After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 153 Shui Ling is here again

When He Lingchuan, Lieutenant Li and others rushed towards him, Lieutenant Zhao had already picked up his head and shouted in all directions: "The task of eradicating evil is done, the thief Lu will be executed!"

Beheading the bandit leader of Woling Pass was a great achievement.


Captain Zhao looked over: "What?"

"Lu Yao died so simply. It really gave him an advantage." He Lingchuan scratched his head. Captain Zhao was really good at fighting for credit. Alas, no one could compete with him.

The remaining bandits in the field immediately fled for their lives and could no longer make waves.

However, He Lingchuan felt waves of heat in his neck.

The divine bone necklace actually turned into a monster at this time?

It did the same thing in the Immortal Cave this morning, and then it got into the ground and did something unknown, and ended up collapsing the entire cave.

What good stuff has it discovered now? He Lingchuan cheered up and tried to take a few steps away.

The farther he went, the hotter his bones became, as if he wanted to yell at him to look back.

Why run, there is treasure here!

He pretended to chase the gangsters with a knife and walked back and forth several times. He found that only when he stood in front of Lu Yao's headless body did the sacred bone necklace become quiet as before.

In other words, does Lu Yao have something that he covets?

He Lingchuan rolled his eyes and squatted down to touch the corpse. Whatever was in Lu Yao's arms, no matter whether it was useful or not, was taken away by him; the ogre still wore two rings on his hand, and He Lingchuan had no time to tell whether they were storage spaces, so he just took them off and put them on his hands.

He had done this job a lot today, and now he was very familiar with it. He finished it three times, five times, five times, and two times, and others didn't even have time to stop him.

Zhao Qinghe coughed twice: "Young Master, Captain Zhao is looking at you."

They started picking up corpses before the battle was over. The young master's behavior was so outrageous that even he felt a little embarrassed.

He Lingchuan didn't need to look up to feel Captain Zhao's displeased and disdainful gaze.

Searching for treasures from the big boss was supposed to be a benefit for the officers and soldiers of Zhechong Mansion, but unexpectedly, this guy took the lead. If he hadn't been the biological son of the field manager, Captain Zhao would have slapped him with two big ears.

He Lingchuan paused for a few times before standing up and walking away. Fortunately, this time the sacred bone necklace finally stopped getting hot.

This proves that the thing it is targeting has fallen into He Lingchuan's hands.

At this moment, the victory was decided, and Pei Xinyong and the officers and soldiers gradually stopped.

The officer and the thief looked at each other, both seeing the wariness in each other's eyes.

Liandeng ran over, and Pei Xinyong asked immediately, raising his voice three times: "Is this the reinforcement you are talking about?"

Liandeng had no choice but to recruit from the facts: "General Wu was rescued by officers and soldiers, and accepted the recruitment together with the Crocodile God!"

He gave a wry smile and said, "From now on, we will eat public food."

Pei Xinyong gasped, feeling that this world was too fantasy.

Last night, Wu Shaoyi and the intelligence from the front told him that it was Lu Yaocai who was recruited by Yuan Wangting. Why did everything change today? Instead, Wu Shaoyi was going to be a public servant?

What happened in the past few hours, or has Wu Shaoyi rebelled long ago?

However, Captain Zhao's attitude was quite arrogant. He raised his head and asked him: "Pei Xinyong, will you surrender?"

At this time, the fog had dissipated completely, and Pei Xinyong also saw that the number of officers and soldiers was about a thousand, which was not as good as his own. The problem is that Wu Shaoyi's old troops who were recalled by Lian Deng are now on the side of the officers and soldiers.

There was not much difference in the number of people on both sides, not to mention that Pei Xinyong's own left shoulder was crippled, and every move caused excruciating pain.

The atmosphere is quite subtle.

He Lingchuan stepped forward and coughed hard: "There are still Lu Yao's remnants in Desheng Town, and the surrendered general Wu Shaoyi is fighting hard there. How about we put aside the dispute and go to suppress the bandits first?"

Captain Zhao had no objection.

Pei Xinyong hesitated and nodded.

So the three armies marched together and rushed to Desheng Town.

On the way, Zhao Qinghe also discovered a sneaky shadow in the woods on the roadside.

He winked, and several supporting soldiers rushed over on horseback.

There is nothing to say next. Wu Shaoyi's troops are dealing with the Lu bandits in Desheng Town. The addition of officers and soldiers immediately puts the scale of victory on his side. The Lu bandits are dying and running away, but most of them throw down their weapons. Made a prisoner.

In the chaos, Pei Xinyong led his troops to pursue the escaping gangsters. As a result, they chased farther and farther and soon disappeared.

He Lingchuan was well aware of this outcome; the two generals of Zhe Chong Mansion seemed too lazy to care more and turned a blind eye.

Pei Xinyong's combat power is quite strong. They have already won a lot of credit today and don't want to make any more mistakes.

Anyway, this Pei bandit will not stay here for long. Wherever they go in the future, let the local officials have a headache.

After recapturing Desheng Town, Captain Zhao left Captain Li to deal with the prisoners, and then divided his troops to go to Xianling Village in the east. He, Wu Shaoyi, He Lingchuan and others went to Qianteng Town together.

The journey was finally smooth.

Soon, He Lingchuan met up with his team.

He had previously sent Mao Tao back to report the news, and the He family was eagerly looking forward to it.

When father and son meet, they are both overjoyed.

He Chunhua stood out from the crowd, rode towards his son, grabbed his shoulders and shouted: "You boy, you boy!"

He was so excited that the next words were stuck in his throat and he couldn't hold them back. His handsome face turned red.

Seeing him like this, He Lingchuan was also moved and laughed naively: "Dad, I'm not that easy to lose!"

This time, He Chunhua automatically translated the word "hang" into the word "die", and gritted his teeth and said, "I knew you were a lucky general, with a great destiny, and you wouldn't die even if you fell off a cliff!"

The rest of the crowd also gathered around and congratulated the eldest young master for escaping death and coming back intact.

Everyone looked closely at He Lingchuan. They saw many minor injuries but no major injuries. They all lamented what kind of luck this was. Others fell down and turned into meat, but he fell down with some luck and his face was not even disfigured.

The scene of father and son's reunion suddenly became joyful.

He Yue rushed up and hugged his brother's shoulders, laughing and saying, "You're back alive!"

When he pressed him, He Lingchuan made a hissing sound and grinned: "It hurts!"

There happened to be an ax wound on the shoulder, and the bleeding had stopped long ago. When He Yue pressed it, it opened again.

He Yue was startled, apologized quickly, and turned around to call the military doctor.

Mrs. Ying's eyes were a little moist, she looked at the eldest son and murmured: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back!"

He Lingchuan grinned and showed his white teeth at her: "Mother, I am pregnant." Then he took out the mahogany mirror from his arms and handed it to Mrs. Ying, "Is this yours?"

Mrs. Ying was overjoyed, took it and rubbed it gently: "You snatched it back!"

Seeing her eldest son's face covered in blood, she couldn't help but gently lift the handkerchief and touch the blood that was seeping out from his forehead: "There is water in the car, go and wash your face."

This action surprised He Chunhua, but He Lingchuan smiled and said: "Okay." He strode to the carriage and asked Qian's mother to scoop some water to wipe his face.

Then, He Yue called in the military doctor.

After a night of fierce fighting and running around during the day, he finally lay down on a soft brocade mattress. While the military doctor was treating the wound, He Lingchuan couldn't hold on and fell into a deep sleep.

But after the military doctor left, the sacred bone necklace He Lingchuan wore on his chest suddenly started to flash red again.

The light was very shallow and faint, and it only lasted for a few breaths, so no one noticed it.

However, the turtle egg hidden in He Lingchuan's arms suddenly moved.

He Lingchuan was sleeping soundly, and he seemed to hear an old voice in his daze:

"He Lingchuan, please bury the turtle eggs in the root hole under the tree when you pass by the resurrected old locust tree at Fengling Ferry."

This voice was very unfamiliar, and He Lingchuan felt strange: Who is it?

The other party seemed to be able to hear his voice, and said straightforwardly: "I am the water spirit of Xianling Lake. I wanted to find you in my dream, but I was turned away. No matter how hard I said it, even if I didn't mean any harm, I could only tell you after all the hard work. Come here with this spiritual thought. Hehe, it’s so difficult to even get close to your dream. I found the right person.”

Hey, is this guy the old turtle demon? He Lingchuan remembered that he seemed to have a life-threatening question to ask, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"You are the only person I calculated to be able to help my true body stay away from the crocodile demon, so I asked for your help." The voice said again, "But the bad omen I predicted is by no means empty talk."

He Lingchuan wanted to ask, was he destined to die?

"There is no ending in this world called destiny." Shui Ling continued, "It's a pity that your fate is controlled by great power, and others can't test it at all. I barely managed a few verses, hoping to help you escape from the disaster of death as soon as possible. ”

Guessing riddles again? !

I don’t know how long it took, but He Lingchuan was shaken awake by He Yue: “We’re at the place, get off the car quickly!”

He sat up and muttered something. He Yue seemed to hear his brother muttering about "hidden clumsiness" and "false reality", and couldn't help but laugh: "Brother, what are you reading?"

"I had a dream. There was an old man in the dream who kept nagging me, but he didn't say anything useful." He Lingchuan jumped out of the car while yawning, and found that the sky was full of stars and the evening breeze was blowing. He slept for at least two hours this time.

"Are we in Sento Town?"

"Qianteng Town has passed a long time ago. We are in Wuliu County. Qianteng Town is just a small town with more than 300 people. If the team wants to have good supplies, they have to come here." He Yue said with a smile, "Wuliu County Magistrate Send someone to send a message that they will hold a banquet at Hongtai Tower to calm the news for us. "

"Is Magistrate Wuliu so attentive?" He Lingchuan was startled, "He is really well-informed."

"Xianling Village, Qianteng Town, and Desheng Town, the locations of this incident all belong to Wuliu County." He Yue walked out with him, "The county magistrate has heard that the traitors have reunited here to massacre the village, and are chasing Wang Members of the imperial court are deeply shocked, so they would like to express their deepest condolences to us."

Does the royal official refer to the father? Hey, yes, He Chunhua has received a certificate of appointment. Legally, he is the general manager of Xiazhou, and he is indeed a local official.

The magistrate of Wuliu County should be diligent. Thinking of this, He Lingchuan stretched out happily and looked around: "Hey, there are so few people in the team?"

"The inn in the county is not small, and the squire provided us with two villages for free accommodation. So many of us have settled down. Furthermore, the civilians in Xianling Village have left the team in Qianteng Town, and Wuliu County will follow Take over the settlement.”

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