orders one after another: "Stop him! Now I have conquered the Ghost King in Mian Village and avenged my homeland and old friends!"

The Ghost King helped the Bixia people attack Gaopu, and Situ Yu indeed had a personal grudge against him.

With him taking the lead, the morale of Situ's army on the battlefield was greatly boosted. The generals and generals worked hard to adjust their formations, and the gaps in the military formation that were originally torn apart by the corpse puppets gradually closed.

They have different talents, but their numbers are limited. Situ's army was not overwhelmed by a wave, but began to fight back in a targeted manner after the initial panic.

Many projectiles grabbed spears and called into the corpse puppet's eyes.

Almost all of these corpse puppets are invulnerable, and somehow their resistance to magical powers is astonishingly high. The evil ghost is hidden deep inside, and even Fu Liushan's spell cannot drive it away. So for ordinary soldiers, the fragile eyes of the corpse puppet are the only breakthrough.

The tips of the spears that were thrown were dipped in a little vermilion. It is an anointing oil specially prepared by the Heavenly Master using cinnabar, ghost weeping grass and other materials, and then fired with the true fire of Samadhi. It is also called "ghost poison ointment". As long as the spear can pierce the corpse puppet's eyes, the ghost poison ointment will be effective, killing or driving away the evil spirits hidden deep inside.

Not long after, two corpse puppets were hit and fell to the ground - the evil ghosts who controlled them disappeared, and the ghost poison remained in the bodies of the corpse puppets. Xuan Lu's other evil ghosts were temporarily unable to take over. .

Just by looking at the performance of these spears, Xuanlu Ghost King can further confirm that his opponent has been secretly preparing to deal with it.

The centipede corpse puppet had already killed a dozen soldiers. The ground was covered with blood and organs, and no one around them dared to approach. It was about to find a few more victims when a violent roar came from nearby, and then its head was hit with a heavy object, banging several times.

The centipede immediately rolled back, but unexpectedly what the other party swung over was a thick tree trunk. It was rolled up on the trunk, and the edges were chipped so much that sawdust fell off.

Wrong roll? Just as it was about to let go, the ghost ape had already taken advantage of the situation and hugged its head, giving it a hard blow——

It broke and exploded at the same time.

Even a corpse puppet cannot move without a head.

The three or four evil ghosts controlling the centipedes fled away. The ghost apes raised their sticks and killed them one by one calmly.

Its stick is thick and consumes the most ghost poison ointment.

The ghost ape turned his head and saw the fat zombie chasing people, so he jumped over to stop him. Although Situ's army can throw spears, this fat man's head can be retracted directly into his body, protecting himself with thick fat.

Seeing that the ghost ape was also attacking, it shrank its head again and shrunk itself into a ball.

No matter how hard you hit it with the purple gold stick, it is full of elasticity; no matter how hard the ghost monkey uses it, it can bounce as high as possible.

The result of beating a ball wildly is that you can only chase it around.

Finally, the ghost monkey got angry and listened to the instructions in his ear. So he stretched out his hand to grab the dead fat man's hair and pulled it out with force.

Is it possible for you to be a coward?

The strength of the ghost ape is incredible. No matter how tight the fat corpse puppet's head is, it is still pulled out bit by bit.

The few evil spirits hiding deep inside tried their best, but they just couldn't resist such a strong man.

The fat corpse puppet's bitter face finally showed up again, but his eyes were tightly closed, lest he be taken advantage of by others.

The ghost ape grabbed its hair and pulled it out. As soon as it let go, it would shrink back.

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