After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 218 The evil things Mr. Li has done

It can be seen from the food account alone that his job will not be easy after taking over Xiazhou.

Supporting the front line must be a task that Xiazhou cannot refuse. The front line was critical, and He Chunhua had to dig up the ground three feet to get the men, horses, and food together.

"Old Master Zhu wrote a letter saying that the manager has just arrived in Xiazhou, and he wants to raise troops next?"

"Yes, and we have to do it quickly." The family that He Chunhua brought over from Blackwater City only had 300 people. On the way, he recruited Wu Shaoyi's tribe, so he now had 600 men.

This small number of manpower is not enough to fight the war. He will recruit troops as soon as he arrives in Xiazhou.

When Dayuan was founded, local governors did not have the power to recruit troops and were uniformly dispatched by the central government. Today, the royal court is often overwhelmed with self-care, and uprisings are common in various places, so it tacitly allows local officials to privately recruit troops and raise their own food and wages.

In Qiansong County, He Chunhua had already mastered this skill from working alone to building a complete team, and he wanted to show off his skills when he arrived in Xiazhou.

"Then Manager He needs to know that there are four major families in Dunyu and the surrounding seven counties, and their relationships are intertwined and intricate. They basically control the lifeline of the capital, and other families follow their lead. Among them, the Li and Shu families started from Dayuan. He has taken root here in eight years and even has his own private army. The first two managers of Xiazhou have established good relations with them. "Manager Qian's attitude is very sincere, "Without their support, it will be difficult for you to do things in Xiazhou. "

He Chunhua raised his eyebrows: "The four iron-clad families, the smooth manager of Xiazhou?"

Manager Qian couldn't answer the question, so he went to open the door and brought in a few thick books: "This is the information you want on Dunyu and the four families, including population, family background, and network of contacts. I will try my best to collect it, but it may not be comprehensive. Some secretly Even villains have no way of knowing what they are doing.”

"Okay, tell me first, who is in charge of Xiazhou's military affairs in Dunyu for me now?"

"Peng Ju'an is engaged in military affairs." Manager Qian has a good memory, "He is in charge of 1,600 to 700 soldiers and horses."

"Where does he live?"

"Qingping Township is only about ten miles away from Dunyu."

He Chunhua nodded and asked, "Has the news of my entry into Xiazhou been passed on?"

"Everyone knows that the new general manager is coming, but we don't know exactly when he will arrive in Dunyu." Qian Guan said matter-of-factly, "But since you have been here for two days, I think the news has spread like wildfire. There are also four families in Ru County. industry and manpower.”

"It's true that I have been to the county government office in Ru County in the past two days." He Chunhua breathed out, "Thank you very much. You are very reliable in your work. I will ask Mr. Zhu to give you a special commendation."

Manager Qian's face was filled with joy, and he immediately added: "In addition, not only the common people in Xiazhou have fled to famine recently, but the wealthy gentry have also fled south. The difference is that some people are willing to flee north to Xunzhou, while the rich can only retreat south. The four major families, Xie and Zhan, have recently sold off their property and dismissed their servants. According to their servants, the master’s family is ready to retreat.”

Mo Zhe Jingxuan shook his head: "They are taking the lead to leave, and I'm afraid people's hearts will become even more unstable."

"Who says it's not the case? It's not easy for Mr. General Manager to take orders at a critical moment. I wish you good luck." Manager Qian bowed to He Chunhua and left.

He Lingchuan stretched, pointed at the book and said, "Dad, reading is not my strong point."

"You don't have to look." He Chunhua said to everyone, "The situation in Dunyu is basically as Manager Qian said, and there is very little discrepancy with the intelligence I collected. The journey of thousands of miles is finally coming to an end. Now let's discuss how to deal with it after entering Dunyu. ”

As a result, this rest room lasted only a few hours.

Lao Mo came in and added charcoal, delivered meals, and added oil lamps.

At the end of the meeting, He Chunhua was full of energy and said to his subordinates: "If there are no accidents, we will implement these."

Everyone solemnly responded "yes" and then left.

After all the rest, including the He family brothers, were gone, the housekeeper Lao Mo unexpectedly brought in Manager Qian again.

These were the only three people on the field.

Manager Qian had just sat in the back and took a nap to relieve the fatigue from the road when he saw Lao Mo handing over a ten-tael silver ingot. Manager He said warmly: "It's hard to do this errand. Thank you for your hard work."

"How dare you!" Even so, Manager Qian still put away Dayin.

"Let me confirm again, the person who spoke to the Li family of Dunyu is still Li Zhao?" He Chunhua frowned, "Is he Li Shangshu's second uncle?"

"Yes, kiss my second uncle." Manager Qian said, "If you can get through his joint, the Li family will not have a problem."

"I'm afraid he is the biggest problem." He Chunhua thought for a while, "If I remember correctly, he is almost seventy, right?"

"I just celebrated my seventieth birthday a few days ago." Manager Qian said with a smile, "The locals say that Mr. Li Zhaoli is the real leader of Dunyu. Although the Li family's business is also open to the younger generation, but when encountering For important matters, you have to go to Mr. Li.”

He gave a thumbs up: "In Dunyu, no matter how big the trouble is, if the highly respected Mr. Li comes forward, everything will be resolved."

"Awesome." He Chunhua said lightly, "Does the big trouble include a fire in the granary?"

"After I heard about this incident, Mr. Li became very angry. In the end, the grain officer and the two unlucky guys who were blamed by the government were sent to the capital. I heard that they have been tried and will be executed in the future."

"If you dare to send people over, you are sure that they dare not speak." He Chunhua nodded, "Yes, there is still Li Shangshu in the capital. I really hope they can have this ability when facing Nian Zanli's army."

Manager Qian sighed: "They can't do the fighting."

"In other words, Li Zhao is the backbone and anchor of the entire Li family."


He Chunhua smiled: "How is the old man's health?"

"He is tough, his eyesight is clear, and his back is not hunched over. He has been taking good care of him." Manager Qian smiled bitterly, "I think he will live longer than me."

"Okay, then I want you to do two more things." He Chunhua raised a finger, "First of all, ask Mr. Li if he has done anything wrong, that is, a past that has made him sleepless and unforgettable for the rest of his life. "

"Is it difficult to sleep and eat, something you will never forget?" Manager Qian tried hard to remember, "Hiss - it seems like it really happened!"

He Chunhua reminded him: "As people grow older, he should have done a lot of bad things, but most of them he won't take it to heart."

If there are too many lice, you won’t bite them, and if you do too many bad things, you may not care.

"The first thing I heard from the old man in Dunyu was that when Mr. Li was in his forties, his third son must marry a commoner. Somehow, Li Zhao actually got involved with his third daughter-in-law, whom he had never married. He also made his belly bigger. There was no other way, so his third daughter-in-law became his seventh concubine."

When talking about this kind of thing, Manager Qian couldn't help but wink: "Not long after, my concubine suddenly died of illness. She was still seven months old at the time. One body and two lives."

"Slowly, rumors spread in the market that the concubine did not die of illness because she did not have Mrs. Li's seed in her belly. How could Mrs. Li tolerate this cuckold and asked people to drag her away and bury her alive? He said he died of illness and was buried well. The woman screamed before she died, scolding the old man for a good death. "

He Chunhua's brows furrowed and never relaxed: "It's so lifelike, how credible is it?"

"A few days later, wild dogs dragged out a female corpse from a mass grave. There were signs of being tied up on her body, and there was dirt and sand in her throat. She must have been buried alive." Manager Qian said, "Judging from the time, it matches. ”

He Chunhua hummed: "Is there anything else?"

"Old Mrs. Li originally had a twin brother. The two had a great relationship and were inseparable. When they were teenagers, they went to the river to play in the water one summer. Suddenly a flash flood broke out. Both of them were in danger. There was only a small tree in the water for shelter. Li The old man seized the opportunity, or rather snatched it, and jumped up on his brother's shoulders. He was rescued ashore, but the tree broke and his brother was washed away. "

He Chunhua was very cautious: "Where did you hear this? Li Zhao is already seventy. How many people are there who know these things?"

The average lifespan of the citizens of Dayuan is only thirty-three years old, and it is a matter of luck for commoners to live to fifty.

"This was revealed by Mrs. Li's third son. Yes, the son who had his wife stolen by him was depressed. He said it when he was looking for someone to drink. He also said that everyone in the clan knew it. It was not a secret."

"Okay!" He Chunhua took out a gold ingot and put it on the table, "I want to trouble you to do one more thing for me. After the task is completed, there is also a gold ingot as a thank you gift."

Manager Qian hurriedly said: "You are the benefactor and honored guest of the Zhu family. You should dedicate yourself as much as a villain can!"

Zhu Xiyan expected that He Chunhua could open up a new business in Xiazhou, so he told Manager Qian to cooperate fully in the letter.

Then He Chunhua whispered the request.

Manager Qian was startled when he heard this.

"Can it be done?"

"I'll try my best, sir. Please wait patiently for a few days."

The next day, the Cingying Army did not continue to go north as originally planned because General Manager He was ill.

A passing nobleman was ill. When the magistrate of Ru County received the news, he came to visit him. He Chunhua, with a sallow complexion, lay on the bed to meet the guests. He said that he was tired from the journey and was infected with wind and cold, so he had to rest for a few days.

Of course, the magistrate of Ru County fully agreed and sent people to provide the most considerate and considerate services.

He Lingchuan and others heard that He Chunhua sent spies to Dunyu again, and it would take some time to go back and forth.

They do not fight unprepared battles. It’s only a few days, what can’t you wait for?

During the day, He Lingchuan would either adjust his breath to Ziwu Jue, or take Yao Yuan and Yanlang around the county town, showing off in a showy manner; at night, he would still fall asleep as usual, and continue to practice martial arts, serve as a patrol, earn military merit, and accept people's praises in the dreamland of Panlong.

Battles like the one in Ghost Needle Stone Forest were not common, and his days in the dreamland were also step by step.

Sun Fuling, who lives next door, is never at home. I don’t know where she went.


On the evening of the fourth day, guests from the Li family in Dunyu City came to their door.

The visitor was Shu Qian, the second brother of the head of the Shu family. He exchanged a few polite words with the head of the Li family, presented the gift for the visit, and patted the remaining snow on his neck: "Sorry to bother you, my brother asked me to deliver a message. , the newly appointed general manager of Xiazhou, He Chunhua, fell ill in the post station in Ru County. "

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