After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1232 Flying Sword from Beyond the Sky

He mentioned it twice, and He Lingchuan also became interested.

This gap actually destroyed the original structure of the cave, or in other words, it violently cut into the mountain from the outside, opening a new sky for the entire cave.

Walking along it to the end, the three of them entered a huge grotto.

Even though they were mentally prepared, the three of them were still stunned for a long time when they saw the scene directly in front of them.

"This, this..." Dong Rui's eyes widened, "This is outrageous!"

At the end of the gap, there is a big sword.

It stuck into the wall along the path of the gap. The exposed sword blade alone was five feet (sixteen meters) long, and the part inserted into the stone wall had to be counted separately.

He Lingchuan traveled all over the world and saw such a huge sword for the first time.

What's even more weird is that there are two corpses nailed to the sword.

Their skin and flesh have withered due to their age, but these two skeletons don't exactly look like humans at first glance.

Although it looks like it is walking upright, one has horns on its head and the other has a tail behind it.

Their heights were one foot and one foot five respectively. Under the illumination of fluorescent spores, their bones shone with a brass luster, and even felt oily.

Fu Liushan looked outside, then at the big sword, and gestured along the direction of the gap: "A sword came from the sky, cut open the mountain, penetrated the cave, and directly nailed these two, two..."

What the hell are these two? He has been collecting demons and ghosts for half his life and has never seen anything like this.

"Is it also a corpse puppet?"

The other two people said in unison: "No."

Dong Rui's eyes were glued to the wall, and his voice raised two or three times: "Heavenly Demon! This is the Heavenly Demon! They died long after they were beheaded. Look at the scratches on the wall!"


He Lingchuan corrected: "That's the god."

Fu Liushan's doubts only increased. He stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky: "Is this a god? A god from above?"

"Yes." He Lingchuan gave him an affirmative answer, "The gods are the former demons. Before the cataclysm of heaven and earth, they once invaded the human world, and were later driven back by the immortals. Well, it seems that this flying sword from heaven has been around for a long time, at least. Thousands of years ago."

When he said this, his heart suddenly moved.

Why does the style of this sword, especially the hilt and hilt, look more and more familiar the more I look at it?

He Lingchuan jumped lightly onto the sword and held up the fluorescent spores to shine at it.

The blade of the sword is covered in dust and has lost its luster.

He took out a piece of leather and wiped it repeatedly on the spine of the sword.

Once, twice, three times, the sword revealed its true appearance. Although it was covered with rust, there was a line of runes on the sword's spine, just as He Lingchuan remembered.

He gently stroked it along the rune.

It is the language of ancient immortals.

It was Fu Liushan who read this line: ""

Dong Rui glanced sideways: "Do you recognize it?"

"Ah, I recognize it." He came from a family background, "Who doesn't want to learn how to make the hook talisman? So whose sword is this?"

"The leader of the Great Return Sect in ancient times, Immortal Sho'an." He Lingchuan replied, "He is one of the strong men who defeated the demon. At the sale of Lingxu City three years ago, a sword head of Immortal Sho'an was displayed. Sold for a sky-high price of 800,000 taels of silver."

"Eighty..." Fu Liushan was speechless. How many lifetimes would it take him to spend eight hundred thousand taels?

"Ten thousand, don't miss ten thousand." Dong Rui glanced at him disdainfully, looking at his worthless look, "Hey, is it the tip of the Hongyuan Sword that is being auctioned in Lingxu City?"

He just asked casually, but He Lingchuan nodded: "It's probably it."

After he fed the black dragon scales to Dafang Pot, he had this sword in his first dream. At that time, Master Shouan threw the sword into the air, and the Hongyuan Sword flew away on its own without knowing its whereabouts.

Neither the disciples of Shoutan Immortal nor He Lingchuan knew what he was doing.

Unexpectedly, after three thousand years, the answer was unexpectedly revealed here!

He Lingchuan didn't know where the Immortal Shoan threw the sword, but it must have been far away from here.

Could it be that that sword flew across thousands of mountains and rivers before cutting open the mountain and crucifying two heavenly demons?

What kind of cultivation is this?

How powerful is this?

What kind of style is this?

He Lingchuan felt dizzy just by imagining it.

He is truly worthy of being the first Immortal standing at the top of all the Immortals.

Fu Liushan's eyes shone: "If you pull out this sword, how much can it sell for?"

A sword head is worth 800,000 taels. Where are most of the swords?

"Except for Lingxu City, nowhere else can it be sold at such an inflated price." He Lingchuan said with a basin of cold water in his pocket, "Even if it is a divine object, it has been inserted in the evil land for thousands of years, and now it is almost like scrap metal. I don’t know how much it will cost to bring it back to life.”

So this thing now has at most a commemorative value, but no real use value.

Fu Liushan laughed dryly: "That's what I said. Let's go and do business."

Dong Rui also said: "These two sacred bones have been dried for too long, their activity has been lost, and they are useless."

From here, they officially entered the cave.

With Fu Liushan's acorn villain exploring the path, the path they are currently taking is relatively safe. As He Lingchuan walked, he was still recalling the content of the black dragon's dream in his mind.

What did Shou'an Immortal say to his disciples a few breaths before he threw the flying sword?

They seemed to mention a person's name.

So, what was the devil doing in this cave back then?

The three of them walked deeper into the underground palace and encountered several destroyed traps on the way, all of which were the work of the Acorn villain.

Soon, they passed two dark rooms.

Even though they were far away, Ling Guang twitched his nose and took a few sniffs: "It smells so strong of blood and rust."

Fu Liushan said: "The resentment floating in these two rooms is so solid that it's a bit scary."

The Heavenly Master is more sensitive to certain things than a dog's nose.

He Lingchuan held up fluorescent spores and illuminated two dark rooms.

There are instruments of torture everywhere here.

To be precise, they were used torture instruments, many of them still stained with black stains.

The complete variety is both eye-opening and chilling.

There were blood stains on the table, chairs, and floor that solidified and turned into stubborn stains of varying shades.

"Torture chamber?" Ling Guang was puzzled, "Why did the ghost set up two torture chambers?"

The torture instruments here are all for dealing with flesh and blood, right?

"It is best for people to suffer a lot before dying. It is best to die in agony, so that they can easily turn into evil ghosts and fierce ghosts." Fu Liushan picked up a sharp file and looked at it. There was still a broken nail on it, "Xuanlu Ghost King took advantage of the new Once the ghosts are born, take a piece of their soul energy and make it into a soul lamp, and then you can control them for your own use."

Lingguang shuddered. People who were tortured to death by Xuanlu Ghost King turned into ghosts and had to work for their enemies forever. "Isn't this too tragic?"

No wonder the ghosts here are more ferocious than the last, they are really psychologically twisted.

The bell in Fu Liushan's arms suddenly rang, twice weakly.

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