After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1354 Making trouble for Yang Shan

"Demon puppet masters are very rare. They are not just common cabbages in the market. The demon puppets that appear in Green Villa are probably related to the murderer of Situ Yu."

"It can't be the same one, right?"

"Probably not." He Lingchuan could infer without the need for Dong Rui's identification, "It was particularly difficult for the demon puppet master to control the three demon puppets including the Hinge-tailed Tiger. The action to assassinate Situ Yu was decisive, swift and well-calculated. This is not Probably by the same person."

Just as Dong Rui suspected, this may be an organization.

Demon Puppet Master Organization.

"This organization has a grand red and white gate, and they are still hunting Xiao An." He Lingchuan said firmly, "That's where this little girl escaped."

"So the Bixia people found these demon puppet masters and asked them to assassinate Situ Yu?"

"It's very possible." He Lingchuan looked solemn, "Even the marshal of the Allied Forces can be killed. This organization of demon puppet masters is extraordinary. Bixia couldn't do it with all the strength of the clan, so he had to ask them for help. This is terrible. It’s really unusual.”

He is an outsider. He has seen the power of Bejia and Mou, and knows that the power of a country can be so terrifying. However, in the Golden Flash Plains, it was unreasonable to think that someone who could not be assassinated by Vishay, who was fighting against the forces of the Seven Kingdoms, could be killed by the help of an organization.

Unless the high-level power of this demon puppet master organization far exceeds the local forces.

If so, why does it still hide in the shadows? Why not come out and dominate one side openly?

The rules of the Golden Plains are simple. Whoever has the biggest fist is the boss.

"Xiao An has not been found yet."

"No. There are so many clues for the bounty, and they are all unreliable. No one has actually seen her. Xiao An has completely disappeared." He Lingchuan has always been curious. Since the Demon Puppet Master organization is powerful, how can this little girl avoid it? The hunt organized by the Demon Puppet Master has been successful many times?

After another half an hour, Jiang Lishui came in and reported the latest progress of the fire case at the Xiancheng branch of the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce:

The Xiancheng sub-rudder has always followed He Lingchuan's request and has not expanded business opportunities without authorization. It only does business as stipulated in the agreement between Yangshan and Yaoguo. He Lingchuan knew very well that there were many people watching these agreements. The Yangshan Chamber of Commerce's early activities in Yao Country must be low-key, law-abiding and quiet, and don't let others seize the opportunity.

Xiancheng Branch has always operated in compliance with the law. Jiang Lishui investigated further and found that among the recent big orders it had received, it only received a batch of Chigu horses five days before the accident.

Since there was a shortage of good horses in admiration, He Lingchuan coveted the good horses from the Golden Plains.

In order to get closer to Yangshan, King Yao specifically included the famous Chigu Horse in the bilateral agreement. The first batch of one hundred Chigu horses were all carefully selected and of high quality, and were handed over to the Xiancheng Branch of the Yangshan Islands for handling!

By the time something happened to the Xiancheng sub-rudder, the horses were about to be transported to Peng State, and then they would take a boat at Julu Port to the Yangshan Islands.

Could it be Chi Guma that caused the disaster in Xian City Branch?

But the people behind the scenes did not choose to rob the horses on the road, but burned the Xian City branch, which showed that they did not care about the mere hundred horses. As for the person in charge of Xia Lin Branch being framed and imprisoned, no matter how you look at it, it seems like he is conveying an attitude to Yang Shan:

I see you are unhappy, you better be careful, I still have the final say here.

Those with this kind of confidence and skill are usually not ordinary local forces.

It is said that people in the same industry are enemies, so Jiang Lishui turned to find out the business experience behind Chigu Ma.

This investigation is extremely confusing and confusing.

Military horses are an important strategic resource. Yao State does not allow its neighbors to engage in large-scale transactions privately, but it also uses these resources to trade, which means it has a monopoly on this business.

However, after investigation by the Yangshan Chamber of Commerce, they found out that even if it was an official monopoly, there were seven large and small government merchants doing war horse business. I won’t mention the younger ones for now, but the three older ones are all from pure gold backgrounds.

Among them, the one who secretly almost monopolizes the Chigu horse business is——

Xue Zongwu.

He Lingchuan was also a little moved: "Xue Zongwu is a general of the Yao Kingdom. He has many military exploits and is arrogant and domineering. He is notorious abroad and is also controversial in the Yao Kingdom. I didn't know that he was doing such a big business."

When he studies Yao Kingdom, he naturally has to study information about important figures in Yao Kingdom. Xue Zongwu also guarded the northern border of Yao Kingdom and was a veritable general who protected the country.

good, very good, excellent.

Isn't this a coincidence?

"Xue Zongwu's property is huge, but he doesn't manage it himself." Jiang Lishui replied, "Let's just say that Chigu Ma's business is not owned by him, but by Xue Zongwu's in-laws."

"Duanyao Kingdom and Yangshan have an agreement to sell at least 120 Chigu horses and 180 Shancheng horses to Yangshan every year. This may have touched Xue Zongwu's -" He Lingchuan glanced at Ling and saw Ling Guang is eating a peach, "——Peach, so give us some color to see."

Horses take time to grow, and external purchase orders are often placed when the horses are young and then delivered when the horses are mature.

But at this time, Yao Kingdom made an agreement with Yangshan, and King Yao showed his favor to He Lingchuan and directly sold him a hundred red valley horses. It is easy for the king to open his mouth, but for the officials and merchants involved in the horse business, they were caught off guard. The original order agreement could not be canceled without authorization, which was very difficult to handle.

Moreover, from now on - the key is the future - Yangshan will need 300 good horses every year, and the purchase price is very low, less than 50% of the market price.

It was difficult for the horse dealer to deal with it, so he had to go to his own protective umbrella and cry.

"This is wrong." Ling Guang was surprised, "Xue Zongwu is a high-ranking official. He should know that Yao Kingdom and you are at war. Selling horses is also an order of King Yao. Why would he cause trouble for us at this time?"

"Now the Yangshan Islands have gradually become famous in the central part of the Shining Gold Plains, but the Yao people look down on any other force, including us." He Lingchuan analyzed, "If you look at it from Xue Zongwu's perspective, how great Yangshan can be, no matter Is it just a foreign chamber of commerce? Even if it is valued by King Yao now - there may be many business groups and people that King Yao paid attention to in the past, but in the long run, it will be nothing more than that. "

"But Xue Zongwu is different. He is a real border official and a famous general of the Yao Kingdom. He has a lot of confidence. When we hinder his business and violate his interests, he is not happy, so he gives us some eye drops. It's just a matter of killing a few people. Is it nothing to him personally? He holds military power, what else can King Yao do with him? "

"I originally thought that the business environment here in Yao Kingdom would be better and more civilized, but now it seems that it is the same as the Golden Flash Plains." Yao Kingdom grew up in this land of Golden Flash, how can it be civilized and gentle? He Lingchuan leaned back, with no smile in his eyes, "Do you know why they say, 'It is better to be in charge than to be an official now'?"

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