After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1251 He Lingchuan’s goodwill and request

The financial resources of the owner of Yangshan Island can even support a war, so it is natural to do mutually beneficial business with Pei Guo.

Luxury goods such as pearls and expensive medicinal materials cannot be sold at a good price in Pei State as the country of origin. This is because the demand in the Golden Gold Plain itself is not large, and the unscrupulous external purchasers are too aggressive in lowering the price. The purchase price is often only resold. Seventy-eight percent of the bid.

Such a huge price difference has been earned by middlemen.

Pei Guo hopes to introduce new buyers to bid, such as the wealthy Yangshan Islands.

However, He Lingchuan never responded to Pei Guo's overtures. After Yu Hai heard about it, he hurriedly went to the monarch to come forward and said that he was an old friend of the owner of Yangshan Island and that he could go and match up with him.

Looking at it today, He Xiao was still as generous and generous as before, so he felt reassured.

With the help of the Seven Route Army's battle against Bixia, the reputation of the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce has risen rapidly. Now who doesn't know that this foreign force has money, food, and wealth?

The big mountain weighing on his head may be nothing more than a mustard seed in He Xiao's eyes.

He Lingchuan immediately made the decision: "Brother Yu said that I am moved. Okay, I will send someone to evaluate it carefully, and then go to Pei State to negotiate business."

Yu Hai was overjoyed and handed him over again and again: "Brother He really helped me a lot!"

He Lingchuan laughed loudly and took out three posts from his arms:

"To tell you the truth, the envoy from Pei State sent three greetings in a row in the past few days, but I ignored them all."

Yu Hai was startled. He looked at the greeting card and then at He Lingchuan's smile, his thoughts racing.

He was also a smart man, and he figured it out in the blink of an eye. He took a long breath, turned around and bowed his head to him: "Brother He gave me timely help, and Mr. Yu is very grateful. Whatever you ask me, I will definitely do it!"

He got it. He Xiao ignored Pei Shi's post. Previously, Situ He invited Lingxu to return to his son in the name of He Xiao, just to give him a chance.

As long as he succeeds in lobbying He Xiao to allow Yangshan Islands to do business with Pei State, Yu Hai will be able to at least have a foreign envoy and foreign business envoy in Pei State, and he will no longer be an idler.

As long as he can re-enter the royal court, the troubles that have plagued him and the Yu family for nearly a year can be easily solved.

It seemed that He Xiao had known about his situation, so he came to help.

What a noble person he is!

He Lingchuan grabbed his arm and said, "What are you talking about? You are a person who wants to do big things. How can you be troubled by such a small trouble at home? Brother, just take care of it."

Yu Hai had been in the officialdom for so long, and he was speechless for a moment.

"What big event does Brother He mean?"

He had been an official in Lingxu City for several years and was no longer an innocent person.

Is there anything good in this world that is good for no reason? He has to pay the price for it.

This opportunity is so important to the Yu family, and he is ready to face difficulties and obstacles.

"I have something to entrust to Brother Yu."

coming. Yu Hai secretly took a breath.

"The hometown meeting was a success. I think everyone has been thinking about it. It's a pity that it broke up like this." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "Brother Yu, let's get back to work and run it again."

Yu Hai was startled. After waiting for a long time, he didn't hear He Lingchuan add any other conditions, so he carefully asked: "What else?"

"But I hope that the scope of the hometown will be expanded, not just to the Bejia wanderers. There are so many talents in the Golden Flash Plains, why bother to stick to their origins? As long as they have similar ideas and similar aspirations, they can be recruited." He Lingchuan put his hands behind his hands and walked, "Fish What do you think?"

"This is how it should be." Yu Hai said subconsciously, "This was my original plan after I returned to the Shining Gold Plains, but something happened to my father, so it was delayed."

"Brother Yu is far-sighted, and He got it right." He Lingchuan tapped again, "I can provide some financial help."

Traveling around the Golden Plains, he soon discovered that in addition to force, he also had a more powerful weapon:


Compared to these jingling paupers in the Golden Plains, he is really rich.

Having said that, isn’t one of Yao Kingdom’s tricks to control these countries and forces also money?

If the country of Yao spreads a lot of money, he is not as rich as the country of Yao, but he can spread it a little.

Yu Hai calmed down: "Brother He, why is this? You are not from the Shining Gold Plains."

No one's money comes from strong winds, so what is He Xiao trying to do?

The Golden Plains was a quagmire that others avoided, so why did He Xiao jump into it?

"The reason is the same as when I stand behind the Situ family: the Shining Gold Plains is a good place. Others can't see it, but I know it." He Lingchuan said lightly, "I have ambitions, Brother Yu, you have a chance. I think, you It’s time to seize this opportunity.”

Yu Hai stopped for a moment and looked at him steadily.

A little mist started to appear on the river bank. The last few women also picked up the wash basin, and the heavy footsteps gradually faded away.

He Xiao was standing in the fog. The two of them were obviously very close, but Yu Hai couldn't see his expression clearly.

I seemed to have the same feeling when I first saw He Xiao in Lingxu City.

I can't see through it. Whether it's his personality, his will, or his skills, this person seems to hide everything behind his smile.

But Yu Hai can indeed feel his ambition.

For those who have great ambitions but few talents, that is called delusion;

For those who are capable, that is ambition.

Yu Hai's breathing became heavier, knowing that He Lingchuan was right. This was a great opportunity and he should seize it.

He nodded heavily:

"Okay, brother He, don't worry. I will organize the hometown meeting again, contact Lingxu Guizi, and explore talents."

"Brother Yu has the ability to know people. Talented and ambitious people can communicate with each other and come and go frequently." As a big benefactor, He Lingchuan is qualified to make demands. "If they encounter difficulties, the hometown association can help them in a timely manner." ”

Yu Hai had exactly this intention.

The original intention of his hometown association in Lingxu City was to unite the talented people in his hometown and help each other; when he returned to the Golden Flash Plains, the hometown association still represented connections and strength.

He knew this very well.

In the past year, he often felt regretful that he was unable to cope with family affairs. Now that his future is secure, and the hometown association has to rely on the owner of Shanshan Island to inject funds behind his back, Yu Hai feels that the clouds have gone away from his head, and he is full of energy.

The two chatted for a while and then went back to Zhuyin Tavern to continue drinking.

Drinking at lunch and dinner, most people fell down.

Before dawn the next day, Yu Hai said goodbye and returned home regardless of the dull pain in his head.

He was anxious to report back to Pei Jun, and then he would be busy with the revival of the hometown association.

The soul-catching mirror smiled and said: "Yu Hai is not stupid at all. He knew right away that you wanted to recruit talents."

"There are too many people who were driven back by Bega at the same time. Most of them are elites here, and their vision and knowledge are wider than the locals. Yu Hai knows very well that if they can be knitted together and the connections and networks they form can be It represents strength." He Lingchuan said, "Yu Hai is an excellent organizer and has a reputation. It is perfect for him to manage the hometown club."

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