After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 1397 Everyone goes his own way

Over the years, he has not been able to use the Mother's Needle to make a better magic weapon, but there is a natural connection between the Mother's Needle and "smooth sailing", just like a loving mother and a child traveling far away care about each other, and Qi Yunsheng can Locate the killer by tracking "Smooth Sailing"!

He stood up and said to the two disciples: "Follow me to pursue the murderer!"

Bao and Fu both responded in unison.

Then Qi Yunsheng explained a few things about the village, and named dozens of villagers. Together with more than a hundred elite men under Xue Zongwu, they followed the instructions of Mother Needle and chased west.

No one noticed that the big tree that Fu Wending had just jumped on had a small black shadow lurking in the branches, with twelve eyes silently observing everything happening underneath.

After Qi Yunsheng gathered all the people, it jumped up, landed lightly on the forehead of a certain Zhuang Wei, and then hid it in the folds of the turban.

It is difficult for anyone to detect it in the dark.

The Weng brothers' first wingsuit flight was surprisingly successful.

Although the flight path was twisted and twisted, and although the direction and speed could not be controlled, the wind that night was gentle and stable, and it still brought the brothers to the ground.

Weng Xing fell into the mud, got up and walked a few steps, but his head was still confused; Weng Su's wing suit hung on the treetop, and it took a lot of effort to land on the ground.

He was reluctant to cut off the newly acquired wing suit - it was produced by Songyang Mansion, and it wasn't that easy to cut.

It took more than a quarter of an hour before the two brothers reunited on the ground, both feeling that they were still alive.

Weng Xing kept grinning, and his mouth was bleeding.

"What's wrong with your mouth?"

"A broken tooth." Weng Xing was very satisfied. The price of one night's adventure was a broken tooth, injured arm, and burned hand. It was a bargain, such a bargain!

"Where's my benefactor?"

"I don't know, I lost sight of him halfway through the flight." To be precise, when Weng Su jumped down from the cliff, he could still see the figure of Emperor Jiuyou. His flying posture was much more graceful than his, like a mountain eagle soaring in the night sky. .

Then he watched helplessly as the man slid sideways across the col and fell into the night, as light as a leaf.

He couldn't catch him alive or dead.

The man in black armor left quietly, just as he appeared without warning.

Even though the two brothers had profound cultivation, they felt a little creeped out by his elusiveness.

But anyway, we're done tonight.

"Brother, do you think we can see Emperor Jiuyou again?" Weng Xing stroked his newly acquired flying wings, feeling a little confused, "I've always wanted to ask him if the Black Armor Army still lacks people."

The craftsmanship of these flying wings is so good. In comparison, the night clothes I wear are shabby. If he puts on that iconic black armor, he can look majestic!

How did Wengsu know? But he knew very well how to deal with his younger brother: "Yes! We have always drawn our swords to help when encountering injustice. If Emperor Jiuyou doesn't accept us, who else can he accept? But we have to leave now. The further away from Mangzhou, the better!"

"This seems to be north of Mangzhou." Weng Xing's ability to identify directions is outstanding. "Ah, let's go, they probably haven't closed the city gate yet!"

Mangzhou is a prosperous city that never sleeps. There is no curfew or city closures on weekdays. No matter how late at night, people come in and out.

Usually this is the case.

The two of them threw away their night clothes, smelled of alcohol, mingled with a group of drunken and laughing businessmen, and headed towards the north gate.

The suburbs of Mangzhou are also very prosperous, with rows of houses and numerous restaurants and inns, but the prices are much cheaper than in the city. Public security in the city is good, and the city gates are not closed at night - this is one of the reasons why the Weng brothers and He Lingchuan chose to start in Mangzhou - many merchants come into the city to discuss business and eat, and go out to stay in inns to sleep.

Crazy drunkards, the city gate guards guarding the night had seen too much, and didn't think there was anything special about the Weng brothers, and even took two steps back in disgust.

Wengsu grabbed his younger brother who was about to vomit.

Okay, let’s just do it again!

The brother just walked out from the north gate with crab steps.

They had only been gone for a few dozen breaths when there was a sudden commotion behind them.

The two turned around and saw a group of torches in the city approaching the city gate, shouting: "Close the door, close the city gate quickly! No one is allowed in or out!"

"You who went outside, yes, you all, come back here!"

Soon, the gates of the city that never sleeps slowly closed amidst the rattle of machinery and the noise of people entering and exiting.

At this time, the Weng brothers had already walked to the low hill outside the city, and they all breathed a long sigh of relief when they saw this scene.

What a danger! If you are too late, you will be stuck in the city!

"Brother, we're out!" Weng Xing woke up from a dream, "The great revenge has been avenged, and we, we are still alive!"

They regarded death as if they were dead. Only two things could have happened tonight:

Beat Xue Zongwu to death.

Or be beaten to death by Xue Zongwu.

But they managed to get their revenge successfully—well, actually there were some twists and turns in the process—and escaped safely.

"Fortunately!" Weng Su opened his mouth in a docile manner, but the next sentence was broken, "It's good to be alive, it's good to be able to breathe!"

Just because they are not afraid of sacrifice doesn't mean they don't want to live.

Looking at the night sky covered with thick clouds, the two brothers were in an unusually cheerful mood.

All this is thanks to Emperor Jiuyou!

Weng Xing let out a long breath. After more than ten days of non-stop work and a thrilling night, even a tough man was tired: "Brother, where are we going now?"

Weng Su grabbed two large silver ingots from his arms and shook them: "Of course, leave here quickly and go to the next town to celebrate! Let's think about tomorrow's matters tomorrow."

The two brothers laughed and started on the road in the dark.

Anyway, this money is ill-gotten wealth and they will not spend it until it is wasted.

The outer suburbs of Zhuo'an.

The rain gradually subsided, and the night sky no longer looked like a hole, desperately pouring water into the world.

General Chongwu stood in the woods, staring closely at the lights of the small village not far away.

The water droplets on his forehead trickled down to his chin, and he didn't even bother to wipe them away.

The village is not big. There are about twenty village houses by visual inspection, but only one of them has the lights on, standing alone.

General Chongwu's hundreds of troops rushed into the village a few breaths ago and also into the lighted hut.

Not long after, his men rushed out of the village house and hurried to him to report:

"General, Gongli has been found! There are two blind local thieves in the house!"

"That's it?" The battle ended so quickly that General Chongwu was a little surprised. After all, the masked man in black he was chasing just now had a body as slippery as a loach, and he finally used a cave to escape. He didn't look like someone who could easily be captured.

"The goods of other caravans were also found and were hidden in abandoned houses."

"Who is the robber?" General Chongwu waved his hand, "Forget it, I'll go see it myself."

After seeing it with his own eyes, General Chongwu was even more disappointed. These were two thin thieves who looked nothing like masters who dared to steal tribute gifts.

Dozens of burly men surrounded them as if they were little chickens. The two thieves had long been frightened, and when they saw General Chongwu, they shouted that they were wronged.

There was no need for him to ask questions. The two thieves nodded their heads and performed all the moves.

It turned out that they had indeed sneaked into the inn, because there had been too many tourists staying recently, and they were looking for ways to take advantage of them.

The initial operation went smoothly, but when they stole more than 20 taels of silver, they were discovered by the customer. They yelled and stole the money and chased them.

General Chongwu suddenly realized. This was probably when I was sitting in the box and heard the noise coming from outside.

I bet it was these two thieves who did it.

The two men relied on their thorough knowledge of the nearby terrain to easily get rid of their pursuers and escape here to share the spoils. Originally, they planned to leave after dividing the money, but they fell asleep while they were dividing the money, and then——

Then they opened their eyes and saw a group of soldiers rushing in, like wolves and tigers.

Yes, as soon as they woke up, they were greeted by the heavy-armed general.

I don't know what happened in the middle.

They were so bruised and bruised by the guards that they swore to heaven that every word they said was true.

General Chongwu knew that if the government caught these two people, they would not care about their excuses and directly accuse them and send them to prison to close the case. After all, everyone will get the stolen goods, and there will be explanations for both superiors and subordinates. But he can detect the mystery here.

These two guys are so cowardly, do they really have the guts to rob so many merchants in one go, including General Yao?

"If these two guys told the truth, they were set up and there was someone else who stole the tribute."

Stealing tribute gifts is a serious crime and will result in being beheaded on the spot by a heavy-armed general.

At the risk of being arrested, he entered the inn to steal property as tribute, and framed two thieves in this deserted village. Finally, the property returned to the original owner. If someone really does this, what are they trying to do?

General Chongwu breathed a sigh of relief when the tribute gift was lost, which proved that it was not too outrageous for him to memorize words; but today's strangeness made him more suspicious.

He has experienced many strange things and knows that there is often a reasonable truth behind the incomprehensible appearance.

The fact that the other party can throw all the tribute gifts in a deserted village proves that what they value is not valuable property, but another purpose, such as——

"Trying the tiger away from the mountain? Is it a fishy thing?"

General Chongwu thought of this and decisively ordered: "Take tribute and the two thieves and go back to the inn!"

His subordinates shouted "yes".

General Chongwu pressed his knuckles. Many teams were stolen tonight. What are the thieves planning to do?

He Lingchuan controlled the flying wing to land smoothly.

The foothold was a large bush. On a rainy day, there isn't even a ghost here.

With the help of the little eyeball spider's real-time contact, Dong Rui, Snail Toad, Gui Yuan, and Ling Guang are already waiting for him here.

The little monkey still carries the medicine box in his hand, ready for use at any time.

The ghost monkey eats bananas like a god.

"Come on, hurry up, it's going to be dawn!" Dong Rui urged He Lingchuan, "I've been away for too long, and I don't know if Zhuo'an has an accident."

The distance between the two places is beyond the talking distance of the eyeball spider.

Sometimes, you have to do your best and leave it to fate.

He Lingchuan sat in the snail and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Without his reminder, Dong Rui drove the Snail Toad into the ground and started to rush to Zhuo'er.

"It's almost timeout."

He Lingchuan closed his eyes: "There's enough time."

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