After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1319 There will be no good results if you just tolerate it

Qingyang has been here to supervise the country for more than half a year. Even the courtiers who knew nothing about her now know everything they should know.

This is not only the former chief grand master of Bega, but also the childhood sweetheart who grew up with the Demon Emperor!

To a certain extent, her words and deeds can indeed represent the Demon Emperor's will.

Then a minister said: "Situ's allies have invaded the territory of Bixia. The war is not going well and the progress is very slow. At this time, there is no harm in helping Bixia."

King Yao hummed and brought the topic back to the original government affairs.

He didn't want to talk about it, and the ministers didn't mention Qingyang anymore.

At the end of the court meeting, all the ministers retreated, leaving only Mr. You.

After everyone else had left, Master You said bluntly: "Your Majesty, we cannot directly send troops!"

"Qingyang Supervisor believes that Situ Yu has a firm will for revenge and is a talented general. After the Gaopu Kingdom was destroyed, he showed his ability. The Bixia people's current advantage will not be maintained for long, and they will eventually be defeated by the Allies. Then we will meet again Intervening can't reverse the situation, and the situation becomes even more unfavorable." King Yao asked him, "After all, Qingyang Supervisor has nearly two hundred years of experience. I heard that she was also a warrior in her early years, and she has a sharp eye. What do you think. ?”

You Rongzhi thought for a moment and then said: "If our army takes action personally, it will do more harm than good. It is better to provide support from the side."

Everyone knows that Yaoguo supports Bixia, but this fig leaf should not be removed casually.

"What if Visha loses?"

"If we don't intervene, if Bixia is defeated, it will be defeated. What does it have to do with Yao Country? These small neighboring countries are already living and dying; if we intervene, if Bixia is still defeated, our country will be disgraced!" You Rongzhi said frankly, "In order to keep Bixia undefeated, Yao Kingdom can only be dragged into the quagmire, getting deeper and deeper."

"More than 160 years ago, our country sent too many troops to the outside world, which led to the siege of nine groups of people. If the Luodian and Ying tribes had not defected in the battle of Lutai Mountain, and Luo Shengjia appeared later, a lot of pressure and pressure would have been taken away. It's hard to say whether the hatred can continue to this day. The lessons learned more than a hundred years ago are still there, and the neighboring countries are even more unfriendly to us. Our king cannot ignore it!" Speaking of this, You Rongzhi sneered, "Beijia is stationed here. The Supervisor just wants to drag us into wallowing in the mud and not allow us to be alone anymore. No matter how sophisticated Qingyang Supervisor is, he still serves her demon emperor!"

King Yao nodded and gave a long "hmm".

How could he not know what his confidants said?

You Rong subconsciously lowered his voice: "I just got a piece of information."

"Say it."

"A few days ago, the Vixia people sent eight carts of gifts to Youhu Xiaozhu. The special envoy from Vixia also went in and stayed for an hour before coming out."

This is Yao Country. They can't get close to Qingyang, but they can monitor her residence.

"Oh, they gave Qingyang a gift." Qingyang Supervisor stayed in Youhu Xiaozhu during this period, and King Yao knew very well, "They are all smart people, they know who can talk and get things done. "

At this moment, why did Bixia bribe Qingyang Supervisor with a lot of money? Don’t you hope that Yao Country will increase its assistance and it’s best to end it directly?

Thinking of Qingyang's forced concubine, King Yao smiled sarcastically: "You only do things for people when you receive money. This Qingyang is very trustworthy. Haha, use my face and the safety of Yao Kingdom to talk about her trustworthiness!" "

He took a long breath: "In the past, Qin'er wrote to me in Lingxu City, saying that the envoys sent by Bejia did not show any pretense to the kings of the small countries under their rule, and even scolded them in public. Thirteen years Before that, the king of You couldn't bear the insult, and thought that the two countries were far apart, so he killed the envoy in public. As a result, Bejia sent troops five hundred miles away to destroy You. He also escorted King You back to his country and imprisoned him in a cattle pen for three years until he became depressed. Died in anger."

"Qin'er" was his eldest son who was killed in Lingxu City.

In comparison, Qingyang was quite polite to King Yao. You Rongzhi didn't know what he meant and couldn't answer the question.

"Everything in the world is unpredictable. Qin'er is gone, but Qingyang, the culprit, came to my place to supervise the country." King Yao chuckled twice, "Bejia is still the same Bejia, always so vicious."

Sending the eldest son to Lingxu City is not only the tradition of Yao Kingdom, but also Bejia's request. King Yao really didn't expect that he would receive the bad news of his eldest son!

The eldest son is different from other sons in that he is raised according to the heir. How much effort does it cost him?

The culprit of the elixir is none other than Qing Yang, who once dominated the sky in Lingxu City!

His eldest son was only included in the public list of the elixir case.

God knows how long that list is and how many names of wealthy and powerful people are recorded! What was announced to the public were just dozens of victims that were pushed out.

His eldest son is one of the victims decided by Qingyang and the Demon Emperor!

Nowadays, Qingyang is still alive and well, and can still come to trouble him, the master of suffering, but his son died in Lingxu City inexplicably!

Where is the law of heaven?

He asked You Rongzhi again: "Qingyang has only been here for half a year, and some courtiers are already flattering him, right?"

You Rongzhi hesitated: "This..."

"There's no need to hide it for them. I know someone is looking for Qingyang to buy the elixir. You've heard about this, right?"

You Rongzhi immediately said: "Yes, there are several."

"They are not satisfied with being able to live a long life in Yao Kingdom. They want to live for dozens more years!" When he said this, King Yao forgot that he had also taken the elixir sent back by his eldest son. "Does Qingyang still do this business? Have they bought it?"

"I heard that someone bought this. I don't know the specific quantity."

King Yao thought: "As soon as Qingyang comes, we will destroy the surrounding monsters. Is it related to her refining the elixir?"

After Bega's elixir case was exposed, he also learned that one of the raw materials for refining was beads extracted from monster blood.

"This old woman was convicted of the elixir in Bega, and yet she comes to me to resume her old business!"

You Rongzhi organized his words and then said slowly: "Bejia boasts of the power of heaven, no one dares to offend him, and You Guo's fate is indeed unbearable. But, Your Majesty——"

He said word by word: "We are not Youguo, and Qingyang is not an ordinary envoy."

King Yao's eyes flashed slightly.

"The country of You is only five hundred miles away from Bejia. It has a small population and a weak country. We are more than one hundred thousand miles away from Bejia, and we are separated by the huge countries of Mou, Ya and countless small countries! Bejia wants to send troops to go around the country of Mou. Behind the scenes, it’s not that easy.” You Rongzhi analyzed, “If it can destroy our country with a single move, it can easily swallow up the Flash Gold Plains, so why bother with us anymore?”

Distance is the biggest problem.

"On the Golden Flash Plains, we are the well-deserved powerful nation!" You Rongzhi added, "As for Qingyang, she is just a convicted old woman who relies on the protection of the Demon Emperor to save her life. She was stationed in Yao Country, named Even if we offend her, will Bei Jia really raise an army for her? "

"I heard that after her downfall, her opponent Shuang Ye became the first national teacher of Bejia. Oh, this old woman went to the ocean with a disgraced face, but she became even more arrogant here!" King Yao pressed his hand on the table.

In fact, which one of what You Rongzhi said was unclear to him?

And You Rongzhi also saw that your Majesty's patience was reaching its limit, so he dared to make such a suggestion.

It has been almost a year since Qingyang came to Yao Kingdom, and he has become stronger and stronger.

But King Yao is the leader of the powerful country in the Shining Gold Plains!

The strong dragon will not suppress the local snake, and blindly tolerating will not bring good results. The Yao Kingdom must let Qingyang know the boundaries and propriety!

King Yao thought for a while and suddenly remembered something: "By the way, we just mentioned in court that the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce wants to do business with our country?"

You Rongzhi immediately said: "It was Fan Shuang who came to negotiate. The owner of Yangshan Chamber of Commerce is called He Xiao. He is his old friend in Lingxu City and also participated in the Immortality Case."

"Yes, Bu Lao Case!" King Yao said immediately, "Get Fan Shuang for me!"

Fan Shuang was about to leave the city, but was summoned into the palace by a verbal order from King Yao.

When he ran in, his back was wet with sweat, but he couldn't hide his joy.

He finally got the chance to join Gong Mengjun!

When he successfully connected Yang Shan before, he only reported to Master You, and he has never met Jun Yan so far.

When King Yao saw Fan Shuang, he first offered him a seat, and then asked about He Xiao's role in the case of the immortal medicine.

The eldest son died in Lingxu City. Of course, King Yao sent someone to find out the whole story of the elixir case. But with a little person like He Xiao among them, how could he have paid attention before?

Therefore, "Speak carefully and don't miss anything."

"Yes." Fan Shuang calmed down and recounted He Xiao's deeds in the case of the immortal medicine.

It was not difficult for him to say it, because He Xiao was also a famous figure in Lingxu City back then, and his popularity was as high as that of Fu Shanyue.

"Oh, he was the special envoy of Chiyan Kingdom? Was he the one who opened the case of the elixir of life?"

"I was assassinated twice in Lingxu City, and Prince Lingxu did it himself once?"

After finally listening to Fan Shuang's words, King Yao raised his hand and said: "Interesting, interesting, although he did not personally investigate the second half of the case of the immortal medicine. But he has been to Lingxu City and still left alive. This person is not simple, well, really not simple!"

He knows better than anyone that there is darkness in the depths of power. If Xiao Yijie, a commoner, can escape safely from this bottomless abyss, he must have some ability.

"I'm afraid, there is someone else helping He Xiao."

You Rongzhi said from the side: "Everyone in Lingxu City believes that the first assassination that He Xiao suffered was related to Qing Palace. Fan Shuang, is that true?"

"Ah, yes...yes!" Fan Shuang was not stupid. King Yao suddenly summoned him to the palace to investigate the case of the elixir, which was 90% related to Qingyang Supervisor.

He heard about the conflicts between the royal court and the supervising country even when he was not in the court.

Fan Shuang's heart skipped a few beats. The more the king paid attention to He Xiao, the more beneficial it would be for him.

"Qingyang's failure started with He Xiao's intervention. It seems that they have something to do with each other." King Yao finally showed his first smile since the court meeting, "Fan Shuang, I will give you a task, and then go Let’s go to He Xiao’s place.”

Fan Shuang was overjoyed: "I will obey your orders!"


Jucheng, Yangshan Chamber of Commerce.

He Lingchuan picked up the information from Feng County and took a look at it, laughing and laughing:

"Jiuyou...Great Emperor? This title is too ugly. Who came up with it? He was dragged out and beheaded."

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