After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1283 The Essence of the Struggle between Man and God

He Lingchuan also frowned, this was indeed of a bad nature.

"Then how did Yang Defei defeat Zhao Jun?"

"I'm not on the front line, so I don't know the process." Miao Zhu also had enough rest and stood up and said, "But the Zhao army only attacked Shizhoutou for three days and then withdrew. Liu Chengshou probably heard that Shizhoutou was defended They came back with their troops, but Guard Yang blocked them from entering the city. "

"I heard that Liu Chengshou's persuasion failed several times and he ordered an attack on the city." Miao Zhu spread his hands: "The two sides started fighting, and they are still fighting now."

"Which side has the upper hand?"

"That's not clear." Miao Zhu was also worried.

He Lingchuan asked him: "Which side do you want to win?"

Miao Zhu sneered twice and said nothing more.

He didn't know the two masked men, so of course he wouldn't tell them clearly. But He Lingchuan knew his attitude by looking at his expression.

"How many residents are there in Shizhoutou?"

Miao Zhu also refused to answer this question.

After He Lingchuan finished questioning, the two men put on their curtain hats again and left the Puyin Temple.

Both of them stood in the open space in front of the temple, bathing in the sunshine.

He Lingchuan immediately saw that a faint golden thread was illuminated on Dong Rui's body, and the thread's end was connected behind him.

Sure enough, God Puyin also quietly paid attention and wanted to monitor their whereabouts.

The two of them left Yayuan Township on horseback and came to the countryside. Only then did He Lingchuan draw his sword and cut off the golden thread.

This was the reason why he chose to visit the temple on a sunny day.

"Pu Yin Shen is very cunning and did not reveal any useful information." Dong Rui was worthless for the two punishment dragon pillars. Although the cost for He Lingchuan to build this thing was not high, why should he make it cheaper for these little gods?

He Lingchuan said: "It is very careful. But the answers to these questions are still very valuable."

"How to say?"

"Nailuotian desperately steals nightmare energy; nearly eighty gods have fallen, more than the total of the past hundred years or so; Miaozhantian snatches the Yao Kingdom from the hands of Ksalitian; Lingxu gods demand the world's The subject countries are intensifying the war; this is just the tip of the iceberg that we have heard about. There are endless conflicts and contradictions in the divine world that we don’t know about. What does it look like when we look at these together?

Dong Rui pulled up the reins: "Is there sudden chaos in the sky?"

"What is the crux of the problems that have caused chaos in the world over the past thousands of years?"

"The crux?" Dong Rui thought for a while, "Do you want to say that gods disturb the human world?"

"It's a competition for resources." He Lingchuan said solemnly, "With the decline of spiritual energy, immortals have to compete for spiritual energy; with the decline of spiritual energy, products are no longer rich, and the land cannot support so many living beings, so wars have become the norm."

War is always the best way to quickly eliminate population and living creatures.

"The two realms wax and wane. As the spiritual energy in the human world weakens, the nightmare energy in the divine world becomes abundant." He Lingchuan continued, "But now, all the gods are desperately trying to capture the nightmare energy..."

"Ahem." Dong Rui reminded him, "In the past few years, less than a hundred gods have died, and the nightmare energy in the divine world is still far more abundant than in the human world."

"I know, but don't forget how much the gods need nightmare energy. And the essence of nightmare energy is also spiritual energy."

Since the creation of Tianluo Star, the world of gods and humans have been fighting over each other, and what they are fighting for is spiritual energy.

"Look, why did the immortals disappear from the world back then? Wasn't it because the spiritual energy in the world became increasingly thinner, making it impossible for them to survive? Giant whales cannot survive in the tidal flats." He Lingchuan talked eloquently, "Let me ask you, under what circumstances Next, people started hoarding supplies?"

"...Wars and years of famine?" Dong Rui frowned for a long time, "If it's just because of panic, won't it last for several years?"

Excessive hoarding caused by temporary panic is often a gust of wind.

"No matter what the specific reason is, once there is a hoarding competition, no matter how abundant the materials are, there will not be enough to distribute. It is the same in heaven and on earth. Therefore, the value of Xinglongzhu has only increased five times." He Lingchuan confirmed, "It is rare to be so good. What a pity if we don’t get involved in the opportunity?”

"What are you going to do?"

"You also heard what Puyin God said just now. The gods of Lingxu asked the Yao Kingdom to do something; coincidentally, we are in the Flashing Gold Plains." He Lingchuan analyzed, "The reason why the gods chose to create chaos here is because of the Flashing Gold The plains have a large population but no strong political power. If there is a war, the increase in the total amount of Nightmare Qi will ease the competition for resources in the God Realm."

"We want to add some trouble to the God Realm - just a little bit - there are two ways, either to calm down the war on the Golden Gold Plains, or to prevent the nightmare energy here from being absorbed by Tianluo Star. As long as the nightmare energy obtained by the God Realm If it is reduced, it will overwhelm the gods, causing them to snatch resources more intensely and cause greater casualties," He Lingchuan said slowly.

"Just like what the gods have done to the human world for thousands of years."

He looked in the direction of Shi Zhou's head: "Just in time, I also have something to do here."

"What now?" This has almost become Dong Rui's mantra.

"We will split up." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "You go to Shizhou Head to inquire about the battle report, and I will go back to Jucheng to call for help."

Then, he explained his plan.

"By the way, didn't you get a lot of gadgets in Qu Yu's underground palace? They can come in handy this time."

Dong Rui's eyebrows raised higher and higher, and the look he looked at him became more and more weird: "Sounds fun, are you sure you want to do this?"

He Lingchuan laughed and knocked the horse's belly lightly. The horse galloped. Dong Rui only heard a sentence floating in the distance:

"We're going to mind our own business from now on."

The weather changed suddenly in the evening, and before the sun went down, there were two thunderstorms.

Click, a thunder in mid-air, lighting up the surrounding areas.

Yang Shoubei stood on the city gate, facing the heavy rain, looking at the woods not far away.

There was a fire in the forest before, but now it was extinguished by the rain, and it was pitch black. But he knew very well that Liu Chengshou's army was stationed in the woods, waiting for the next opportunity to attack the city.

The opponent will not give up unless they are defeated.

His face was as gloomy as a rainy night. The confidant beside him comforted him: "You don't need to worry. Even Zhao Guangzhi and his cannibal army were scared off by you. How can Liu Chengshou's gang of ragtag men attack the head of Shijiao?"

"Zhao Guangzhi has two elite men who charge into battle and are brave and fearless, but they did not show up this time. Maybe it is because the siege is not suitable?" Yang Shoubei's expression did not look relaxed. "His performance is not as good as the legend, maybe there are other reasons; but Liu Cheng Shou is determined to win Shitou and will not be easily deterred by us. Besides, there is a shortage of supplies in the city."

On the night of Liu Chengshou's attack, they had finished shooting arrows and had to go out of the city at night to pick them up. They were almost killed by Liu Chengshou's men.

After Liu Chengshou knew this information, the ground in front of the city became cleaner than ever.

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