After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 172 The Second Spiritual Weapon

He Lingchuan casually took the broken knife and made the exact same movement, two feet further away from the board.

With a snap, the board snapped into two pieces.

Before the sword body arrives, the sword energy comes first.

Li Fubo couldn't help but be moved: "It's a good sword. Even though the blade is broken, the mind is still there, and it's still awake!"

Mao Tao interjected: "Is Daoxin still awake and sleeping?"

"Of course there is. After the magic weapon is broken, even if the mind can still be preserved, it will probably fall into a deep sleep. This knife of Master He is interesting, well, interesting!"

He Lingchuan only cared about: "Can it be repaired? We must keep the eye of the blade."

"This sword has become a spiritual weapon and has a strong character. Although it is broken, it is still there. It would be a pity to re-cast it."

He Lingchuan was slightly startled. The Broken Sword was already a spiritual weapon? That’s not what the people at the craftsman’s shop said before leaving Blackwater City.

It's only been a month, and Broken Blade has actually been upgraded?


Li Fubo caressed the spine of the knife and couldn't put it down. "If you want to preserve the blade's edge and completely repair it, you can't use conventional methods. Well, you can try the method of planting knives."

Maotao couldn't help but interject: "Can a knife be used for planting?"

I’ve heard of growing vegetables and trees, but I’ve never heard of growing knives.

"Generally speaking, if a sword is broken, it is broken, and it can only be recast. But if it develops spirituality, it has to find another way. After all, spirituality from metal and stone is the real thing." Li Fubo stroked his beard He said, "The gecko's broken tail can grow back. If the blade is broken, it may not be unable to regenerate. It's just that the conditions are more stringent."

As long as it can be repaired, Songyang Mansion will probably have its mouth opened. He Lingchuan secretly exhaled: "Master Li, please make an offer."

The broken knife given to him by Zhong Shengguang was still a defective product with many flaws; he wanted to know, what would happen if the knife was completely repaired?

"It's not up to me to set the price! The most I charge is a handmade fee." Li Fubo waved his hands repeatedly, "The method of 'growing knives' is extremely unpopular, and it must be made of gold."

Sure enough, in the end, there was no getting around the metal. He Lingchuan laughed: "Your store is also one of the best in the capital. I guess you don't lack this kind of material?"

Manager Zhao couldn't help but said: "Young Master He, the amount of tungsten gold in existence is less than that of meteorite iron. We only have two pieces in our store. The entire Shihuan City has not received new tungsten gold in the past three years."

Li Fubo responded: "Even in the Qian Mountain where it originates, Qi gold is not easy to find. It doesn't even have veins, but is transformed by the spirit of gold. This thing runs all over the mountains and hides when it sees people. It's basically impossible to catch it. It just depends on chance.”

"Then what is the price of this opportunity?" He Lingchuan certainly knew that rare things can be bought, but he was actually a little uneasy in his heart. He can get away with this little money in Blackwater City, but in Shihuan where celebrities and wealthy people gather, I'm afraid...

"Last year, the Hengshui store next door sold a piece of gold, which was only half the size of our collection. The price was fifteen yuan for a third-grade Xuanjing, totaling six kilograms."

He Lingchuan and the two were shocked when they heard the words "Third Grade Xuanjing". After the Emperor's Ooze lands on the ground, a small part will penetrate into the ground and turn into black crystals. Its effectiveness and properties will be greatly changed, but it is still the best source for practitioners to supplement their true power. Its grade is divided into three levels: upper, middle and lower according to color, and each level has three grades.

This upper third level is beyond the reach of ordinary practitioners standing on tiptoe.

He Lingchuan knew the price of Xuan Jing very well, and he had a mid-level and low-grade piece in his arms, just one piece. This thing is outrageous in terms of weight!

Manager Zhao continued: "You also know that Xuan Jing of this grade is generally not priced in gold or silver. If you have to convert it, the current price per catty is about 20,000 taels."

One hundred and twenty thousand taels! The price of buying a piece of thallium gold actually starts at 120,000 taels! Maotao managed to keep her expression unchanged, but her nostrils dilated and her breathing became heavy.

120,000 taels of silver are stacked together. How big is the pile?

He had been robbing on Hongya Road for many years, and the whole group of bandits collected money from others to buy the road. After taking into account various expenses, the real income in the past fifteen years was at most a quarter of this amount.

He Lingchuan stroked his chin and remained calm: "It's really..." It's so expensive! Even if he is a "rich young man", his monthly allowance is only two to three hundred taels of silver. Where can he come up with 120,000 taels? "It's not cheap."

The money that could dominate one's country for a lifetime could only buy a piece of metal for sword repair under the emperor's feet.

It seems that if he wants to go smoothly on this path of spiritual practice, he will have to find other ways to earn money.

Manager Zhao nodded in agreement: "Yes, this spiritual weapon is really not cheap to maintain. However, although this sword is good, it is broken after all, which will be very inconvenient when fighting the enemy. Young Master He might as well look for another weapon, there are many choices in our store ”

He Lingchuan was dumbfounded. Should he scold him for looking down on others, or should he thank him for his thoughtfulness? He rolled his eyes: "Are you so sure that I can't afford gold?"

Manager Zhao had seen too many of these second-generation ancestors pretending to be 13, so he smiled and waved his hand: "This thing is indeed too expensive. In business, I also hope to save some costs for you." If you have money, take it. Come out, why bother talking nonsense?

He Lingchuan tapped his fingers on the table twice as if thinking, and then asked the craftsman Li Fubo: "How much gold will it take to repair my broken knife?"

Li Fubo immersed himself in mental calculations, and after a while he said: "It's slightly smaller than the one sold by Hengshui Store, so that's enough."

That’s over nine hundred thousand, right? I sold Mr. He several times but couldn't get the money together.

But he didn't panic and turned to ask Manager Zhao: "Are you collecting spiritual weapons here too?"

Manager Zhao was stunned: "Do you still have a spiritual weapon?"

The following artifacts are spiritual weapons.

In this world, it is impossible for magical weapons to exist, so spiritual weapons are among the top. Even if the quality is slightly worse, major sales houses have to compete for them. In the capital of Dayuan Kingdom and the sales house in Shihuan City, only one new spiritual weapon appeared in the past year. But this little upstart said he not only had one, but two more?

Is it intact?

Does it work?

Of course, the well-trained manager Zhao will not say this idea publicly, but just smiles like a full moon: "Can you take a look?"

He Lingchuan took out the purple gold pestle from the storage ring and put it on the table with a thud: "Master Li, take a look."

This precious pestle is purple gold in color, with runes all over its surface. A monster is carved on the top, with a wide nose, a big mouth, protruding eyes and jaws, and four pull rings on the soles of its feet. The end of the treasure pestle is sharpened like a vertebrae.

Master Li exclaimed, held it up with both hands and took a closer look. The tip of his nose was almost touching the pestle. He couldn't help but say "ah" again: "Master He, where did you get this treasure?"

He Lingchuan leaned back and said, "First tell me whether it is a spiritual weapon and how much it is worth." The purple golden pestle had been eating dust in his storage ring for several months, and finally it could be put to some use.

Manager Zhao also stared directly at the treasured pestle, his eyes getting bigger and rounder, and he hesitated: "This, this can't be... I saw it right!"

They are all members of the Qi Sect and are close to the capital. How could they not know about such a famous treasure?

He didn't care about losing his composure, and said to Li Fubo: "Master Li, please check it, check it!" Then he said to He Lingchuan, "I'm sorry, we want to authenticate it."

"No problem, just test it." Real gold is not afraid of fire.

Next, Li Fubo took out an unknown potion and dropped it on the pestle. The runes on it immediately flew out of the pestle and slowly rotated around the pestle. Li Fubo looked at it without even blinking, and said for a long time: "It's the Yaoshan Curse, that's right."

Then he walked quickly to the inner hall, took out a piece of metal the size of a finger, and approached the pestle-headed beast's head.

The beast head originally closed its eyes and remained motionless, but then suddenly opened its eyes and swallowed the piece of metal in one gulp.

"Why go to all this trouble? What a waste of fine gold." He Lingchuan stretched out his broken knife and struck the beast's head three times, "Hey, wake up and sing twice for me."

The monster didn't look at him at first, but now it became even more angry and roared at him three times, as loud as an ox, which made the dust on the beams rustle off.

But Manager Zhao and Li Fubo laughed from ear to ear: "It is indeed the Wind-Mocking Beast! It is indeed Sun Guoshi's Purple Gold Pestle!"

"Is this Chaofeng?" He couldn't blame He Lingchuan for not being able to recognize him. The nine sons of Longsheng, except for the one carrying the stele, all looked similar.

"It is said that when this purple-gold pestle was cast, a trace of Chaofeng's soul was added to it." Li Fubo praised, "Even if we want to cast such a treasure now, we can't find such a precious beast soul."

Manager Zhao couldn't help but added: "May I ask Mr. He, where does this treasure come from?"

The more valuable a treasure is, the more important it is to pay attention to its origin. Songyang Mansion is a famous family of Qi Sect and cannot blatantly accept stolen goods.

"This is our eldest son's trophy!" Mao Tao answered at the right moment, triumphantly, "That old thief Sun Fuping was defeated at the hands of our lord and eldest son He!"

The three people opposite were moved together. Manager Zhao lost his voice and said: "It turns out that Mr. He is from Qiansong County, Qiansong County..."

The news of former Imperial Master Sun Fuping's death in the Panlong Desert had spread throughout the capital a few months ago, and Shi Huancheng, one of the accompanying capitals, would certainly not miss this news.

"The former governor of Qiansong County, Master He is now the general manager of Xiazhou."

Manager Zhao's attitude towards He Lingchuan immediately changed. Not only did he smile attentively, but he also bent down lower: "Such a treasure cannot be decided by a villain, so you need to ask for instructions. Mr. He, can you wait a moment?"

He Lingchuan waved his hand: "As soon as possible." It looked promising.

Manager Zhao immediately took Li Fubo back. The boy who stayed behind came forward and gave each of the two distinguished guests a cup of hot tea.

Manager Zhao and the two walked straight through the back hall, went out from the small door at the back of Songyang Mansion, passed through two alleys, and walked into a large house.

The area of ​​the house is half that of Songyang Mansion, but unlike the bustling house there, there are only ten servants in this huge house, and everyone walks lightly.

The wintersweet is in bloom, and the snow on the trails has been swept clean. Gold plates are hung on branches that have lost all their leaves, with millet and pine nuts inside for birds and squirrels to eat in winter. Manager Zhao passed by a glazed greenhouse and saw from a distance the exotic flowers and plants inside, as if they were not affected by the weather.

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