After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1296 venting hatred

The idea of ​​chasing the defeated army was tempting, but Yang Meng hesitated and gave up.

After all, Shi Zhoutou had too few manpower, so he still had to use troops to defend the city. Besides, the chief culprit Zhao Guangzhi was arrested and Liu Chengshou was captured. This is the most brilliant result.

The two crises that Shizhoutou City faced in the past were quietly overcome.

Has a new crisis already arrived?

Yang Meng looked back at the battle-stained city gate, and then stared back at the black-armored cavalry: "Thank you for your help. May I ask you what's next..."

The other party killed Liu Chengshou and Zhao Guangzhi at once, so he should eat the stone head himself?

Yang Meng's heart skipped a beat.

After driving away the two tigers in front, another more powerful one comes. Can we still resist?

The voice from the dragon-headed mask was even deeper, as if it sounded from the depths of people's hearts: "Now, do you have the final say on the stone head?"

"...Yes." There are still a few civil servants in the city, but when it comes to food, public security, war, etc., it is indeed Yang Meng who has the final say.

"You still have the final say from now on."

Not to mention that Yang Meng was stunned in the area, and the garrison was silent.

Did you hear that right? This black-armored army killed two local tyrants in a row and worked hard, but they didn't want to take over the head of the stone?

So why did they take action?

"Liu Shuheng and Zhao Guangzhi harmed the people and violated the laws of nature. They should be punished for their crimes! I am here just for them." In the night, the voice of the black-armored leader spread far away.

Before everyone could react, the leader in black armor pointed at Liu Chengshou and said to Yang Meng: "You handle it."

Yang Meng was confused and tried to calm down: "Yes, this will be a public execution."

He turned around and ordered his men, and then saluted He Lingchuan with his fists clasped, very respectfully: "Please."

Soon, the garrison was beating gongs everywhere in Shitou, announcing that Zhao Jun had been repulsed and Liu Chengshou was captured and was about to be tortured under the East City Gate.

There is an open space here with several stakes, which are usually used to tie horses and carts, but occasionally they are used to tie people up and perform public executions.

Now, Liu Chengshou is tied here.

After hearing the great news, even though they were hungry, the citizens of Shizhoutou gathered under the east city gate within a quarter of an hour.

Those who live far away may even fly here.

The black-armored army stood under the city gate, silent and motionless, shaped like a sculpture, but majestic.

These people are so powerful that no one dares to get close to them——

Shi Zhoutou, both soldiers and civilians, voluntarily kept a distance from them.

However, the surrounding discussions were very lively, and those who followed were listening to what the witnesses had to say about what was going on.

Liu Chengshou and Zhao Guangzhi are both important figures who can take life and death to ordinary people. But these black-armored cavalry in front of you casually defeated them?

Incredible, incredible!

Where did such a powerful black-armored cavalry come from, and what do they want to do to Shi Zhoutou?

Is the sky above me going to change?

The people of Shizhoutou, who had experienced several wars in a month, were at a loss as to what to do now. They were surprised, confused, and uneasy.

Seeing that the open space at the city gate was full of people, Yang Meng also jumped onto the high platform.

"Fellow folks, in the past half month, Shizhoutou has been deeply affected by war and famine. Fortunately, the divine soldiers -" he pointed to He Lingchuan and others, "-helped us defeat Zhao Jun and capture Liu Shuheng! Supplies! We have moved back to the city and we have food to eat!”

There was a sudden cheer under the city gate.

For these hungry city residents, no good words are as real as "having food to eat".

He Lingchuan nodded secretly. The guard named Yang was very down-to-earth. No wonder he was supported by the people and the army and the people defended the city together.

"The rice and noodles have been put into the pot, and they will be cooked in two-quarters of an hour." Yang Meng knew that the people in the city were so hungry that they were worried about their backs. If they distributed the food to everyone and went back to cook, queuing, distribution, and accounting would all be time-consuming and labor-intensive. , it’s better to let everyone eat from the big pot.

When things are urgent, follow the authority.

Therefore, the grain taken away by Liu Chengshou is now being cooked in the stove of Liu Chengshou's military camp. After being cooked, it will be sent back to the city and distributed to the civilians.

The time saved can be used to deal with Liu Chengshou publicly, killing two birds with one stone.

After all, those black-armored murderers will not leave until this matter is settled.

The civilians have no objections, so the next step is the main event:

Yang Meng read out Liu Shuheng's charges in public.

As a city guard, this man usually feeds the common people and flees from the enemy without fighting; he searches for the people's fat and anointing, but traps the people in the mouths of tigers and wolves; Shi Zhoutou succeeds in saving himself, but he turns around and leads his troops to attack again.

Every time he read one sentence, the civilians looked at Liu Chengshou with disgust.

Selling all the young and old in the city directly to the Ogre King is unforgivable under any circumstances!

Finally, Yang Meng reached out to Liu Chengshou and said loudly: "Your Excellency has given us the right to execute Liu Shuheng. Fellow folks, how are you going to deal with this villain!"

After saying this, there was a sudden silence under the city gate, and you could hear a needle drop.

Yes, how to deal with it?

Everyone stared at Liu Chengshou without saying a word.

Hatred builds up quickly in the silence.

Everyone realized once again that Mr. Liu, who stole them, robbed them, and killed them, was now tied to a pillar and had no power to resist.

Alone, with no accomplice around him.

Right now, Mr. Liu is the lamb to be slaughtered!

These noble men in black armor took him down just for—

Let everyone take it out!

Receiving the overwhelming hatred of the common people, Liu Chengshou was shaking like a plague chicken and could not help but beg for mercy. His pants became wet in the blink of an eye.

A child pointed at him and shouted: "He peed, he peed because he was scared!"

Another thin man picked up a stone as big as an egg from the basket and threw it at Liu Chengshou.

There are more than a dozen baskets placed next to the wall, filled with stones of different sizes, all of which are combat supplies.

The stone was hit very accurately, and everyone heard a muffled "click" sound. Liu Shuheng's forehead was torn and bleeding.

Some people took the lead, and others followed suit, picking up stones from baskets and throwing them at the sinners.

For a time, stones were flying everywhere.

Liu Shuheng struggled desperately, but where could he escape? After all, he has a strong body and is more resistant to being hit than ordinary people. Dozens of stones were thrown at him, and his skin and flesh were only torn apart, his head was bleeding, and he looked miserable on the outside, but he was not seriously injured at all.

"Stone punishment?" Dong Rui moved his shoulders amidst the noise of the people and was not used to wearing armor. "These city people are so simple. I thought they would chop him into pieces."

Stoning is the most unpopular thing. He has a hundred ways to torture people to death.

Ah, my shoulders are so sore, this armor must be improved!

Liu Shuheng obviously couldn't agree with his point of view. He could still hold up dozens of stones, but hundreds and thousands of stones followed one after another, densely packed in the air like locusts.

He was quickly hit so hard that he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Seeing this, the civilians on the stone head started to hit harder and harder. The more they hit, the angrier and bolder they became. Two people rushed over with an earthen jar in their hands. They first pointed at him and cursed him, and then the earthen jar suddenly hit him on the head.

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