After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1248 Secret Stronghold

The gold on Jinshan Mountain does not come in a single style, including yellow croakers, ingots, gold cakes, hairpins, hairpins, chopsticks, pillows, paperweights, etc., but they are piled very casually.

Silver Mountain is similar.

He Lingchuan searched around and found all kinds of materials and metals, some of which were extremely precious.

Dong Rui rubbed his hands and asked, "Hey, how much money do you think we can have here?"

He no longer knows how to forget it.

He Lingchuan walked around the secret room: "Preliminary estimate, it must be a few million taels, right?"

"Hundreds of...millions?" Fu Liushan forced the last word out of his throat.

There is no way, in the face of wealth of this magnitude, his calmness is so poor.

After all, not everyone has the opportunity to encounter millions of treasures without owners!

Looking at the potential, Dong Rui gave him a look of disdain: "How many millions are there in the gold, silver and jewelry in this secret room?"

"Gold and silver jewelry are not worth that much, but they are worth it!" He Lingchuan pointed to the materials piled in the corner, "These are much more valuable than gold and silver."

"Whose treasures are these, the Immortal Minghui or the Ghost King Xuanlu?"

Do immortals accumulate worldly treasures?

The three of them looked at each other and shrugged. No one is an immortal and does not understand the state of mind of an immortal.

Fu Liushan scratched his head: "Then let's treat him as the King of Ghosts."

Dong Rui didn't understand: "The king of ghosts is also the head ghost. He can't eat or drink. What do you need these adu things for?"

"The Howling Forest also deals with ordinary people." Xuanlu Ghost King is dead, and He Lingchuan can only guess, "What is the best way to deal with ordinary people?"


"If the ghost king wants to achieve his own goals, such as deceiving the believers for his own use, or buying off some small forces or tribes, gold and silver can come in handy." He Lingchuan smiled, "There is another explanation. Wang Xuanlu He loves money and keeps this habit after his death, even if he collects it for appreciation; or maybe the money has other uses and is just temporarily stored in the Howling Forest, after all, no strangers should come near it. "

The last two points were pure nonsense, and he himself found them unconvincing.

"Anyway -" he came to a conclusion, "what a huge windfall!"

He just likes tacky stuff like this.

The three of them sat in this secret room for a long time, feeling the flash of money up close. Dong Rui murmured:

"Does this underground palace and everything in it belong to us?"

He Lingchuan smiled, knowing that "everything" he was talking about was not only gold and silver treasures, but also the remains and materials of gods and demons in Guangming Well and the landfill.

This underground palace is a treasure trove for everyone.

"Yes." After He Lingchuan finished speaking, he glanced at Fu Liushan.

The latter seemed to be staring at the treasure in a daze, but at this moment he shuddered, quickly formed a pure heart seal with his hands, and murmured: "Out of sight is pure, oh, out of sight is pure!"

He clearly knows that he is not included in the "us" of others.

Treasures touch people's hearts, but treasures can also lead to death!

Barren mountains, Yin evil spirits, underground palaces, Yin ghosts, and two more powerful practitioners than him, one of whom even surrendered Luo Shengjia. Can these elements added together form the four words "kill people and silence them"?

"Master Fu..."

As soon as He Lingchuan opened his mouth, he was quickly interrupted: "I only take my own wages, and everything else has nothing to do with me!"

For this expedition into the Howling Forest, he, the master ghost hunter, was hired by He Lingchuan, and the commission price was negotiated before leaving.

To hire someone to enter such a dangerous place, He Lingchuan's offer was certainly sincere. But in front of such three big mountains, any wages are just a drop in the bucket.

But Fu Liushan was like a mirror in his heart. The gold and silver mountains had nothing to do with him.

Without He Lingchuan, he wouldn't be able to enter the Howling Forest.

Even if he could enter the Howling Forest, he wouldn't be able to kill the Ghost King in the underground palace, let alone take it as his own.

In such an adventure, there are rules of the land about who provides the money, who contributes the effort, and who takes the treasure.

These three mountains were too shocking, so as soon as he calmed down, he had to quickly stay away from the danger of death.

Fu Liushan was so polite, He Lingchuan gave him a thumbs up: "Be a good person! I can't let Master Fu suffer. After I get back, I will give you an extra bonus."

Fu Liushan was overjoyed, and at the same time secretly breathed a sigh of relief: "Congratulations to the host family for their generosity!"

There are still many ghosts wandering around the underground palace at this time. After the Ghost King was eliminated, they also regained their freedom, but they had nowhere to go - only the underground palace had seafloor trees for them to live within a radius of dozens of miles.

He Lingchuan allowed them to continue living in the underground palace on the condition that they serve as underground palace guards and prohibit outsiders from approaching.

Isn't it just to return to my old profession? The ghosts readily agreed.

There were many corpses in the underground palace. Not to mention other things, He Lingchuan also went to see the one where the Ghost King was hiding in the Busha Huating. All I can say is that if they had really fallen into the Ghost King's trap, they would have had a lot of trouble figuring it out.

From now on, these will also be their underground palace guards.

After that, the three of them returned to the ground along the same path, walked out of the white jade wall, and left this fairy cave and the ghost king's lair.

The vast wealth in the underground palace is left to the guard of evil spirits and ghosts.

From now on, this will be He Lingchuan and Dong Rui's secret base, and they can come and use it at any time. The evil spirit of the Howling Forest is a natural barrier, and other practitioners and forces cannot easily enter.


After returning to Jucheng, He Lingchuan kept his promise and gave Fu Liushan a large bonus.

It was enough to make him comfortable for a long time.

According to Dong Rui, "At least, you won't need the Five Ghost Moving Technique or those acorn villains in the future."

Let’s look at the progress of the war:

Speaking of which, the battle on the front line went more smoothly than people imagined. The Situ coalition advanced with lightning speed, not only taking back the entire territory of Gaopu, but also stepping into the territory of the Bixia people.

The Yao Kingdom's covert transportation did not work, and the Vixia people sent envoys to ask for help. The Yao Kingdom had to put pressure on the Situ Alliance on the one hand, and "recruited" two mercenaries to help the Vixia people "defend" the center line.

Of course, Situ Yu wanted to counterattack the entire Pixia people in order to avenge his country and his family, but the Yao Kingdom was watching covetously from the side. Other allies in the coalition also expressed concerns and did not want to offend the Yao Kingdom to death.

So with the help of Yao State, the coalition forces and the Vixia people began negotiations.

After all, the coalition forces were formed on a temporary basis, and internal imbalances would inevitably occur if the war lasted longer. Situ Yu saw the delaying tactics of the Yao Kingdom and the Vixia people, so he accepted his son Situ He's suggestion to fight and talk at the same time to promote the talks.

The Vishayans were beaten so hard that they finally showed their sincerity in negotiating.

During this period of time, He Lingchuan was not idle either. Yangshan Chamber of Commerce opened its first guild hall in Jucheng.

All forces in the coalition sent representatives to send gifts to congratulate them; even Commander-in-Chief Situ Yu personally rushed back from the front line to support the celebration platform, which was a great honor.

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