After the immortal disappeared

Chapter 236 Competition in the Arena

Seeing this, what doesn't He Lingchuan understand? This guy, Slim, is actually opening the handicap in the south courtyard!

"Is this okay?"

"What's wrong?" A Luo gave a rare smile, "Only when you have a gambling board can you become popular."

He Lingchuan thought the same thing. Watching football without placing bets is equivalent to having no soul.

"Have you seen the largest martial arts arena?" Aluo pointed to the south. "It has fences but no walls. It is open to the public. The martial arts competitions held there are grand, and the audience in the audience is very enthusiastic every time. At least more than seven or eight hundred people placed bets.”

Panlong City advocates martial arts, regardless of whether it is military or civilian.

After the thin man distributed the money, the people around him dispersed. He also saw He Lingchuan and the two of them. He quickly adjusted his shirt that had been pulled off, walked over and said with a smile, "Hey, the newcomer is here?"

A Luo said at the right time: "You guys play, I'll sit in the hall." After that, he walked to the coffin building. The man who had just been knocked down on the field had a dislocated jaw and needed his treatment.

The thin man grabbed He Lingchuan and said, "Want to make some money?"

"How to make money?"

"You are a newcomer, and no one knows your strength. I will find a few opponents for you, and they will guarantee that they are not as good as you. If we win, we will split the money in half?"

He Lingchuan smiled: "Sounds good, but I just want to find a reliable opponent. Not too weak, not enough to beat me to the ground." He didn't want to waste time.

The thin man didn't give up and asked again: "You really don't want to make money?"

He Lingchuan glanced at him.

"Okay, okay, I understand. Willow said you are new to learning hook ropes. How are you doing?"

"I'm just getting started, so I'm not very proficient." He Lingchuan said truthfully, "It still takes some time. Why do you do everything?"

"Doesn't this help subsidize the family?" the thin man said with a smile, "How can you, a bachelor who has enough to feed the whole family, understand the hard work of a man who supports the family? Every day when you open your eyes, there are so many mouths waiting for food. Wait, I will give it to you Find a rival."

It seemed that he was also very familiar with the South Campus of Yuewu Hall. He whistled and shouted: "Hook, someone challenges you!"

The man who had successfully defended the ring half a quarter of an hour ago turned around and asked: "Who?"

The thin man patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder: "I found a great young man for you. This is He Lingchuan who is in the limelight recently..."

He Lingchuan took a step forward and interrupted the thin man's introduction: "Hello, I am Duandao."

There are rumors in Panlong City about his heroic deeds of saving an army by one man in the Ghost Needle Stone Forest. This wave of limelight has not passed yet. Everyone knows that his name is "He Lingchuan", but not many people know that his patrol code name is "Broken Knife". ".

So the challenger hooked his finger at him and said, "Come on, choose a weapon."

At the edge of the martial arts arena are weapon racks, both conventional and off-the-beaten-path. He Lingchuan even saw a giant mace that stood almost at chest level, but the blunt iron was replaced with wood.

The thin man took the time to teach He Lingchuan the instructions: "In the martial arts competition at Yue Wu Hall, only the weapons provided here are allowed. Private use is not allowed, and Yuan power is not allowed to be used. If the opponent loses the ability to attack or admits defeat, the fight must be stopped. In addition, the battle must be stopped. , there are no taboos, and it didn’t say it couldn’t kill people. Oh, by the way, the best hook is the double tiger claw hook, but there is no one on the weapon rack..."

Before he finished speaking, Hook picked up the wooden ax and large shield on the ground. These were also the weapons he used to defeat his previous opponent.

Because it is a defensive weapon, the shield is not made of wood, but a regular square iron shield, but without spikes or angles.

He Lingchuan thought for a while and chose a wooden knife.

This is the most conventional and effective weapon on the battlefield, and it is also the one he is currently most skilled in using.

Hook walked back to the center of the ring, raised his ax and hit the shield: "Come on!"

He Lingchuan jumped into the arena, the two of them saluted across from each other, and the competition began.

The crowd immediately gathered around, and the thin man shouted again: "'Broken Knife' versus 'Hook', the rookie's debut, the odds are very high! Come on, place your bets!"

This guy really fell into the eyes of money. He Lingchuan shook his head. The figure flashed in front of him, and the hook was in front of him.

So fast!

This guy lifts an ax and a shield, and is shirtless to show off his muscles. At first glance, he looks like a strong athlete, but he is also very flexible on his feet.

The big shield in his left hand moved upwards from bottom to top and hit He Lingchuan on the chin. Once hit, the opponent is likely to be knocked away and lose a tooth. It is commonly known as the "sky cannon". This is how the unlucky guy's jaw was dislocated just now.

If He Lingchuan dodges, his upper body will definitely lean back, and then the ax in his right hand will arrive and hit He Lingchuan's knees directly.

In actual combat, this can destroy the enemy's base.

But his shield and ax were both empty.

Hook's shield was smashed upwards. He Lingchuan put one hand on the top of the shield, and with a slight exertion on his toes, he jumped over Hook's head!

This time it was really like being carried up to the sky by a hook. His body weighing more than 140 kilograms was still like catkins in the wind. It was his hard training in the "Yan Hui" movement that paid off.

The thin man and everyone in the audience couldn't help but cheer.

Hook's big shield blocked the top of his head. He Lingchuan did a somersault and jumped back, and swung his long knife across the back of Hook's neck.

At this time, the hook's ax had just struck out when there was a "pop" sound, and the back of his neck hurt. The wooden knife had already left a red mark on his skin.

He Lingchuan landed and stood four feet away.

"Behead!" the thin man shouted, "the winner has been decided!"

If it were an actual fight, He Lingchuan's sword would have already chopped off his opponent's head.

There was thunderous applause from the audience.

Hook shook his head and turned to look at He Lingchuan: "Why are you..."

He Lingchuan smiled and said, "That's how you won before." He could see clearly how Hook defeated his opponent off the court, and he also thought of countermeasures. This guy just wanted to use the same move against two people, but he was too trusting.

Besides, He Lingchuan had suffered from the "Sky Cannon" trick before, so there was no reason to get wet twice in the same river.

Hook suddenly realized and was a little annoyed: "Come again!"

"Can you wait?" The thin man was also worried, "I haven't opened the handicap yet!" The battle just lasted only one round, and the audience in the audience had no time to place their bets.

It was a loss. Broken Knife could have made a lot of money in its debut, but this time it was a big loss!

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly a strong voice sounded from the audience, and then someone stood out from the crowd.

This is a bald man with a head and body like a bear. He has thick hair on his hands and face. He looks like a black bear spirit.

Although his eyes were small, they flickered with fierceness, glaring at anyone with fear.

Everyone else subconsciously gave way to him.

He Lingchuan couldn't help but take a deep breath. He actually recognized this person. It was his first time coming to Yuewu Hall, so why did he meet so many familiar faces?

This guy is Monsanto.

He Lingchuan entered the Coiling Dragon Dreamland for the second time in his life, and fought side by side with the Gale Army in the river valley interception battle, cutting off the retreat for the fleeing people of Weicheng. And this Meng Shan is the hundred-man general in the pursuit of Baling, and he is unstoppable as soon as he appears!

In just one round, He Lingchuan's arm was broken by him. Mengshan's move was exactly the same as the hook just now, "Sky Cannon".

But when used by Mengshan, the power is far more than doubled.

Now Meng Shan grinned at He Lingchuan, showing his strong white teeth: "Boy, I remember you."

He Lingchuan frowned: "Is your leg injury healed?"

At that time, Mengshan was assassinated by the giant animal trap that he and his companions buried on the ground, and one of his legs was broken. Only then did Mengshan have to end the highlight moment of the rampage, and was unfortunately captured.

Of course Meng Shan remembered it. When he heard these words, he laughed a few times and his eyes became more fierce.

A Luo emerged from nowhere and stood at the edge of the ring: "After Meng Shan was captured, General Red personally persuaded him to surrender, and he has surrendered to Panlong City." He paused, "Now, he is our comrade-in-arms."

This guy was actually persuaded to surrender by the Red General himself, so he has a good reputation!

Meng Shan pointed to the north and smiled triumphantly: "I joined the Gale Army today and was directly promoted to team leader. Now I will enter the North Campus."

There was a burst of envy in the south courtyard of Yuewu Hall, and many people cursed: "This surrendered general actually entered the north courtyard earlier than us!"

"What's so great about him is that he's big!"

Complaints are complaints, but no one has any objections. After all, Mengshan's strength is directly proportional to his size.

This is a person who was personally persuaded to surrender and given guidance by the Red General. His ability is even higher than that of ordinary Sergeant Dafeng. What's more, he also served as a centurion in the original elite Baling army. He took the lead in battles and was a mini-boss-level figure. It's not surprising that he was promoted to captain after joining the Gale Army.

The appointment of talents is inherently eclectic.

"You unscrupulous people, why don't you fall behind grandpa and eat ashes!" Meng Shan didn't care at all. He made indescribable gestures to everyone, then turned to He Lingchuan and said, "Shall we make gestures?"

Seeing the fierce light in his eyes, no one would misunderstand his "good intentions".

He was still brooding over the defeat at that time, and wanted to make amends with He Lingchuan, one of the parties involved.

Just as He Lingchuan was about to speak, the thin man grabbed his arm and reminded him quickly: "You don't have to fight, he is no longer from the South Courtyard! This bear dominated the South Courtyard earlier, and he was very ruthless. A Luo saved seven or eight people during his sitting in the court. Every injured patient was defeated by him, and the one with the least serious injury would need more than ten days to get out of bed!"

The subtext is that he can easily knock you down.

He Lingchuan was also a little touched in his heart. The thin guy even sold his underwear for money, but he was pretty good to his comrades.

Then the thin man's next sentence was: "You will definitely lose, there is nothing to win in this round!"

"..." He Lingchuan shook off his hand, stepped forward and said to Meng Shan, "Choose a weapon."

Oh, another one who is not afraid of death, the warrior next to him whistled wildly.

Audiences from several other martial arts arenas heard the sound and gathered over, filling the place with water.

Everyone was smiling and pointing, as happy as a holiday.

Mengshan laughed: "Good boy, today grandpa will teach you how to be a new man!" After that, he walked to the weapon rack and straight away pulled out the biggest, thickest and heaviest mace!

This is almost carved from a whole log, with countless wooden thorns embedded in it as "wolf teeth". It is not as powerful as iron nails, but in Mengshan's hands, blowing off a human head is no different from cracking a coconut, and it doesn't take a second time.

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