After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1234 Lead the way

War, capture, torture, these words are not inconsistent at all when put together.

"What else? What else?" Dong Rui was more interested in the remains of the demon than the ghost king.

"There is also a well of light in this cave, where those strange and huge remains are buried."

Dong Rui's eyes suddenly glowed: "Where is the Guangming Well?"

"I can't tell clearly," said the Broken Arm Ghost, "but I know the location. They passed by with their cages a few times, and I saw the entrance to the Well of Light."

Dong Rui wanted to say, "Take me there quickly," but before he could say anything, He Lingchuan said first:

"Who was the original owner of this cave? How long has it been vacant?"

The Broken Arm Ghost muttered: "I, I don't know."

"The first target is the Ghost King. After taking care of it, it's not too late to come back and explore the cave."

As soon as He Lingchuan opened his mouth, Dong Rui kept silent even though he looked anxious.

The Broken Arm Ghost comforted him and said, "Don't worry, you will pass by the Guangming Well in a while."

Dong Rui was relieved.

He Lingchuan immediately said to the ghost ape, "Pick up the cage and let it lead the way."

Just as the ghost ape was about to grow bigger, the Broken Arm Ghost already said: "This cage blocks the air, I can't detect it."

Then it can only be released.

Dong Rui suppressed his impatience: "How can we be sure that you are not controlled by the soul lamp, and that the ghost king did not stay here to plot against us?"

"In the eyes of the Ghost King, I am just a tool and plaything for venting anger. I can never get out of the cage. I am not qualified to be refined by him into a soul lamp." The Broken Arm Ghost smiled bitterly and said to Fu Liushan, "You are a Heavenly Master, you can test it. I wonder if my soul is missing."

"It's quite easy." Fu Liushan took out a piece of yellow paper, dipped it twice in some unknown solution, and stuck it on the open cage door, "Blow twice."

The Broken Arm Ghost came over and blew on the yellow paper.

The yellow paper moved slightly, and the color changed, turning into a strange rainbow color.

Fu Liushan took it carefully, looked at it carefully, and then nodded and said: "It is indeed not missing, and the soul lamp has not been planted."

"I didn't lie to you, did I?" The Broken Arm Ghost looked at several people eagerly.

He Lingchuan nodded, so Fu Liushan tied a chain on it before releasing it.

This chain is a relic of the black-robed ghost. It can chain ghosts and hurt people.

Floating out of the cage, the Broken Arm Ghost became the size of an ordinary person.

It took a deep breath and wiped its eyes: "Eighty years later, I finally want to leave here."

If you have never been truly desperate, who knows the value of freedom?

"Take us to catch up with Xuanlu Ghost King, and then you will be free."

"Okay, okay." The Broken Arm Ghost floated out of the dark room and walked at the front, "Follow me."

The three of them followed the Broken Arm Ghost through the underground palace. There were evil spirits floating around along the way, and they also encountered four or five attacks from evil ghosts and corpse puppets.

The Broken Arm Ghost would immediately shrink into an inconspicuous corner and tremble, never coming close to the battlefield.

The performance on the other side is fierce, especially a worm-like corpse puppet that can self-destruct, blowing up the narrowest aisle with colorful explosions. The juice from the explosion splashes on the body, irritating the skin to become swollen and rotten in two to three seconds. The effect is not much different from the acid poison that made Dong Rui's face rotten back then.

But with the combat experience of Mian Village, the three of them were able to deal with these things with ease, and there were no dangers along the way.

What surprised He Lingchuan was that there were so many corpses under the Ghost King.

Fu Liushan wiped off the thick slurry on the pestle and was a little puzzled: "It's unreasonable. How can it come with so many corpses to use?"

He Lingchuan asked Dong Rui: "Could this ghost king be your colleague?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Dong Rui glared, "Rather than being the Ghost King, it's better to say he is the original owner of this cave."

Fu Liushan also said: "Although these corpse puppets have a weird appearance, what is really rare is that they actually retain a trace of activity, so they can be possessed by ghosts."

In the real world, no matter how powerful ghosts are, they can usually only move around living creatures. Well, seabed trees and some willow trees are exceptions.

If these corpse puppets were completely dead and stiff, it would be impossible for the Ghost King's men to control them and participate in the battle.

For example, when He Lingchuan killed Nangong Yan in the past, the ghost king clone attached to him couldn't stay any longer and had to show himself and escape.

"What is the reason?" Dong Rui also rubbed his hands repeatedly, "I really want to grab a few corpses and dissect them for fun!"

This underground palace is simply the testing ground of his dreams. Not only are tools everywhere, but test subjects are also running around.

He Lingchuan could only comfort him: "Okay, I'll give you some time later."

Passing by a certain dark room, they also saw a huge cauldron, at least one foot high, with a half-slanted lid and unusually exquisite patterns.

This is a huge stone cauldron, and now its surface is covered with dark green moss.

Ling Guang glanced twice and suddenly said in surprise: "Qiongshi Dan Furnace!"

After saying that, I wanted to jump in and see what happened.

He Lingchuan grabbed it back and said, "Be careful of ambush."

Lingguang has always been a stable monkey, but he never knew that he could be so negligent.

"I heard that ancient immortals had various kinds of alchemy furnaces, unlike today's monotonous ones." Ling Guang scratched her cheek, "It seems that this statement is true. This is Qiongshi Danding, also known as Peiyuan Danding, which can grow the elixirs. ”

He Lingchuan asked curiously: "Can the elixir help you grow bigger?"

Finally touching on He Lingchuan's knowledge blind spot, Dong Rui gave him a look: "Ignorant. The so-called panacea of ​​ancient times can run with long legs and fly without wings. Is it strange that it can grow like a living creature?"

He Lingchuan touched his nose: "Look at it later."

Lingguang had calmed down and said regretfully: "It's so big that it can't be taken away. Besides, it has been in the Disha for a long time, so it won't be used anymore."

It's okay to be a cultural relic.

Everyone passed through an underground corridor again, and then heard the sound of rushing water.

There is actually an underground undercurrent here. The amount of water is quite large and the humidity is so dense that even if you stand on the shore for a while, your clothes will become damp.

If there is an undercurrent, there is the flow of air.

"Follow the undercurrent, where can you go?"

The Broken Arm Ghost blinked: "I don't know, I've never been there."

He Lingchuan nodded and quietly dropped an eyeball spider here.

Everyone continued walking forward and soon passed a fork in the road.

Just when the ghost ape poked his head to the left, the amputated ghost stammered anxiously: "Don't, don't go to the left! Be careful with the top of your head."

trap? Everyone looked carefully and discovered that there were several cracks hidden on the top: "What are those?"

"The Broken Head Stone." Broken Arm Ghost said, "Once the boulder on top is lowered, this road will be completely blocked."

"Is this a mechanism designed by the Ghost King?"

"No...I don't know."

"Where does it lead?"

"I haven't been there," the Broken Arm Ghost corrected, "They didn't take me there."

The road ahead narrowed again, with closed stone gates often appearing on both sides.

Dong Rui asked the guide ghost: "What's behind the door?"

The Broken Arm Ghost could only shake his head: "I don't know, I've never seen them open."

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