After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1269 Invitation to the Arena

The two of them left the restaurant and rushed to the martial arts hall.

He Lingchuan's horse was stored in the academy, so he walked there.

He is very fast. Although he is not running, he can reach seven feet with each step.

Xin Yi walked side by side with him, his expression and movements calm and composed, not showing any embarrassment.

This guy's cultivation level is not weak. At least his body lightening skills are very good, which is better than Lu Xun's. He Lingchuan thought of what he had just said, that people who could stay in seclusion for fifteen years at a stretch would probably not be any worse at it.

Since he had been out of seclusion for less than two years, why did Lingshan send him to Panlong City as a special envoy?

When it comes to the transmission of information, Lingshan will definitely send his most trusted people.

Just two years after leaving seclusion, can Xin Yi gain Lingshan's trust? Or is he like Wang Xingyi of Mou State, who grew up in Lingshan since childhood?

It has been more than a hundred years, has there been any change in the way Lingshan cultivates his confidants?

He Lingchuan's heart moved and he asked Xin Yi: "Have you seen General Red?"

"Not yet."

"Most of the time, she is the Red General." He Lingchuan didn't believe that Xin Yi didn't know this.

"Understood!" Xin Yi nodded repeatedly, "I also hope to see Mi Tian in person!"

He Lingchuan's eyes flickered: "Has Mr. Xin ever seen a demon before?"

"How can we see this? They are all outside the sky." Xin Yi laughed, "Even the descending ceremony of the gods was only witnessed by ancestors and then recorded in family history. The description seems to be extraordinary."

He paused for a moment: "I heard that Mi Tian will send miracles every year on the Heavenly Sacrifice Day?"

"When we first arrived in Panlong City, Mr. Xin was so well-informed?" After Panlong City received great blessings, Zhong Shengguang designated the day to reward the gods as the "Heavenly Sacrifice Day", and the whole city, young and old, would spontaneously go to the highlands outside the city to offer sacrifices. No regrets in paying homage to the bell.

"Since I have been entrusted with an important task, I must do all these basic homework." Observe. After all, no god has been able to achieve perfection in the past thousands of years.”

Perfect God descended, these words were terrifying to think about, especially after He Lingchuan read the last words of Immortal Minghui.

It is understandable that Lingshan has this concern.

"If there is such a thing as a 'perfect god descending', what will be the consequences?"

Xin Yi said in a deep voice: "I'm afraid it will be another catastrophe for the world."

His determination made He Lingchuan's heart skip a beat.

Is this someone who knows the inside story?

"Mr. Xin is really quick to talk." He told everything. If He Lingchuan hadn't been a little suspicious of his origins, just hearing these few words would have increased his favorable impression of him.

Due to heavenly reasons, the cooperation between Panlongcheng and Lingshan is not without barriers, and they can only seek common ground while reserving differences. It is actually not easy for Xin Yi to be a good contact person.

He said with emotion: "Lingshan and Panlong City will benefit from their cooperation. Since we have a common enemy, we must be more honest and less suspicious."

He Lingchuan gave him a thumbs up: "You understand! If everyone in Lingshan thinks like Mr. Xin, we must be the closest comrades in arms."

Then he asked again: "I'm also really curious, what do immortals look like?"

"What you looked like before you became an immortal is what you will look like after you become an immortal. As long as you don't show your appearance, you won't have one more pair of eyes or one more nose than us."

"Mr. Xin, have you really seen him?"

Xin Yi nodded with a smile: "Yes, I'm lucky."

He is an immortal and comes from Lingshan. In the eyes of the world, Xin Yi has seen their true colors as immortals shrouded in clouds and mist.

While talking, the martial arts hall arrived.

Even the outside was packed here, because the No. 8 ring facing the block was activated.

Everyone can enjoy the arena match just by standing on the street.

He Lingchuan led Xin Yi and went straight to the place with the most people.

When others saw He Lingchuan, they all said: "General He is here!"

The crowd automatically separated a path, allowing them to pass without obstruction.

As soon as He Lingchuan entered the martial arts hall, the door panel greeted him and said quickly: "Boss, they have all entered the ring."

He Lingchuan looked up, and sure enough, there were people standing on all three stages, and all of them had strange faces.

He didn't ask about the market price, but first pulled the door panel aside and asked in a low voice: "Who won the fight in the restaurant?"

The door panel touched his nose and stepped aside. There were three soldiers standing behind him, all with bruises and swollen faces. One of them was still holding his arms, and the door panel pointed at him and said: "His shoulder was dislocated, I just put it on him."

Huh, it seems that the other side has the upper hand? He Lingchuan glanced at them and said with a straight face: "Fighting is not a problem, losing is."

If you dare to fight, you must win!

The three of them lowered their heads and did not dare to answer.

"After recovering from injury, each person will run five laps around the city!"

Panlong City is not small, and circling the city five times would kill people. But how dare these three people say no?

"My men also wounded two of them." Menpan pointed at the ring and said, "That's all for the others. The one with the white hair is very powerful. He can knock down these three boys alone."

The man he was pointing to was standing on the No. 8 ring. He was a strong man about twenty-three or four years old, with white hair and eyes like an eagle, shining with a sharp light.

The door panel added: "When I arrived, both sides were yelling at each other with real fire. Someone was just one step away from being killed."

He almost lost his life, and the curse words came one after another.

After He Lingchuan finished asking, he came back to Xin Yi: "Does Mr. Xin recognize all these people in the ring?"

"It turns out they are these boys." Xin Yi nodded, "They came in the same group as me. They have been in the city for no more than three days. They come from three Taoist sects and are all veterans of the battlefield."

He Lingchuan pointed at No. 8: "Who is that white-haired one?"

"His name is Sha Wei. He was originally promoted to deputy general in the army. When he heard that there was an opportunity to come to Panlong City, he volunteered."

"I heard this is a life-and-death contest?" Sha Wei was inviting a fight, "If you want to come up and die, do it quickly, don't just beep in the tavern!"

As soon as he spoke, the soldiers and civilians in the audience fell silent. Many people looked angry but kept silent.

"Why, you don't dare to come up to the ring without rules?" Sha Wei sneered, "Before I came, I heard that the warriors in Panlong City were as tough as Bo Yang and as good at fighting as tigers and wolves. How come they all changed at this critical moment of life and death?" Are you a coward?"

This attack was too broad, and many Panlong warriors shrugged their shoulders in anger, suppressing the urge to leap onto the stage.

Xin Yi frowned and wanted to call this arrogant boy down, but He Lingchuan raised his hand to stop him.

"I like good soldiers." He Lingchuan chuckled, "Good soldiers have personalities."

This is not a polite word. A warrior should be passionate. He didn't resent Sha Wei's invitation to fight, and the people of Panlong City didn't resent it either.

Want to be famous, want to be in the limelight? Then let him go, as long as he has the ability.

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