After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1300 Return the favor

"Yes, my soldiers ate up your family! But in times of famine, don't you sell your sons and daughters? How much can a kid sell for, ten taels? Fifteen taels?" Zhao Guangzhi persuaded hard, "Just do it. If you sell your child to me, can't you? Just treat it like a sky-high price, and you'll live the rest of your life without suffering from hunger or cold!"

The soul-capturing mirror groaned: "This guy can do it, I was so excited when he said it."

Of course, it's no use having a heartbeat.

He Lingchuan patted it twice. Zhao Guangzhi is a bad person, not stupid. He also knows how to look for the weaknesses in people's hearts.

If not, how could he gather an army here and be invincible?

From a utilitarian point of view, his words seem to be fine, and even the mirror agrees.

He Lingchuan glanced across the audience and found that several people had flickering eyes and hesitant expressions on their faces.

As Zhao Guangzhi said, selling children is not a shocking event, and the exchange is just a few meals. The people of the Golden Plains learned to bow to reality very early.

What is reality?

The reality is that people should try their best to survive and take care of themselves first. As the saying goes, the dead are gone, but the living can still be pursued.

Zhao Guangzhi also keenly caught the changes in everyone and quickly added fuel to the fire: "I just want a quick death! I'm still going to die, but you still took revenge! You can take revenge and get money at the same time, what's wrong with that?!"

After saying this last sentence, several shoulders in the crowd moved, as if they were planning to raise their hands.

Dong Rui turned sideways slightly and said to He Lingchuan:

"Isn't that a mistake? Three is too few. You should increase the number to ten or more."

He Lingchuan just said: "We'll see."

Human nature is very complex.

Sure enough, an old woman in the crowd suddenly shouted: "Shouhou Li, do you want to raise your hand?"

The man next to her was thin and stooped, with hands longer than his knees, and his demeanor did indeed resemble that of a monkey.

Li Houhou was yelled at by her and suddenly panicked.

The old woman stared at him, her eyes full of bloodshot eyes: "You are an old bachelor who is supreme, and you just want to take this money, right? You don't care about other people's blood feud, right?"

The gazes cast by the villagers made Li Hou subconsciously take a step back: "There is no such thing, I have no intention of raising my hand!"

The old woman said sternly: "This evil thief ate two of my grandchildren, and praised them while eating them! I wanted to collect their bodies, but I couldn't even distinguish the pile of bones! How dare you raise your hand to let this evil thief escape from heaven's punishment, mother-in-law?" Even if I risk my life, I will set fire to your house, destroy your fields, and beat your people!”

She screamed at the top of her lungs, and her words aroused the anger of the crowd. Some people couldn't wait to cook the ogre, so they grabbed stones from the ground and threw them at Zhao Guangzhi.

Zhao Guangzhi was also hit hard and was furious: "Old godly woman ruined my good deeds! What does it have to do with you when others take money?"

The old woman sneered: "When you arrested my grandson, I took my own place, but you refused! Haha, if I had known this, you should have nodded in agreement!"

Seeing all the villagers scolding Zhao Guangzhi, those in the crowd did not dare to say a word.

Fish-eye blisters began to appear in the water in the pot, and Zhao Guangzhi was so burned that he screamed repeatedly: "Last time limit! If you don't plead for mercy, the thirty thousand taels will be gone! You will never see that much money again!"

The yellow-haired girl suddenly stood in front of him: "Do you really think the villagers are easy to deceive? Even if you have so much money, who will give it to them for you?"

Zhao Guangzhi suddenly got stuck.

Yes, he himself is about to die. Who will take out one hundred thousand taels of silver for him and distribute it to the three people who asked for mercy?

Who wants to do such a thing?

"I-I can tell these three people in private!"

"Privately?" The yellow-haired girl pointed to the brightly lit market entrance, then pointed to He Lingchuan and others, "Are you sure? Do these black-armored gentlemen agree?"

Everyone suddenly woke up. Yes, these big black guys have been silent since the show started, but will they really sit back and watch?

One hundred thousand silver, why don't they accept it themselves? Can they really allow those three people to get one hundred thousand silver?

What kind of world is this? Who would believe such a fairy tale?

No matter who was about to move in his heart, he was immediately awakened by the cold water in his pocket.

If you can't get it, the money from evil thief Zhao is empty talk, you can't get it at all!

"Cook him!" Someone yelled.

"Cook him! Cook him!"

"We don't want anything, just eat his flesh and skin him!"

The roar of the villagers echoed in the night sky.

He Lingchuan asked Dong Rui: "How is it?"

The latter hummed: "Okay, I saw it, and you got your wish again."

Seeing that there was no hope in instigating the villagers, Zhao Guangzhi immediately turned to the black-armored knight.

He Lingchuan remained unmoved, while Wan Qifeng and others under him certainly ignored him, standing like statues in the dark night.

The water in the pot was about to boil, and Zhao Guangzhi was crying and screaming, with tears running down his face and cursing.

He scolded the villagers of Liuping, scolded the black-armored knight, scolded the unfair fate, and used all the vicious words.

Dong Rui looked over and said seriously: "His legs are ripe."

Because the water in the pot has boiled.

Zhao Guangzhi's screams and cries echoed over Liuping.

At this time, he no longer had the strength to curse, so he just begged He Lingchuan to grant him death.

The Liuping villagers had calmed down from their anger and were quietly enjoying the scene.

Many people shed tears as they watched.

For the sake of his family members who were eaten, and for the suffering he suffered.

Revenge, finally revenge!

It's time, He Lingchuan gestured to Wan Qifeng.

Two knights in black armor came forward, untied Zhao Guangzhi from the log, and stuffed his whole body into the boiling water, leaving only his head exposed!

Zhao Guangzhi screamed, which was more frightening than the cry of a monkey.

"I curse you to die a miserable death!" His eyes were red, and he used up his last strength to scream to He Lingchuan, "I will never let you go after I die as a ghost..."

Before he finished speaking, a mouthful of boiling water poured into his stomach.

He could no longer speak.

After a few breaths, he did not move, staring in the boiling water half sinking and half floating.

This notorious ogre was finally boiled into soup.

Seeing this, the black-armored leader pulled the reins, and the horse slowly walked to the big pot.

In full view of the crowd, he took out the soul-locking chain and soul box from his arms and forcibly collected Zhao Guangzhi's soul.

The light and shadow effects were still shocking. When Zhao Guangzhi's dead soul was pulled out, the villagers of Liuping watched intently, and their eyes looking at the black-armored leader were even more fearful.

Zhao Guangzhi cursed him before he died, and wanted to turn into a fierce ghost to seek revenge on him. Isn't this funny?

After death, even the soul was taken away!

Zhao Guangzhi's soul was sucked into the soul box with a whoosh, and the surroundings returned to peace. The black-armored leader said: "The sins of death are not forgiven, and Zhao Guangzhi's soul will continue to suffer in the chaos!"

The villagers didn't know what "Hundun" was, but they felt relieved after hearing it:

It seemed to be a place dedicated to torturing evil people.

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