After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1230 Ghost hits the wall

The black-robed ghost's eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness, but this time the target was not Fu Liusheng and others. It exerts its last effort:

"Fifteen miles southwest, the entrance to Baishi..."

Before he finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot.

Dong Rui shrugged and said to He Lingchuan: "I take back what I just said. It seems that Xuanlu Ghost King still failed to prevent his subordinates from betraying."

"Ghosts also know good and evil. It is unkind and its subordinates are unjust." He Lingchuan turned to the southwest, "One drink and one peck, could it be a predetermined decision."

The sun is setting in the west and dusk is approaching.

Among the forest, trees and waves, the three of them moved forward towards the black-robed ghost's final guidance.

After traveling no more than seven miles, the three of them saw what the black-robed ghost called the "white stone."

It was a sheer cliff at the top of the mountain, with a sharp face facing them. The reason why it is conspicuous is that it is completely white and somewhat shiny under the sunlight.

"Jade?" Dong Rui put up a tent with his hands, "It's not an exaggeration to say it's a jade wall. If the purity is high, such a large piece will be worth a lot of money."

The entire cliff was covered with jade, which was the first time he had seen it. However, the surface of the jade wall is probably slightly yellowed due to exposure to wind and sun for a long time.

What surprised the three of them the most was that there was a huge gap in the jade wall standing halfway up the peak.

The weathered cliffs have various shapes and forms, including all types of landforms. But the gap in the jade jade seems to have been stabbed in, at an angle of seventy-five degrees to the ground.

It's like a soft cake being stabbed with a knife, leaving an irreversible wound.

In He Lingchuan's view, this blow was full of killing power and mighty. If this gap is really formed naturally, he can only sigh at the uncanny workmanship of the power of creation.

"Let's go." Such an obvious sign is unlikely to be mistaken.

The three of them moved toward the white jade wall. They couldn't go more than ten feet, and then they drifted farther and farther in the direction of their progress, and there were differences.

Fu Liushan walked further and further west.

He was a heavenly master, and he volunteered to take the lead, and he could easily deal with the little devils along the way, so He Lingchuan and the others just let it go.

He looked at the two of them and said naturally: "Come here, where are you going?"

He Lingchuan immediately felt something was wrong:

"Where are you going again?"

"Search for Xuan Lu." Fu Liushan looked confused, "What's the problem?"

"Isn't the white jade wall there?" He Lingchuan pointed, "Why are you going west?"

"No, that's not right..." Fu Liushan looked to the west, then looked at the direction he was pointing. He was stunned for a moment and asked Dong Rui next to him, "Look, which side of the white jade wall do you see?"

Dong Rui also pointed to the west: "That way."

Only the white jade wall that He Lingchuan saw was in the southwest.

If three people stand together and look at the same geographical landmark, how can they tell two directions?

If an ordinary person encounters such strange things in the deep mountains and forests, they will start to get nervous.

Dong Rui also felt something was wrong, and immediately moved his finger to the southwest: "But I believe him more."

"Good guy, you are trying to beat the wall." Fu Liushan's face changed slightly, "That fellow Xuanlu knew we were going to Baishibi and deliberately misled us."

Sure enough, their words and deeds along the way were watched. The black-robed ghost asked them to head towards Baishi, and Xuanlu Ghost King used a blindfold to divert their sight and create an illusion of direction.

Don't forget that the error is only a dozen degrees, and the deviation becomes larger the further you go. One day they couldn't see the true direction of the white stone wall, the other day they couldn't find the Ghost King's lair, and they couldn't even get out of this big forest.

No living person dared to collect drinking water in the Howling Forest, so they had to carry it with them.

"This blind trick is so realistic that I didn't notice it." How to find the true direction? Fu Liushan pondered.

This is the territory of the Ghost King, and it couldn't be more convenient to use the forest to interfere with their judgment.

"Just follow me." He Lingchuan turned his head and faced the southwest. Fu Liushan couldn't see the flash of red light in his eyes, "I can see through the ghost king's deception."

"Are you going to explain it?" Fu Liushan gradually got used to this man's strangeness.

He Lingchuan jumped off the high hill and took the lead to go southwest: "This is also a gift."

An insincere answer. Dong Rui and Fu Liushan rolled their eyes in agreement.

They had no choice but to follow He Lingchuan.

Of course, there is no ready-made road for such a large mountain with no human traces. The weeds are as tall as a person, and their edges are as sharp as razor blades. If you hit them, you will get bloody cuts on your face.

Dong Rui chose a lazy way and summoned the ghost ape to become bigger and clear the way. Wherever it passed, the long grass and shrubs were flattened, making it much easier for future generations to return.

Fu Liushan looked at its majestic back and said, "Is your spiritual pet not just a monster? How do I look at it, does it look a bit like those corpse puppets?"

Dong Rui sneered: "Those ugly people who cannot be put on the stage are worthy of being compared with my No. 17?"

"No. 17?" Fu Liushan asked curiously, "You have many spiritual pets? Are you a demon master?"

Dong Rui said vaguely: "So be it."

The two of them were chatting when there was a rustle in the grass on the side, and something penetrated a few blades of grass and shot towards Dong Rui.

He is talking and his mouth is open. If this is done correctly, it will go forward and then out.

He Lingchuan had been paying attention to the movements around him, and then he casually took out the Fu Sheng Knife.

Just two "ding ding" sounds were heard, and the two things were knocked away by the Fusheng knife.

Dong Rui lowered his head and saw that there were actually two yellowish needles, a bit like pig thorns, longer than the middle finger, with sharp front ends and small barbs.

Once it pricks you, even if it's not a vital part, you'll probably suffer.

The ghost monkey also sensed something was wrong. With a roar and a big jump, he went to pick up grass and beat the enemy.

The object also fired at it, but the ghost ape had rough skin and thick flesh. As long as it blocked its eyes, the thorns could not pierce its skin and armor.

The enemy is extremely agile. The ghost ape is tall and has long legs, which makes it run around. Finally, the ghost monkey got tired of it, grabbed the purple gold stick and used it as a grass stick, poked it in the grass a few times, and suddenly threw the stick out like a fisherman stabbing a fish.

There was a chirp in the grass, and it hit.

When the ghost monkey raised the stick high, the three of them saw clearly that there was a monster on the stick. It was at most four feet tall and looked a bit like a lemur. Its gray fur was almost gone, but its tail was longer than its head. It was colored like a dead branch and had a Two small holes.

He Lingchuan saw with his own eyes that the thorns were fired from the tip of the tail and went straight into the eyes of the ghost ape. Of course, it didn't work out.

This kind of monster is rare.

"Xin Ying!" Dong Rui held up his palm and said happily, "Okay, I've always wanted to get a rare breed to test..."

Xinying is a rare demon species. Even Dong Rui, who is so knowledgeable, has only seen its portrait in ancient books.

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground behind him and Fu Liushan suddenly sunk slightly, and something came out of the ground silently, shooting a red cord towards Dong Rui's back.

This thing lies prone on the ground. It is short and flat, but has a large area.

A gray shadow immediately shot out from Dong Rui's shoulder, as fast as a bow and arrow, and pierced the big guy with a whoosh.

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