After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1220 Doubts of Survival and Death

The miners in Rolling Stone Valley were all strong men. Fu Liushan used the yang energy in their bodies and the blood energy of the garrison at the entrance of the village to arrange several formations to control ghosts. In fact, there is no requirement to defeat the enemy, as long as it is delayed until reinforcements arrive.

The ghost king's corpse puppet has indeed caused a lot of trouble to everyone.

At critical moments, the mine comes in handy.

Jiang Lishui and others who came out of the village to greet He Lingchuan were still frightened: "Something was wrong, so we hid in the mine. I heard that there were some casualties for the soldiers of the Situ family. By the way, the zombies were also knocked down on both ends."

"Normal." Are there any immortals in a war?

"Then for some reason, the corpse puppet that besieged us suddenly fell to the ground, and the other evil spirits turned around and ran away, never to appear again."

Looking at the time, it happened to be the time when He Lingchuan killed Xuanlu Ghost King.

The Ghost King has disappeared, so all the ghosts that were originally under his control no longer work for him?

"The Ghost King should not appear again. You can work with peace of mind." He Lingchuan reassured everyone and explained something to Jiang Lishui. The latter nodded and turned back to the village.

Now, the village is picking up the pieces. There were not many villagers, and those who took action were basically Situ's troops.

Starting from the entrance of the village, Fu Liushan lit the heart-covering candle, keeping himself, He Lingchuan, and Dong Rui within the candlelight range.

They all held their breath.

The Yangshan Chamber of Commerce and Situ's army had already received the order and were immersed in doing their own things, pretending not to see them walking in.

Fu Liushan and the others held heart-covering candles and slowly approached a house.

The owner of the house is a skinny man in his fifties, a widower with nowhere else to go. Other villagers in Jishi Village fled, but he stayed.

When the three people approached, he just opened the door and walked out, but he didn't seem to see the three people.

Jiang Lishui walked over from the side and grabbed him: "Come on, I have something to ask you!"

"What's the matter..."

"It's a good thing, a great thing!" Jiang Lishui dragged him away without any explanation, and then looked back at He Lingchuan.

Fu Liushan pointed in front of his lips and made a silent gesture.

This heart-covering candle can only isolate the sight of ghosts, but cannot block people's sight. The fact that the widower couldn't see them meant there was something wrong with him.

He Lingchuan still remembered that during the village banquet last night, this man seemed to be sitting at the next table eating a big meal, and he also listened to ten percent of the conversation between him and everyone in the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce.

The three of them walked in through the open door under the cover of Hu Xin Zhu.

The ground was actually very clean, without any dust, otherwise it would have been embarrassing to leave footprints after just a few steps.

The house was small, and a large wooden board was used to separate the front hall and the back hall, but there was no statue of Xuanlu Ghost King in either place.

There were some round burn marks on the table. He Lingchuan looked at it and it seemed that it had been burned by fire.

Is this where the incense candles were originally placed?

Fu Liushan also came over, stretched out his hand and wiped some powder on the corner of the table.

Incense ash.

He looked around and saw that several places in the house were covered with gray cloth. He didn't know whether it was to keep away the dust or to hide things.

The three of them did not dare to use their spiritual thoughts here for fear of attracting unnecessary attention.

Fu Liushan took out a bottle, dropped two drops of medicine into his eyes, and rubbed them. When he opened his eyes again, he could see through the curtain and see what was inside.

This kind of clairvoyance lasts for a short time and has many limitations, but it is enough for now.

As soon as he looked at the curtain, he raised his eyebrows, and Dong Rui quickly gestured to him:

If there is such a good thing, give us some!

Tianshi really has a lot of flowers.

Fu Liushan had no choice but to hand over the bottle, and both of them dropped potion into their eyes.

The ice is cool and very comfortable, effectively relieving visual fatigue.

When they opened their eyes to look at the curtain again, they saw a palm-high statue sitting inside. It was indeed the Xuanlu Ghost King, but his posture was to hold the sky with one hand and the ground with the other, with a majestic expression.

Judging from the material and the carving, it should come from the same origin as the statue in Mrs. Li's house.

The most important thing is that after dripping the potion, the two of them could still clearly see that there was a faint black smoke lingering on the statue, just like light ink melting in the water, with thin strands.

After seeing it, the three of them exited the house and walked outside the village entrance before taking a breath.

"The old widower is still offering sacrifices to Xuan Lu at home." Dong Rui spit on the ground, "Look at the posture of the Ghost King statue, holding the sky and the earth, hehe, he really thinks he is a god."

"Your worries are right, Xuan Lu is still there. The person we killed in Mian Village may be another clone!" Fu Liushan just took a closer look, "The evil spirit on the statue is very weak, or Xuan Lu deliberately It has been restrained, or its strength has been greatly weakened.”

How could the Xuanlu Ghost King, who had brought disaster to the central and western parts of China for more than three hundred years, be eliminated so easily?

"Is this clone killing one after another? It's not over yet?" Dong Rui was irritated, "Has it used this trick before?"

"How would I know? I don't live in the Howling Forest, so how could I have counted how many clones the Ghost King has used?" Fu Liushan pondered, "But when you mention it like this, I think of the family annals records that our clan recorded more than 160 years ago. Fu Xiong, the clan leader, defeated the Xuanlu Ghost King and spread the word proudly that he had eliminated a great disaster for the local area. At that time, he was wearing Luo Shengjia and was capable of what others could not do, but he was deceived by the Xuanlu Ghost King. Sealed by Fu Tianlin, the Ghost King reappeared. "

"But it has indeed become weak, and its vitality has been severely damaged. In order to snatch Luo Shengjia this time, it must have sent its strongest clone." He Lingchuan said firmly, "Otherwise, why let the widower hide the statue? Why should he fake his death? That's it. It shows that it doesn’t want to conflict with us anymore, at least not in the short term.”

"It's time to go to the Howling Forest." The enemy is weak and we are strong, how could He Lingchuan miss such a good opportunity? "Kill it while it's sick. Otherwise, when it recovers, it will definitely come back."

Xuan Lu is the most vengeful and will most likely attack the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce in Rolling Stone Valley first.

If this evil is not eliminated, the subsequent development of the Yangshan Islands in this area will not be successful.

Fu Liushan sighed, knowing that things were not that simple:

"It seems now that this guy is not difficult to deal with, but it is really difficult to eradicate. It may take a few days for me to check the information and come up with some ideas."

They were going to the Howling Forest. How could they not prepare well?

Dong Rui was eager to try: "Hurry up!"

He couldn't wait any longer.

The news that Xuanlu Ghost King was dead spread like wind throughout Bixia and surrounding areas.

The Howling Forest has always been like a malignant tumor. The surrounding forces, large and small, are afraid of it, but they can't do anything about it. In the past, Gaopu Kingdom regarded the Xuanlu Ghost King as a close enemy, but unfortunately, several attempts to eliminate him were unsuccessful.

Unlike Bai Mao Mountain, the Howling Forest is too special.

No one expected that after the Gaopu Kingdom was destroyed, there would be a strong man who could get rid of the Xuanlu Ghost King.

And it’s just at this time!

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