After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1346 Where to go?

He Lingchuan nodded secretly.

With Situ Yu's new death, the Allies will definitely be in turmoil. Situ He must quickly gather his forces before the news spreads. The Yangshan Islands are one of the important sources of money and food for the Allied forces. As long as He Lingchuan makes it clear and continues to support Situ He, he will be more confident in taking over the Allied forces.

At the critical moment, He Lingchuan helped out again, and Situ He was certainly grateful.

He composed himself and said again: "Brother He, I have one more thing to ask."

His father had just died. He left behind his father's funeral affairs, left behind the pursuit of the murderer, left behind the battles on the front line, and left behind the dealings with the Allied forces. He rushed to Jucheng first. In addition to confirming He Lingchuan's attitude as soon as possible, In addition to trying to win He Lingchuan's support, I am still unsettled and hope to hear what I want from He Lingchuan!

He Lingchuan saved himself, helped their father and son, killed the Xuanlu Ghost King, provided stable food and grass to the Allies, and even made plans to resolve the dispute between the Peliu and Kan tribes.

In Situ He's heart, Island Master He was the most trustworthy person who could turn the tide.

When his father was in an accident, the first thing he thought of was He Lingchuan.

"Say it." He Lingchuan knew that he must express something at this time.

"Revenge and hatred are all on my mind right now, and they are all about razing Bixia to the ground! So, Brother He, I want to ask you -" Situ He's eyes were filled with resentment, "Should I stop?"

"Allies, should we stop?"

"Brother Situ, you're doing well!" He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder, both comforting and emotional.

Situ He was obviously grief-stricken, but he was afraid that hatred would affect his rational judgment, so he turned to He Lingchuan's objectivity.

A few months ago, when He Lingchuan rescued him from the clone of Xuanlu Ghost King, he was doing things with only passion; but now, even if his anger is filling his chest and about to burst out, he still clings to the ray of clarity, Think about the overall situation.

War is indeed the fastest and most ruthless sword that sharpens people.

He Lingchuan turned around and walked towards the back garden: "Follow me."

The garden of Yangshan Chamber of Commerce was deep and deep, and Situ He walked inexplicably: "Brother He?"

"Before I answer the question, I don't need this little time." He Lingchuan took him deep into the garden.

There is no one idle here. There are two gray-brown wooden figures standing under the old pear tree. You can tell at a glance that they are used for boxing and kick training.

One is a bare wooden figure, while the other is wrapped in thick leather from head to toe.

This was made by the Songyang Mansion from century-old dead wood under the cold pond. It is said to be a wooden figure, but in fact it is also a magic weapon. Its only feature and advantage is that it is hard.

Hard enough to be invulnerable.

Whenever He Lingchuan felt depressed, he would come here to beat the wooden man to vent his anger. Although he only used fists and feet, the wooden man had actually been broken into two groups, and this was the third group.

Now he pointed at the wooden man wearing a cotton-padded jacket and said to Situ He: "Beat it."

"Ah? Brother He?"

"Listen to me and beat it."

Situ He looked confused. He was burdened with a blood feud and a huge responsibility and came to find He Lingchuan, but the other party asked him to practice boxing in the garden?

But he didn't say anything and just punched.

"Very good." He Lingchuan encouraged him, "Continue."

Situ He beat him a few more times, slowly at first. However, the more he beat, the angrier he became. The more he beat, the more angry he became, and the faster he beat.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

Seeing him gradually getting red-eyed, He Lingchuan said at the right moment:

"Just think of it as your father's murderer, a Visha!"


Situ He shouted loudly and punched out like rain, beating the wooden man until its skin flew everywhere.

The anger that had been suppressed for a long time finally found a breakthrough and burst out!

Sweat was rolling down his forehead, veins popped out on his neck, and his eyes were blood red. If the murderer is right in front of him, he can use his knife, fists, or even his teeth to kill the enemy together!

He wants revenge!

He wants revenge!

He wants revenge!

He Lingchuan stood by the side with his hands behind his hands and watched him venting like a storm for more than a quarter of an hour.

Later, Situ He was out of breath and his punches gradually slowed down.

His cultivation and physical ability were not as good as He Lingchuan's. After the initial anger and irritability passed, his strength plummeted and he felt tired.

"Isn't this boring?" He Lingchuan practiced the wooden figure for at least half an hour.

"No, no more." Situ He panted, holding his legs, unable to stand up straight.

Both fists were also red and swollen, almost the size of steamed buns.

"Thank you, Brother He!" He was so angry before that he couldn't think much about it; now, his depressed energy was lost along with his physical energy, and his calmness and rationality also partially returned.

Only by venting his anger could he think more calmly.

He Lingchuan handed him a glass of cool well water, and Situ He drank it in several sips.

He Lingchuan then asked him: "Who is your enemy?"

"The Vixia people must be assassins sent by the Vixia people." Situ He just finished speaking and shook his head again and again, "No, no, the Bixia people don't have that ability. It should be the Yao Kingdom that secretly took action!"

Situ and his son openly went to war with Bixia, but in fact, they hated Yao Kingdom the most in their hearts.

They have been fighting with the Vishay people for so long, and they know very well how much the opponent weighs.

Killing Situ Yu in the territory of the Situ family should be beyond the capabilities of the Bixia people. He Lingchuan and Situ He had the same idea:

There is a high probability that the Bixia people will invite foreign aid.

They had a bad reputation in the middle of the Goldfields Plains, and had even attracted seven enemies to join forces. The only ones who dared to withstand the pressure and lend a helping hand were probably the Yao Kingdom and its vassals.

Yaoguo gave money and food to the mercenaries, but he had to die in person. Neither of them would be surprised if it sent a killer to attack Situ Yu.

After failing to divide the Allied forces on the northern front, the Bixia people and the Yao people came up with a plan to kill the snake first.

Once the soul figure Situ Yu died, the allies fell apart and the enemy's goal was achieved.

"Even if the Allies stop attacking now, all the old lands of Gaopu Kingdom will be recovered; the Bixia people are hurt by the beating, and they should be honest for a few years. You have saved these two results." He Lingchuan handed Situ He a jar of anti-swollen medicine Let him apply the ointment on his hands.

Novices who beat wooden figures, even if they are wearing jackets, should actually wrap a layer of soft cloth around their fists.


"The key is, what is your next goal? What do you want? Think about it carefully." He Lingchuan analyzed it for him, "Except for revenge."

Except revenge.

Situ He closed his eyes, tried hard to get rid of distracting thoughts, and took several deep breaths.

The Allies and he have both come to a crossroads of choice. What's the next step?

Should we give up fighting and revenge and work hard to manage the old Gaopu land and the Situ family's territory, or should we continue to attack Bixia and uproot this disaster?

The former is of course easier, as long as you stop, everyone will be happy; if you choose the latter, you will have to face a crazier counterattack from Bixia and greater pressure from Yao Kingdom.

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