After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1298 The Quiet Crowd

But with a slight tap from the black-armored leader, Yang Meng came to his senses:

Once Zhao Guangzhi dies, the territory he conquered will become unclaimed, and the first person to react will have a chance!

If Yang Meng can seize the opportunity to capture them, his territory, population, and army will expand accordingly.

The more his strength grows, the less threat the Liu family poses to him.

"Thanks for the tip!"

“He who helps himself, God helps him.”

"What do you mean?" What does this mean? Yang Meng was confused and asked respectfully.

"Changes are coming in the Golden Gold Plains. If you persist for another three to five years, you will definitely be able to hold on."

"Change?" Yang Meng asked, "What kind of change?"

The black-armored leader stopped answering. He shook the reins lightly and the horse began to trot again. Dozens of riders followed closely behind, all passing by Yang Meng's eyes without looking back.

I don't know when a heavy fog filled the forest, and this strange cavalry disappeared in the mist in an instant.

The instructions of the black-armored leader echoed in Yang Meng's ears:

"Accumulate more blessings and commit fewer sins. Otherwise, I will come to you in advance."

The sinister words made Yang Meng think of the other party's methods again, and he shuddered subconsciously.

When he returned to the city, his men came to report:

When everyone was cleaning up the battlefield, they discovered that there was an extra relief on the brick wall next to the city gate.

The image carved in relief has protruding eyes, sharp teeth, short horns on the head, and a beard under the jaw.

No one knew what it was. Yang Meng carefully identified it and said uncertainly: "Could this look like a dragon?"

No one knows how this relief appeared. Anyway, before last night's battle, there were none on the wall.

Some city residents cautiously asked Yang Meng: "Master Yang, is it possible that he is related to those black-armored gods who just left?"

In retrospect, the mask worn by the black-armored leader looked very similar to the relief on the wall.

Yang Meng thought so too.

He reached out and touched the relief on the wall. Could it be that the team secretly carved it?

Soon, the people of Shitou City discovered three other reliefs in the city, which were also dragon head patterns.

Everyone was amazed.

The time the black armored troops stayed at Shitou was limited, and most of them were used to kill the enemy. If they intended to carve these patterns, they would have to use supernatural powers, right?

As time goes by, the dragon head relief becomes increasingly blurry.

After three days, they were completely gone.

The wall looked like it originally and still looks like now, as if these reliefs had never existed.


During this half of the night, the Liuping defenders opened the city gate six times, because more than 400 of Zhao Guangzhi's defeated troops fled back one after another.

The news of Zhao Guangzhi's death also followed them back and spread rapidly among the defenders.

General Zhao is dead!

What should I do with my group of big-headed soldiers? Whose will I eat from now on, whose will I use...and who will I listen to?

Frustration and confusion swept the entire army, and the six hundred people were at a loss what to do.

A snake cannot do without a head.

Two leaders saw the opportunity and came forward to recommend themselves, hoping that everyone would support them as new leaders.

In troubled times, having power means everything.

Another leader did not want to participate and planned to leave with his cronies, but others blocked their way: there were only 600 defenders in the city, and he took away 200. Can the rest be successful?

The three of them criticized each other, and the war of words soon turned into a fight with weapons, and then evolved into a group fight and a melee.

When the fierce fighting between the three parties was in full swing, the city gate changed.

In the chaos, someone opened the city gate.

This action was not eye-catching in the first place, after all, Zhao Jun returned to the city all night.

Who would have thought that what entered the city this time was not the defeated army that had escaped, but dozens of evil-looking black armored cavalry!

As soon as they entered the city, they started killing people.

Zhao Jun had already experienced a frightening night at Shitou. In this trance, the black armored cavalry actually followed Liuping again!

The nightmare reappears.

Most of the Zhao army fled in all directions, unwilling to relive the experience of Shitou Tou; the rest were frightened after being charged back and forth by the black armored cavalry for two rounds, unable to organize a decent resistance at all, and fled again!

The battle before dawn was carried out rather sloppily. It only took less than two quarters of an hour for the black-armored army to defeat the opponent until it was completely defeated and the enemy was in a hurry.

The battle in Liuping was also over.

But this short-lived calm lurks uneasiness and restlessness.

Afterwards, He Lingchuan ordered his men to disperse and go to the streets and alleys to gather people.

The two-quarter-of-an-hour battle left most Liuping residents trembling.

But they were used to being driven away by Zhao Jun. At this time, they were like well-behaved sheep or moles being driven out of their holes. They lowered their eyebrows and slowly gathered in the open space at the entrance of the market.

The space behind Liuping City Gate is too small, so we can only choose the food market entrance.

However, what appeared here was no longer the vicious Zhao army, but another unfamiliar army.

More mysterious, darker, and looking scarier than Zhao Jun.

No one dared to make a sound, only the torches around the clearing were blown fiercely by the wind.

Wan Qifeng and Dong Rui looked at these villagers. They were all sallow and thin, with hunched figures. Some looked frightened, while others looked indifferent, like zombies.

But the looks they cast on He Lingchuan and others did not contain any kindness.

Liuping is here. Today it is occupied by Zhao Jun. Tomorrow it may be replaced by Li Jun and Wang Jun...

The king's flag changes at the top of the city, who is different? The only thing that remains unchanged is that civilians like them will still be squeezed, exploited, and eaten!

In this lifeless atmosphere, the black-armored leader spoke:

"I'll give you a gift!"

Wan Qifeng immediately dragged Zhao Guangzhi off his horse and took off his hood, exposing his face to the public.

There was a gasping sound all around.

"Who recognizes him?"

Many people recognized Zhao Guangzhi but did not dare to respond.

No one knows which song these black-armored knights are singing.

At this time, a large pot has been set up in the open space, with water poured into it and firewood burning underneath.

The pot is very big and can cook a large pot of rice and throw in a fat pig.

Two black-armored cavalry tied Zhao Guangzhi to a log.

"He belongs to you." He Lingchuan pointed the tip of his spear at Zhao Guangzhi and then pointed at the cauldron, "Who's coming?"

The crowd was as quiet as a chicken.

The villagers looked at them blankly, some with their mouths half open, most of them cowered and confused, and a few looked numb and could only breathe quietly.

Dong Rui couldn't help it anymore: "You don't want revenge?"



Several villagers tilted their heads, as if pondering the meaning of this sentence.

They looked at the black-armored knight, and the other side looked at them. Wan Qiliang noticed that even if Zhao Guangzhi was tied up like a rice dumpling, they did not dare to look at him, as if they would be beheaded if they took a glance.

He couldn't help but cursed in a low voice:


Others tied up their enemies and sent them to their door, but they didn't even dare to think of revenge?

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