After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1228 Breaking the evil

"Go west from here and walk along the largest ridge for more than an hour." Fu Liushan hesitated, "We'll look for a way after we get there."

"You don't remember? You can't remember such an important thing?!" Dong Rui complained violently, "No, why didn't you mention it before?"

"It's been seven or eight years, so I can probably remember it well." Fu Liushan said with a clear conscience on his face, "This is a deep mountain forest, there are no roads, and the plants are growing like crazy!"

After seven or eight years in the forest, I don’t know what it has become like.

He pointed to the tip of the mountain ahead: "I can remember it because the tip of the mountain looks like a lotus, which is eye-catching. Don't be afraid, I have a second-hand plan."

"Let's go." He Lingchuan knew that finding the way in the mountains was the most troublesome. Two or three days passed as soon as we entered and exited. "But we must be prepared. The Xuanlu Ghost King will know about it as soon as we enter."

Xuanlu Ghost King has been operating in the Howling Forest for many years. The forest is like his body, and outsiders will be monitored as soon as they enter.

As soon as they came, the three of them raised their legs and walked forward.

"You can't avoid the evil evil of the epidemic, but it can alleviate the discomfort to some extent. I used this medicine when I came back." Fu Liushan took the pills and handed them to the two of them. "I will release the corpse puppet to explore the way in a while. Follow me and try to avoid it." Open up evil spirit."

He is a heavenly master, and he can also raise little ghosts. He chose the smallest corpse puppet left by Xuanlu Ghost King and filled it with several little ghosts he raised. It was not a neat fight, but it was still no problem to explore the path.

Dong Rui didn't even look at it: "Didn't we say that evil spirits are easy to deal with."

We've communicated with him before, but this guy doesn't believe it.

Because He Lingchuan only said that he had his own magical method, Fu Liushan could not find out the details no matter how much he asked.

How could Fu Liushan rest assured if he didn't explain such a big matter clearly?

Evil energy is the enemy of life. Once it invades the body, it is difficult to expel it. Therefore, Fu Liushan must be prepared with both hands.

He Lingchuan shook his clothes: "Time is precious, there is no need to take a detour."

Then, he immediately headed west.

Dong Rui followed closely and waved to Fu Liushan: "Come on, I guarantee you'll be fine!"

Fu Liushan rolled his eyes, hesitated for a few moments, and then followed.

Seeing how He Lingchuan had been able to accomplish anything in the past month, he reluctantly believed it again.

Walking into the Howling Forest, He Lingchuan quickly discovered that although they were both evil places, the evil spirit here was still a little different from that of the Yangshan Islands.

The exit of the Disha Yin Vein in the Yangshan Islands is at sea. The island has a special topography and most of the evil energy overflows. It disappears as soon as the sun shines during the day, and will re-emerge every seven days. Therefore, evil and vitality alternate on the island, forming a unique ecology.

But the earthly evil here in the Howling Forest has been hiding in the valley bottom where it never sees the light of day. It accumulates and brews day after day, year after year. Its concentration can only be described as "violent". There might be a few wisps of evil energy hidden under the calm shade of the trees. Ordinary people would be bored and retching and die within half a stick of incense if they couldn't hold it for five breaths. Practitioners would be able to endure it several times longer.

Besides, these old evils can harm the human body not only by invading the respiratory tract, but can even directly damage the human body.

There are differences only when there is a comparison. The land here is not out of place, but it is much more powerful than the Yangshan Islands.

No wonder both Yin Fei and Bao like Longji Island. Too much is not enough, that is the environment that makes them most comfortable.

It's no wonder that Xuanlu Ghost King is the dominant one here. With a natural barrier like Yin Sha, other countries and practitioners cannot enter the Howling Forest for a long time, let alone fight Xuanlu Ghost King here.

Dong Rui walked a few steps closer to He Lingchuan and asked in a low voice: "Hey, is it okay?"

"Probably not." From the time he first came to the Yangshan Islands to now, the Dafang Pot has acquired a lot of treasures. He Lingchuan felt that it might have improved again.

So, it should be no problem to deal with the earth demons in the Howling Forest...right?

Dong Rui said oh, but quietly took two steps back, keeping a distance of more than ten feet from him.

He Lingchuan pretended not to see him and walked straight ahead.

There is evil echoing in the valley ahead, so strong that it can be seen with the naked eye.

As soon as He Lingchuan got closer, they changed from their careless and careless demeanor and pounced on him as if they were seeing a delicious delicacy!

It was obviously just unconscious evil spirits, but Fu Liushan felt their impatience and couldn't help but take a step back.

Nonsense, anyone who sees this kind of cultivator's natural enemy will be frightened away.

He Lingchuan put his hands behind his back and Shi Shiran walked over.

Sure enough, the sacred bone necklace woke up with the next breath, sucking in the surrounding evil spirits like a whale sucking water.

Now the noise it stirs up is also smaller, and it only absorbs the Yin evil within a radius of ten feet, unlike when it was in the Yangshan Islands, which covered an area of ​​twenty miles of sea.

But the scene was horrifying enough. From the perspective of the two people behind him, the evil spirit disappeared after it pounced on He Lingchuan. The entire thing was a human-shaped black hole.

"I..." Fu Liushan couldn't hide his shock, "What kind of treasure are you wearing? It's so outrageous!"

A living person couldn't do this kind of thing, it could only be done by borrowing the power of a magic weapon.

What magic weapon can resist evil spirits?

Dong Rui raised his head slightly, with an indifferent look on his face: "Didn't I say it before? We come from a place of evil."

"You mean Yangshan Islands?"

"The entire Yangshan Islands have been shrouded in evil spirits for many years. No one could get close to them before. It's up to us to deal with this thing."

Dong Rui looked at him like a country bumpkin. Fu Liushan only knew that they were from Yangshan and had no idea how big the archipelago was. If He Lingchuan Town absorbs less evil energy, there will be widespread deaths on the archipelago.

Of course, Fu Liushan just sighed and didn't ask further questions when he came to his senses.

Which practitioner doesn’t have his or her own little secret? It's not polite to ask like this.

In any case, they no longer have to take detours and are no longer limited by time. With such a big forest, you can go wherever you want.

Dong Rui said as he walked: "That's not right. The evil spirit of the Howling Forest is so strong. How could Wang Xuanlu escape with his troops back then?"

He entered the forest to escape his pursuers, to escape, not to die quickly.

"That's not clear. After all, it happened more than three hundred years ago." Fu Liushan pointed to He Lingchuan in front of him, "Maybe he has a magical weapon to absorb evil spirits like this kid; and maybe three hundred years ago The terrain in the forest is different. He happens to know a passage without evil spirits, so he wants to use this to get rid of the pursuers? "

Dong Rui thought for a while: "That makes sense."

Not to mention absorption, there is not only one magical weapon that can resist evil spirits. At least the chains on the King of Yin are not corroded by evil spirits. He Lingchuan suddenly turned around: "If Wang Xuanlu had this advantage, he might have escaped into the Howling Forest just to make a comeback. Then his death would be even more aggrieved."

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