After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1344 Attack on Him

At this time, the soldier came with a letter and submitted it to the marshal.

The style of the envelope was already familiar to Situ Yu. He opened it casually, and sure enough, inside was the light green and gold letter paper specially used by the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce.

He Lingchuan arrived at Yaopo and invited him to Piaofeng Tower for dinner to celebrate.

What a coincidence. As soon as he thought of He Lingchuan, He Lingchuan came to Yaopo. Situ Yu was in a happy mood and casually gave a receipt:

See you there or not.

Nowadays, the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce has a very close relationship with the Situ family. Situ and his son have many opportunities to meet He Lingchuan, and they get along like old friends. The leader of He Island was generous by nature, and he invited him to dinner not once or twice. It was just a small gathering among friends, and Situ Yu didn't think much about it.

He worked for another hour, and it was getting dark. The attendant came in to light the lamp.

Okay, it's time to go to Piaofeng Tower.

We can't drink too late tonight, as we have to return to the front line tomorrow morning. With this thought in mind, Situ Yu stood up and stretched, then put on his regular clothes and took a dozen soldiers out of the camp and into the city.

There are three natural lakes in Yaopo, which are very close to each other, so they are connected by artificially excavated water channels, and Piaofeng Tower is built beside the lake.

Not long ago, this place was the front line of the battle. Naturally, no one took special care of the lake shores, which were covered with basil. Fortunately, everything is growing in this season, the grass is low in the wind, water birds are roaming, and the shore has a unique wild charm.

There are several small pavilions in Piaofeng Tower, so the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce booked the one closest to the water.

Situ Yu had arrived early. When he asked that He Lingchuan hadn't arrived yet, he went to wait in the shed.

At this time, the sky was just right, and the water surface was sparkling with golden light. As soon as Situ Yu sat down, he saw several fish leaping out of the lake not far away, and one of them even hit the lotus.

A school full of vitality.

It would be great if the Situ family's territory could always be so peaceful.

There is a cluster of floating lotus floating on the water five feet away from Xiaoxie. Four or five lotus flowers are scattered in an orderly manner. They have green leaves and pink petals. They bloom gracefully and stand upright without anyone taking care of them, and they are full of energy.

A gust of wind passed by, and the fragrance of flowers hit people.

Situ Yu was waiting inside Xiaoxie while thinking about the battle situation on the front line. The soldiers he brought were surrounding the area and even blocked the road leading here, keeping no one near.

No one noticed that the verandah of the small pavilion, the grass on the bank, and the nearby big trees were all covered with densely packed dark green insects that were smaller than the fingernail of the little finger.

There is a lot of grass around the lake, and there are also a lot of bugs this season. No matter how domineering the lord Situ Yu was, he couldn't stop the insects from flying around.

Occasionally, a few flew close, but were driven away by soldiers waving their hands.

Another gust of warm wind blew by, and two people yawned in unison.

The lake breeze is moist and gentle, the fragrance of flowers is rich and sweet, and the surroundings are quiet and peaceful. After everyone stood here for a long time, their minds gradually relaxed and their eyelids became a little dry.

The third man also yawned and just opened his mouth when an indigo beetle flew over and hit him directly.

"Ah bah!" The man vomited out quickly.

But it was already too late, he could feel the cold bugs lying in his throat, and those little thin legs pricked him so much that it hurt!

This movement naturally alarmed Situ Yu: "What's going on outside?"

After a breath or two, the guard outside replied:

"General, Axun opened his mouth and ate a bug."

Eaten a bug? Situ Yu frowned, why did the soldier's voice sound so sleepy?

He was about to speak when he suddenly saw a few beetles lying on the windowsill, some dark green and some oak-colored, almost blending in with the surrounding environment.

No, more than a dozen!

Situ Yu took another look, what a good guy, you don’t know if you don’t look at it, but he was shocked when he looked at it:

The surrounding walls, floor, ceiling, including the shadow of Shaman, are all crawling with these little bugs!

Since when had he been surrounded by bugs and not even noticed?

Situ Yu sensed something was wrong and stood up immediately.

At this moment, there were two thumps from behind the house, the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground.

His first reaction was that something happened to the two soldiers guarding the back of the house.

"Enemy attack!"

This roar came not from the soldiers, but from Situ Yu.

He rushed to Xiaoxie's door and saw several soldiers shaking their heads, unable to even stand still.

"General, the aroma is poisonous, we have been hit..." Axun was reporting when he suddenly shouted and reached out to pick the beetle from his throat.

But he didn't pull it out and shouted for help:

The bug actually bit through his upper jaw and drilled its way up!

He was rolling on the ground in pain, and Situ Yu saw with his own eyes that there was blood coming from his nose.

"General, hurry up, there's an ambush here!" Another guard, who had a higher level of cultivation and was able to keep his spirits up without passing out, was stuffing himself with a heart-clearing elixir.

Without saying a word, Situ Yu raised his legs and ran to the shore.

The lake is so open, how did the opponent poison it? He didn't have time to think about it carefully, because the answer jumped out the next second.

It really jumped out——

As soon as he passed the long corridor by the water, the lake made a splash and surged without waves.

Something burst out of the water and greeted Situ Yu with its mouth wide open!

That mouth is full of nail teeth.

This object is two feet long, flat and brownish-grey. At first glance, it looks like both a lizard and a crocodile. Even the way it attacks underwater is exactly the same as a crocodile.

But its tongue looks very weird, like a pink water lily, with double petals and even a light yellow core in the center!

In fact, the monster had been hiding under the water just now, with its tongue sticking out among the lotus leaves, and it was completely invisible!

The incense that makes all the guards drowsy is released by its "tongue lotus". Although the space here is wide, they were too close to the source of the poisonous fragrance, and they fell unconscious when they smelled it.

Situ Yu had already increased his vigilance. He put his hand on the corridor pole and jumped directly to the eaves, narrowly avoiding the blow.

The monster's big mouth closed with a snap, and he also broke the covered bridge before falling back into the water.

Situ Yu flew forward without saying a word, knowing that he could only be safe if he returned to shore as soon as possible.

But suddenly there was a buzzing sound on the covered bridge, and a swarm of beetles rushed towards them, as if Situ Yu had stabbed their nest.

But anyone with some common sense knows that beetles are usually not swarming insects like wasps and ants. How can they have a nest?

Situ Yu had already gathered his energy and activated his protective weapon. The group of dark green or dark brown beetles were stopped two feet in front of him, as if they were being pushed away by an invisible wall.

Then they glow.

At first, the abdomen turned red, like a ignited tungsten wire, and then the whole insect glowed red and more than doubled in size, especially the belly, which was stretched like a full balloon and was about to burst in the next second.

One person was like this, and so were a group of them. Situ Yu suddenly blushed at the light.

Then there was a loud "boom" and the insect swarm exploded!

The explosion of one beetle can break a wooden stick three fingers thick; if thousands of beetles explode together, the covered bridge will not be able to withstand its strength and will be shattered directly.

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