After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1310 Secret communication

Is He Xiao still related to Wang Xingyi?

Others may not know the details of Wang Xingyi, but Qingyang was once the chief national advisor of Bejia, so of course he knows that this great national advisor of the enemy country is from Lingshan!

No, that's not right. There are countless people Wang Xingyi has come into contact with, and He Xiao may not necessarily be related to Lingshan.

But how did he get in touch with Wang Xingyi?

He Yang continued to report: "Currently, Prince Fu Shanyue of Chiyan is also in the Yangshan Islands."

Qingyang raised his eyebrows: "What did he do?"

He Xiao had served as Chiyan's special envoy and had a good personal relationship with Prince Chiyan. With Fu Shanyue's unconventional character, it doesn't seem strange that he would go to the Yangshan Islands.

However, for a mere small island and a mere island owner, He Xiao, to be related to the Grand Master of Bejia, the Grand Master of Mou State, and the Prince of Chiyan, this is not something that ordinary people can do.

Now He Xiao is still running to the Shining Gold Plains to stir up grudges between the Situ family and the Vixia people.

What is the ulterior motive of this guy?

Qingyang knows that if something seems abnormally confusing, contradictory, and unreasonable, it means there are too many secrets hidden in it.

She frowned for a long time without saying a word.

Since she came to Yao Kingdom, He Yang rarely saw her thinking like this, and couldn't help but ask: "Palace Master, will you send someone to contact He Xiao to obtain further information?"

Qingyang is no longer the master of Bejia's Qing Palace, but the title they call her remains unchanged.

"No!" Qingyang immediately shook his head, "Those who have too many secrets and too many troubles are best killed with one blow!"

The haters deserve to die.

How many complicated problems has she dealt with in the past hundred years? Sometimes, killing someone quickly is the best solution. No matter how complicated you are, as long as you take a knife and cut off the crux, all the strands will be cut off together.

When He Xiao couldn't pass the test of being a Bixia man, she just took it as a small breath of anger.

If He Xiao can survive, he will be qualified for her to pay attention and launch an investigation.

She was thinking here when the small golden bell she wore on her left hand suddenly rang.

These three golden bells are no more than the size of a red bean. They are delicate and cute, with hollows in the middle.

But as soon as they rang, Qingyang immediately stood up and walked to his residence.

Her monastery is only fifty steps away from the lake, with mountains behind it and water, and a deep garden. The old pear trees are in full bloom, as tall as the eaves of a three-story building. When the warm wind blows by the lake, the sky is filled with fragrant snow.

The study faces south and has a long table. Qingyang waved back, closed the doors and windows, and placed a small statue on the table.

Then, she lit six incense sticks with her own hands and murmured something.

The smoke was lonely and lingering in the room, and there was even a small pause, as if time had stopped.

Then the smoke ball shrank smaller and smaller until it turned into a blurry face.

"True Lord Tongming."

A deep voice sounded directly from her heart: "Three things!"

"Please say."

Qingyang's attitude towards it was more gentle and polite than when he was in Lingxu City.

In the case of the immortal medicine, Tongming Zhenjun helped her obtain leniency - although it was based on common interests.

Now she is no longer Bejia's great master, but Tongming Zhenjun is still a high-ranking god.

Although they still need each other, their status has quietly changed.

"In the past five months, the Nightmare Qi obtained by Tianluo Star has become scarcer than usual, especially in the Golden Gold Plains."

Qingyang was startled: "How is this possible? The chaos in the Golden Flash Plains remains the same. There are many vendettas, wars and dynasty changes."

"But the nightmare energy collected by Tianluo Star in the Shining Gold Plain is indeed not enough." Tongming Zhenjun said, "You also know that Tianluo Star's perception is very vague, but it will not make mistakes."

Qingyang grimaced: "Could it be you...could it be that there are too many Dragon Punishment Pillars operating nearby, and the nightmare energy has been divided up."

The Gold Flash Plain is famous for its turmoil, and Qingyang knows that the heavens are not at peace recently, and gods from all over the world have sent believers here to fight for the nightmare energy.

Wherever there is a war, these believers grab the dragon pillar and rush there, like a swarm of sharks chasing the smell of blood.

They crazily devour the nightmare energy belonging to all the gods, and their greed is no less than that of humans. How can they have the face to blame her for her incompetence in doing things now?

"You should work harder." Zhenjun Tongming said sadly, "Otherwise, I won't be the one to remind you next time."

Qingyang was stunned.

The Demon Emperor sent her to supervise the Yao Kingdom, not to take care of him in his old age.

If she fails to achieve anything, she will have to face the wrath of thunder.

"Yes!" She took a deep breath, "I understand."

True Lord Tongming continued:

"The second thing is that Tiangong sent Bai Ziqi to the Shining Gold Plains."

"Bai Ziqi?" Qingyang frowned, "Dang Duyun Envoy was sent to the Shining Gold Plains to catch wind and shadows? Could it be that the old guy didn't want to deal with him and threw him here specially."

"Holy Lord Lingxu and Miao Zhantian think there is something fishy here, and maybe it has something to do with the square pot."

Qingyang's eyes flashed.

She knew very well that if it was really related to this treasure, it would not be an exaggeration for the gods and Tiangong to send the envoy Duyun himself.

The judgments made by Holy Lord Lingxu and Miao Zhantian should have other basis, which she could not see. But even "maybe" could cause a storm in the Golden Flash Plains.

"I heard that Bai Ziqi was sent here for another reason: the dragon head totem also appeared on the Golden Flash Plain."

Dragon head totem? Qingyang's memory of the past two hundred years is really complex, and it took her a while to dig this term out of the depths of her mind. "Bega seems to have had someone research this thing before, but with no results."

"The last place where the dragon-headed totem appeared for sure in history was Panlong City."

Qingyang was slightly stunned: "What about this time?"

She has experienced countless storms and waves in her life, but Panlong City still left an unforgettable impression on her.

It was a magical and terrifying force that the gods could not tolerate.

The most important thing is that the name Panlongcheng has always been associated with the square pot.

The dragon head totem, the Panlong City, and the square pot are all long-lasting memories.

"You should have told me this." Zhenjun Tongming made no secret of his dissatisfaction with her.

The former Qingyang Imperial Master, she should know all the troubles in Bejia.

What about now? She was just an old woman who had left her hometown. She was deaf and blind. She couldn't even get information about Yao Kingdom within a radius of 500 miles, so she had to be informed by the god.

Qingyang sensed its disgust and secretly scolded it as a snobbery, but on the surface he had to keep smiling.

The longer she stayed in contact with the gods, the more she felt that these superior guys were just as selfish, stingy, greedy, and sometimes even stupid as humans!

How different is the so-called divinity from human nature?

True Lord Tongming said: "The dragon head totem appeared in Shizhoutou and Liuping on the same day, followed by Hehuagou, Tengxiang, and Daishan. Do you know what happened there?"

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