After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1226 The further penetration of Yang Shan

The mirror sighed: "There is smoke coming out of Situ's ancestral grave. What a good luck! Look, 1670 years ago, the Ying people also borrowed money from the Yao Kingdom, but they were forced to the end of their rope."

"That's different. What Yao State does is to control its surroundings and weaken dissidents." Use money, food, and all means. "Besides, one hundred, sixty or seventy years ago, we didn't exist here."

What the master said, alas, the mirror asked again: "What about what we did?"

He Lingchuan smiled and said nothing.

There were several good harvests in the Yangshan Islands, and Ding Zuodong kept enough supplies according to He Lingchuan's requirements. The grain was sold outside the quota, and excessive sales were not allowed. The cargo trade logistics of the Yangshan Islands was also on the right track, and Mou Guo and Bejia both It is a major customer of the islands. The fleets from these two places promote the commercial development of the islands, and even use the Yangshan Islands as the distribution and main transit point for supplies.

From this time on, the income from farming has been reduced to a small amount. The price of food in this area is not high to begin with. How much money can you make by selling food?

Blade Harbor was too small to handle the overwhelming wealth, and the overflow was basically taken away by the Yangshan Islands.

The explosive basic development on the island has come to an end. It is indeed a bit extensive, but the subsequent refined improvements are not so urgent and can be planned slowly.

Therefore, the Yangshan Islands behind He Lingchuan can now be said to be rich in food and money, and there is no problem in supporting the Situ family in a few big battles.

From Yangshan Islands to Julu Port on the Shining Gold Plains, it takes about seven days to sail by sea, and only five and a half days with favorable winds. Compared with land transportation, it saves time and effort. There is almost no problem of horse chewing, and the journey consumption is very small.

This is a big advantage.

After the materials arrive at Julu Port, they must be transported by land.

Peng Guo was newly established, public security was not good, and bandits were rampant. In order for Yangshan's supplies to pass through Peng Kingdom and finally be transported to Situ's territory, a strong guard force is needed to ensure the safety of money and food.

Coincidentally, Yangshan Islands also has an agreement with Peng State, which allows armed escort. Therefore, the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce and the escort team came in handy.

After the Pengguo coup, the Yangshan Islands had sent some personnel to Julu Port, started to establish and register the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce and Changlong Martial Arts, and put up a big sign to open the business.

Changlong Martial Arts is Yangshan's armed force stationed in the Golden Flash Plains, specializing in various types of escorts, escorts, and care. As for what areas the business will extend to in the future, it is unknown.

Now that the "ground connection" has been completed, He Lingchuan requested in the letter that, taking advantage of this opportunity to escort the supplies, the Yangshan Islands would send another two thousand people to the Golden Flash Plains in several batches.

Of course, these two thousand people include the civilian staff of the chamber of commerce, such as stewards, assistants, accountants, law enforcement officers, etc. These are all management teams separated from Ding Zuodong, and they are the backbone of the business.

But the majority of them are the Yangshan Guards, and they are led by Wan Qifeng himself!

In addition to escorting supplies, He Lingchuan was ready to give them more tasks.

This number is no small feat. Anyone familiar with He Lingchuan knows that this big boss is going to cause trouble again.

"You stayed out of the previous coup in Hongguo, saying you were afraid of the consequences." Dong Rui also came to ask him, "This time, why did you take the initiative to help the Situ family?"

Are you not afraid of cause and effect?

"First of all, I only have business dealings with the Situ family. Although the money and grain sent to him by Yang Shan are at a favorable price, it is essentially a transaction. If the Situ family wants to win the next few battles, they will have to rely on their own efforts." He Lingchuan said slowly, "I am now officially a businessman. Businessmen only do business and do not go to the battlefield. If other forces have money, they can also buy things from us, so others cannot find fault with me."

"Secondly, this is another good opportunity for Yangshan."

A chance to drive the nail into the Goldfields.

It's a good opportunity to extend Yangshan's tentacles further into the Golden Gold Plains.

Taking advantage of the opening of the Situ family's territory, Yang Shan made another advance into the central part of the Shining Gold Plains.

Although he is also walking in a strange land, he now has a base, money, food, people, and means, and he is no longer like being alone in a foreign land, a stranger, and helpless like he was when he broke into Bejia.

He already has his own organization and manpower.

There are many, many things he can do.

Situ Yu regained Jucheng and took back control of the mountains.

I don't know whether it was He Lingchuan's luck or the Situ family's real ambition. They took advantage of the Bixia people's lack of dispatch and quickly captured Yuanshui.

Once this place is in the pocket, a new situation will be opened for regaining the old land of Gaopu Kingdom.

Several key victories in succession allowed Situ's army to advance with great success and high morale.

Good news comes frequently, and the momentum has been established.

If you win, you will always win; if you lose, you will always lose. Sometimes war is so unreasonable.

The Bixia people urgently sent troops, hoping to block the Situ family from continuing to advance eastward. However, two groups of allies from the Situ family finally arrived, outflanking them and breaking the blockade.

The three armies met at Yuanshui, with well-equipped soldiers, sufficient food, and complete weapons.

After the Situ family received the support and commitment from the Yangshan Islands, they prioritized all the reserves in the territory to be transported to the front line to provide food, drink and fighting for the soldiers of the three armies.

On the seventh day, the first batch of food promised by the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce was delivered to Situ's territory.

This was four days earlier than agreed because this batch of grain was not shipped directly from the archipelago, but was a stock that had been landed at Julu Port earlier.

The Yangshan Chamber of Commerce will give priority to Situ's territory for food originally scheduled for delivery elsewhere.

Of course there were some difficulties, but Guan Ke, another general manager of the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce, also rushed to Julu Port and found a way to solve them.

How do you show your ability and ability? You must be on top at critical moments and be able to share the leaders' worries.

In terms of being a general manager, he is no worse than Ding Zuodong.

On the fourth and tenth day after that, the follow-up supplies from the Yangshan Islands were landed at Julu Port one after another, and were then escorted to Situ's territory by the newly formed Changlong Military Forces.

I met several robbers on the road, but they were all beaten to death and run away by Changlong Wuxing. Wan Qifeng ordered the corpses of the robbers to be strung on poles, called "human flags", and inserted into both sides of the road along the way as a warning to others.

There are hundreds or two hundred human flags dotted along the roadside, all serving as feast tables for crows. Whenever someone passes by, crows flutter and take flight, the sound and visual effects are very prominent, and passers-by are shocked.

With an endless supply of baggage and weapons at the rear, Situ Yu was calm and commanded more calmly.

This battle has never been so comfortable! In the past, we were all stretched thin.

He Lingchuan also proved that he had good vision - or good luck - in selecting a potential member of the Situ family who could win the war.

After the two important cities were captured one after another, the Vixia people's position was finally in chaos. The Situ coalition forces became more energetic as they fought. At this time, several forces that had been watching from the sidelines finally wanted to enter the scene.

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