Shitou Tonight is destined to be chaotic. People are hiding in their homes and shivering. They can hear the sounds of footsteps and horse hooves everywhere outside, often mixed with metal hitting each other, curses and screams.

Wan Qiliang chased a defeated soldier, and when he jumped over a low wall, a crossbow arrow shot him down.

But in the blink of an eye, two enemies jumped out of the big tree on the street, jumped directly onto the horse, and started a hand-to-hand fight with him.

"Quickly, kill him!" Two more people jumped out from the corner and wanted to pull Wan Qiliang off the horse.

Killing the pursuing soldiers and seizing the horses will increase the chance of successful escape. There will still be clear-headed people among the defeated troops.

It's a pity that they picked the wrong target.

Wan Qiliang made a backhand slash and accurately cut the windpipe of the enemy behind him.

There was a rush of hot blood from the enemy's throat, and it sprayed on his helmet.

He threw the spear smoothly and directly pinned the enemy running from a distance to the ground - the man only had time to let out a short yell.

After his right hand was free, he had time to raise his arm to cover his throat and block the neck of the enemy in front.

The black armor specially made by Songyang Mansion, the arm guards are light but strong and can block swords.

He raised his hand and dealt with three of them, but the fourth one had already rushed closer, got a sharp pitchfork from somewhere, and took the opportunity to stab his ankle bone.

There was no armor protection there.

Just as he was about to be hit, a stone the size of an egg suddenly flew out from the depths of the dark alley and hit the man's temple with a thud.

The man was hit so hard that his vision went dark and he stumbled. The tip of the fork became crooked and scratched Wan Qiliang's leg armor.

How could he let go of this opportunity, raise the knife and kill the last enemy.

Wan Qiliang rode over, first drew back his spear, and then looked towards the dark alley.

Behind several broken baskets, a small man huddled.

This was a young boy of twelve or thirteen years old, with a big head, a small body, and a yellow face and thin muscles. He looked at him with eyes filled with fear.

You can't see the small and thin arms like reed sticks, but the force of throwing stones is not small.

There was a corpse hanging on Wan Qiliang's horse's butt, and the unlucky guy he had just killed hadn't yet fallen off. He raised it with his backhand, threw it in front of the young man, then clapped his horse and left.

The young man shrank in fright, but as soon as Wan Qiliang left, he quickly dug into the pocket on the body, and sure enough, he took out two pieces of dry food and swallowed them without even chewing.

Here, He Lingchuan also casually fired a crossbow arrow, helping Wan Qifeng on the left to eliminate an enemy, and then went straight to chase the other deserters.

There was blood everywhere where he passed, and there was no one left alive. There was also an enemy who was cut into two pieces by him, and the contents of his stomach were scattered all over the ground, but he was still alive and his wailing could be heard throughout the city.

The people around them blocked their ears and did not dare to listen anymore.

The other defeated soldiers were so frightened that their livers and gallbladders were split apart. When they saw the black-armored leader, they jumped up with their heads in their hands. They were more frightened than seeing a fierce ghost.

He killed three more soldiers along the street and passed by an inn. There were lots of debris inside, but it seemed empty.

The mirror laughed jeeringly and reported to him: "There are living people there!"


The haystacks beside the wall are piled high.

He Lingchuan sighed slightly, threw the Fusheng knife casually, and left without looking.

With two clicks, the Fusheng knife penetrated the thick haystack and disappeared.

It wasn't until more than ten breaths later that blood gradually seeped out from under the haystack, spreading more and more.

As He Lingchuan moved forward, suddenly there was a sound of wind in his ears, and an arrow was aimed at his eye.

Just as he reached out to grab the arrow, a big man jumped out from behind, grabbing a mace and swiping the horse's legs from behind.

They might not be able to deal with the black-armored leader, but they could cripple his horse to buy more time to escape.

This man is not only the strongest, but also the most courageous, so he was entrusted with the important task.

But as soon as he raised the stick, the man paused, his eyes straightened and his face dull.

The companion not far away was so anxious that he was sweating profusely: "Hurry up, smash it, I'm so mad!"

However, as far as the big man was concerned, the mace in his hand suddenly weighed more than a thousand kilograms and he couldn't even swing it. He took a closer look and saw several people squatting on the ground, hugging the stick tightly.

The ground was covered with mud, and the bodies of these people were also very dirty, with mud stains and blood stains, but their faces were clean and pale, and their eyes were bulging outwards.

They smiled at him, opening their mouths as they smiled, and their upper teeth clicked against those of the lower teeth.

Some had yellow teeth, some had white teeth, and one woman had a piece of flesh missing from her cheek. From his angle, he could directly see her back molars.

These faces were all familiar, but the last time he saw them, they were not smiling so happily, but were full of fear and crying——

Yes, these are all people he killed and ate with his own hands.

He bit off the woman's cheek flesh with his own mouth. He thought it was tender at the time, but now it makes him sick.

When the big man saw these dead ghosts, his back was cold and his limbs were stiff, and there were only four words in his mind:

"How can it be?"

These people were already dead and eaten by him!

Is it a ghost coming to claim his life?

No, that's not right! What qualifications does a person who is weak enough to be eaten by him have to ask for his life again after death?

He roared and was about to cheer up when he felt a cold chill on his neck——

The woman he had eaten rushed forward, bared her white teeth, and bit down on his throat.

In the eyes of his companions, he was so stunned that he didn't even know how to dodge the black-armored leader's sword.

The latter chopped off his head with a knife and then chased his companion.

Poof, blood splattered on the wall. Before the head even hit the ground, the look of horror had already solidified.

Naturally, these people don't know that the ghosts flying around the Qianglong armor are not decorations. Within its range, those with lower cultivation levels or unstable minds are easily affected by the bad things they have done, or the deepest feelings in their hearts. Confused and frightened by fear.

This is one of Xuanlu Ghost King's special skills. Combined with the karma manifested by Qianglong's armor, it has become the frightening formation it is now - when the sacred bone necklace swallowed Xuanlu Ghost King, Qianglong Zhan A intercepts a little bit of characteristics.

He Lingchuan chased the two defeated soldiers into the alley, but the two unlucky men couldn't escape even seven steps.

The alley was so narrow that the horse couldn't turn around and had to keep going.

With fewer people, the neighborhood becomes quieter.

He Lingchuan suddenly frowned and heard rapid breathing coming from behind the earthen wall.

One, two...five in total.

Do you think you are hiding well?

"There are three people hiding behind the wall, and there are two more in the corner." The mirror also reminded him, "Strictly speaking, three broken soldiers broke into the house, kidnapped two civilians, and are now gagging them."

The defeated troops fled all over the city, not necessarily to the north. It was normal for them to hide in people's homes.

He Lingchuan turned his head and looked at the earthen wall.

The two defeated soldiers inside were winking at each other:

Don't move, don't move, Death is just a wall away from us!

One of them blocked the mouth of the civilian woman and put a dagger on her neck, threatening her not to speak out.

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